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Forgetaboutit: Islam Terrorists want No Peace!


The Islamic State is ascendant with burgeoning attacks and voracious killings of Christians and non-Muslims to terrorize the middle East while also threatening the United States too. Nearly two years of valuable time was idled with inaction and empty words by President Obama which has allowed the Islamic State to gain their strength and influence since his campaign rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin on November 1, 2012 where he declared, "al Qaeda is on the run and Osama Bin Laden is dead!" 

U.S. Congressman Eliot Engel (NY-D) the ranking minority member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee stated recently, "We have bad choices and the worst is doing nothing." His highly critical rhetoric is adding to the growing impatient voices of bi-partisan members of Congress that President Obama should seek Congressional approval for forceful military action against the Islamic State threat. Congressman Engel suggests some "boots on the ground" in order to crush the Islamic State to stem the violence while preserving integral infrastructures such as dams, power plants and roads too.

As victims of a broken ideology that is not a religion of peace, Muslim followers simply despise and curse other religions and unbelievers. Imams force a burden of guilt, a religious duty, into their culture onto Muslims who then compulsively seek to convert unbelievers or subject them to live under Sharia Law paying a dhimmitude tax or kill them. Jihadists, who struggle to be a good Muslims or believers as warriors for Islam while fighting to their own deaths are all promised an ultimate reward of seventy-five virgins waiting for them in heaven from Allah.

'Coexistence' will only happen when the radical Islamic State Caliphate is destroyed and a more secular Muslim population cools down the rhetoric and bellicose saber rattling. Still, they will be using the basic Islamic religious pejorative slur of 'infidel' for Jews, Christians and unbelievers. 

'Peace' will never happen within the literal context ever. Instead, it will be about 'getting along to get by' because the enormous Muslim population will not ever relent in its solemn duty to convert unbelievers to Islam; "There are no other Gods except Allah!"

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