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Ireland Through the Looking Glass

A Cracked View Clearly


Have you ever turned the telescope around and spied at yourself from that perspective?  It is refreshing to take a break from the American lens to focus on viewing ourselves through another optic.  I received this recent article published by website, Russian Television, which is provides an alternative perspective on major global events, and acquaints the international audience with the Russian viewpoint.

In 2013, RT completes the move of its studios, headquarters and Moscow offices to a brand-new, state of the art facility. Situated over 28,000 square meters, the new venue houses 6 studios, the latest technology and a staff of more than 2000 professionals; it processes more than 40 incoming satellite and terrestrial feeds, and concurrently streams 8 HD feeds. RT has a global reach of over 630 million people in 100+ countries, or more than 28% of all cable subscribers worldwide.

It was just the first of this month that Russian President Vladimir Putin in a meeting with President Obama delivered scathing remarks about the Obama administration supplying arms to the rebels opposing Syrian President Bashir Assad.  Putin ridiculed and admonished Obama for holding a blind eye to those same rebels cutting the organs, hearts and livers, out of their enemies and eating them. (See our Rovalocity June 13, 2013 Op-Ed Spin about this meeting)

It is with a jaundiced, journalistic eye that one can appreciate the following news story reporting a similar view with Putin on the Obama administration's decision to supply rebel firearms and munitions.  The Member of Parliament in Ireland takes the argument further by pointing to  "undermining secularism" in the region as a whole since this group is "radical Muslim" in a jihad to destroy the Big Satan America too.  

Obama Scandals Bringing Down Obamacare ProgramSo, what is Obama thinking anyway, that his constant "campaign rhetoric" stump speeches will solve all world problems? Seems like Fast & Furious, Benghazi, AP, NSA, IRS and FBI scandals are a pretty full plate with zero answers, arrests, convictions, fines or jail time for anyone. 

Obama is now focusing on helping Syria, Iran's ally, that totally hates us while risking entry into another unpopular war - Obama is desperate to take U.S. public attention off all of his scandals and so this Ireland visit has no play in mainstream U.S. news outlets which effectively buries any of Obama's critics on his diplomatic weaknesses and shortcomings in foreign security and global affairs. 

Ireland News Story

(Excerpts -  June 27, 2013)

US President Barack Obama waves as he poses for the group picture of the G8 summit at the Lough Erne resort near Enniskillen in Northern IrelandBarack Obama is a “war criminal” and a “hypocrite,” a MP, Member of Parliament, Clare Daly has said in a damning attack on the US president. The MP slammed the Irish media coverage treatment of the visit of Obama as akin to "a nation of pimps, prostituting ourselves in return for a pat on the head" during his G8 visit held in the five-star resort of Lough Erne, Northern Ireland.  

“It’s hard to know which is worse, whether it’s theFirst Lady Michelle Obama (C) her daughter Sasha (L) & Malia (R) during a visit to the Wicklow Mountains National Park. outpourings of the Obamas themselves, or the sycophantic fawning over them by sections of the media and the political establishment,” said Daly, saying that, "The Irish nation had been subjected to “unprecedented slobbering” over the presidential family." (Sure sounds like the news media  in the U.S. to me too.)

Rounding on the president, she condemned his speech to children in Northern Ireland about the peace process as the “biggest irony of all.” Citing Obama’s decision to supply the Syrian opposition with arms, she asked: “Is this person going for the hypocrite of the century award?”

“By any serious examination this man is a war criminal,” said Daly, accusing the Obama administration of purposely stalling the Geneva talks by increasing their backing for the Syrian opposition and undermining secularism in the region as a whole.

She called on the Irish government to take steps to “ensure no weapons go through Shannon [Airport] to Syria in breach of the international laws”.

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