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Ready for a Obamacare Single Payer System?


*Federal Spending Categories – The data is published by the Congressional Budget Office, and represents the average percentage of federal spending (not including interest expense) in each of the indicated categories for the period 2011-2040. As of 2011, our actual budget 'overall discretionary spending' is 30%, which can be argued back and forth within the colorful political debates on the floor of Congress. However, our 'total mandatory spending' is 70%, mandated by law, in which 40% are Medicare and Social Security entitlements while 20% are apportioned for the Department of Defense and the Veteran's Affairs, Education and agriculture and 10% for SNAP - Food stamps and Medicaid. It is not a negotiable budget with discretionary expenses and is extremely volatile to political pressures from various special interest lobbyist groups in Washington, DC.

Please note the shift from 2011 Actual Budget period ended compared to the 2011-2040 Projected Budget pie chart shown above that indicates even more allocation to Social Security for an ever-aging population. This is where the House and Senate must work out a 'balanced budget' under our Constitutional Laws - one that both sides can finally agree upon.

The Wild Card: Affordable Healthcare Act - Obamacare is not a funded entitlement program like Medicare. Under penalty of IRS law: It is taxed and paid annually by all citizens under 65 years old for funding comprehensive health insurance coverage for all patients.

Three Affordable Healthcare Act outcomes:

1. Taxpayers fund the entire Act going forward. 

2. Taxpayers do not fund the Act entirely while running a deficit.

3. Taxpayers fail to fund Act which is converted into 'Single Payer'.

Warning: If the Affordable Healthcare Act payments from enrollee taxes fail to fund that entire program; then upon the conversion to any proposed 'Single Payer Health Care' program, all congressional budgets are bankrupt and worthless too.

Remember: The Congressional debt reduction and spending budget debates are generational due to different time horizons (age) and expected benefits (payouts). The young payers are ordered to pay higher rates under penalty of law for their IRS health tax bills to support older beneficiaries. All future payouts for their own retirement benefits, theorectically, will be paid by upcoming younger health care payers. Young payers, the 'invincibles', are very skeptical about even needing health insurance and then doubt in ever receiving those retirement benefits too.   

  • Older people look at their immediate needs from retirement savings, social security, Medicare and healthcare programs.
  • Younger people look at their future needs for IRA savings accounts, investments, health insurance while planning ahead with social security and Medicare programs.

Recommendation: It's time to elect a majority of Republicans in the Senate and the House in 2014 ...and for the President not working across the Congressional aisles: In the Executive branch - it's time for a  Republican there in 2016 too! 

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