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Entries in Palestinian issues (2)


Time to Wake Up & Smell the ISIS Arabic Coffee!

So then who has ultimately released the truth here? ISIS terrorist's own propaganda machine. Why? It sure shows who's on top winning this war of Allah verses the Infidels. It really gives anybody in the region a sudden, serious moment of the stark reality - "We're really in deep yak doo-doo now!"

Up to 500 prisoners from the minority Yazidi faith are said to have been killed by ISIS ‘death squads’ of jihadi gunmen in recent days. Yazidi women were being raped while their husbands were tortured, slaughtered or beheaded. Little children were given no mercy as they were terrorized in same manner. Some 40 Yazidi children are reported to be among the dead, after being driven from their homes by the brutal Islamist terrorist offensive in northern Iraq.

Yazidi women in House of Parliament protest.

All image sizes have been reduced to minimize the visual shock value of the brutal murderous acts and the impact of terror in the graphics but still convey a picture of the ISIS Islamist terrorist travesties. 

So what was released to world-wide newspapers by the ISIS propaganda machine?

  • Sunni tribesmen made deals with ISIS to be left alone but their agreements had collapsed as tribesmen were marched into desert, made to kneel and shot in the head.

  • Yazidi prisoners were lined up and executed, their severed heads put on display as a warning to others and graphic photographs of ISIS atrocities. This ISIS terrorist appears smiling as he slits the throat of this young boy to behead him with a hunting knife.
  • Punishment for those who fight Allah and his Messengers is to be shot and crucified, head severed or have hands and feet cut off. The chilling images of those victims have now emerged and were released by the group’s expertly managed propaganda machine. 


I must say I was quite taken aback by the casualness of the crowds of onlookers surrounding those quite public executions sites. In all of the pictures you will notice that cell phones were out, videos running and pictures snapped as all these heinous crimes were going down. It's as if no one there witnessed any atrocities or even noticed or realized that these were human beings being tortured, mutilated and murdered as they were dying right before their eyes.

So what are those pictures telling us about these tolerent 'religious' Islamist followers, these Muslim people who are now living in Iraq and Syria under the protection of ISIS terrorists with their ultra-extremist 'Wahhabist' Islamic beliefs? (All 9/11 NYC terrorists were Saudia Arabian Wahhbist Muslims.)

It looks like the Mullahs, their teachers, will instruct them in their schools, madrassas, about the Quran, Sharia Laws and the Islamic Caliphate taking over the world too. (See their 'Introduction to the Fatwa' text book - English version for U.S. madrassas) The United States being the 'Big Satan', (Persian شيطان بزرگ Shaytân-e Bozorg), doesn't look like the U.S. is in their future except as an adversary.

Should we even care any more about this region? We can be concerned about campaigns to kill the Muslim terrorists plotting against us and forget about any more delusions of 'nation rebuilding' wars for freedom with our own 'blood and treasure.' However, we should offer countries or people ongoing U.S. aid for humanitarian activities and assistance.  

Otherwise, it's pretty much hopeless in the next one hundred years or so, it doesn't look like it'll be much better off than it is today. The Muslim masses will still be angry, uneducated, poor, hungry, jihadi terrorists fighting for the Islamic Caliphate guided by fanatical Imams.  


Those Double Dealing Jew Standards

Haven't you read the world's leading newspapers from like the N.Y. Times to the  

London Guardian; watched news on al Jazeera, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS; listened to talk radio by Alan Combs, Thom Hartmann; read blogs like Daily Kos, Salon, Young Turks, Liberal Oasis, Huffington Post; or seen late show hosts Jimmy Fallon, David Letterman, Jon Stewart as they describe the Muslim unrest around the world?

According to most of those sources above, Muslim terrorist violence appears as so much 'tra-la-la', 'fiddly-dee' and 'much ado about nothing'; after all, it's hardly a 'moral outrage', a 'criminal act', an 'appalling deed' since it's only Muslims killing other Muslims stretching across Africa, the middle East, So. East Asia into Europe. 

In closer analysis, the above sourced references are all left-leaning main-stream print news outlets, liberal media, political pundits, blog sites and Hollywood entertainment personalities who constantly give bias news coverage selectively when reporting on the Islamic jihad and the conquest of the ultimate Muslim Caliphate seeking the submission of other countries under Islam according to Sharia Laws.  

In the worldwide frenzy of Muslim news headlines, some are worth noting: 

  • In Iraq, 1,600 people were killed in July. The U.N. Envoy, Nickolay Mladenov said, "I am concerned about rising numbers in Iraq."
  • In Syria, 1,800 people were killed in just the last 10 days of July. The U.S. State Dept's only press release stated, "We are funding a project to document the current conditions of cultural heritage sites for future restoration and preservation." How about those killings?
  • In Nigeria, 3,000 were killed this year so far. Boko Harum has turned its fury on Muslims who fight against the jihadist group and another 500,000 were made refugees fleeing homes. U.N. Spokesman Mr. Ban issued a statement, "I condemn Boko's attacks."
  • In Libya, 200 people were killed last month in artillery and rocket clashes between rival militias. Another 22 were killed by Islamist groups attacking Tripoli Airport. A joint statement by France, Italy, Germany, U.K., and U.S. noted only, "We strongly condemn the ongoing violence across the country which jeopardizes the peaceful transition and severely affects the lives of the Libyan people."
  • In Pakistan, 376 terrorists have been killed and more than 1,500 Pakistani civilians in last six weeks. The Pakistani military launched a major ground offensive with a 'house-to-house' search for terrorists leaders and militants which included 'blowing up underground tunnels and preparation factories for explosives'. [Sure appears similar actions to Israeli operations.] There have been no comments by the U.S. State Dept. or other governments on these killings. 

So why all the commotion about Israel defending it's sovereignty and people from Muslim militants' attacks by returning fire?

  • In Israel, 7 civilians plus 3 Islamic Jihadists, 10 people total, were killed by an Israeli strike in Gaza near a U.N.-run school that launched rocket fire into Israel that harbored militant terrorists. [The 10 people are certainly fewer than the 8,476 people killed in all the other incursions and intifadas cited above.]

The anti-Israel 'saturation news coverage' of the strike as outrage was fomented furiously everywhere. U,N, Sec. General Ban Kimoon called the hit "a moral outrage and criminal act." The U.S. State Dept. pronounced itself "appalled." The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) had a  "march next to the Washington White House to protest the Gaza attack." All the major mainstream media outlets responded with "over-the-top frenzied coverage and hysterical analysis."

The world's nations are outraged by the acts of self-defense by Israeli Jews. The Palestinian authority is seeking the Hague and International Criminal Court, ICC, to hold 'war crimes' trials demanding 'punishment for those responsible' in killing Muslims; but when Muslims kill Muslims there is only 'concern' and 'condemnation' for the killings. Where is the moral equivalency here? 

 "As for racism, people often point out how peculiar it is that the Jewish state seemsIslam - Yusuf al-Qaradawi in a weekly TV Show is a radical Muslim Brotherhood ideologue based in Qatar that seeks to undermine a peaceful resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and promotes Jewish antisemitism. to arouse a level of condemnation that never seems to apply equally elsewhere.

"But perhaps the real racism is the indifference to Muslim suffering around the world when the person dropping the bomb or pulling the trigger is another Muslim.

A world that makes a fetish of the alleged guilt of Israel is also a world that holds too much Muslim life cheap."