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Entries in Federal Budget Crisis (4)


Ready for a Obamacare Single Payer System?


*Federal Spending Categories – The data is published by the Congressional Budget Office, and represents the average percentage of federal spending (not including interest expense) in each of the indicated categories for the period 2011-2040. As of 2011, our actual budget 'overall discretionary spending' is 30%, which can be argued back and forth within the colorful political debates on the floor of Congress. However, our 'total mandatory spending' is 70%, mandated by law, in which 40% are Medicare and Social Security entitlements while 20% are apportioned for the Department of Defense and the Veteran's Affairs, Education and agriculture and 10% for SNAP - Food stamps and Medicaid. It is not a negotiable budget with discretionary expenses and is extremely volatile to political pressures from various special interest lobbyist groups in Washington, DC.

Please note the shift from 2011 Actual Budget period ended compared to the 2011-2040 Projected Budget pie chart shown above that indicates even more allocation to Social Security for an ever-aging population. This is where the House and Senate must work out a 'balanced budget' under our Constitutional Laws - one that both sides can finally agree upon.

The Wild Card: Affordable Healthcare Act - Obamacare is not a funded entitlement program like Medicare. Under penalty of IRS law: It is taxed and paid annually by all citizens under 65 years old for funding comprehensive health insurance coverage for all patients.

Three Affordable Healthcare Act outcomes:

1. Taxpayers fund the entire Act going forward. 

2. Taxpayers do not fund the Act entirely while running a deficit.

3. Taxpayers fail to fund Act which is converted into 'Single Payer'.

Warning: If the Affordable Healthcare Act payments from enrollee taxes fail to fund that entire program; then upon the conversion to any proposed 'Single Payer Health Care' program, all congressional budgets are bankrupt and worthless too.

Remember: The Congressional debt reduction and spending budget debates are generational due to different time horizons (age) and expected benefits (payouts). The young payers are ordered to pay higher rates under penalty of law for their IRS health tax bills to support older beneficiaries. All future payouts for their own retirement benefits, theorectically, will be paid by upcoming younger health care payers. Young payers, the 'invincibles', are very skeptical about even needing health insurance and then doubt in ever receiving those retirement benefits too.   

  • Older people look at their immediate needs from retirement savings, social security, Medicare and healthcare programs.
  • Younger people look at their future needs for IRA savings accounts, investments, health insurance while planning ahead with social security and Medicare programs.

Recommendation: It's time to elect a majority of Republicans in the Senate and the House in 2014 ...and for the President not working across the Congressional aisles: In the Executive branch - it's time for a  Republican there in 2016 too! 


The Absolute Truth: $222 Trillion U.S. Govt. Debt 

The political debates on the "U.S. National Debt Crisis" are again fast approaching while going into the 2014 mid-term elections season with senate and house seats up for grabs. Again the ideological and political gap between the parties remains wide with the partisan bickering and name calling as neither side wishes to be called "the party of NO" when the budget cuts lop off or reduce spending programs - So now what are those politicians doing for those seats? Answers: Same-O & Nada!

Entering into my discussion, I introduce Father Charles S. Casassa SJ, (1910-1989) chancellor emeritus of Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles,Father Charles S. Casassa SJ CA. He had an Italian name, an Irish face, a courtly manner, a highly intelligent and open mind and a reputation far and wide for achievements--in education, human relations, ecumenism and civil rights--his own love of learning inspired students with his passion for education and for the course materials.

My brother enrolled in Father Cassasa's Cosmology class in 1962 where he imparted many philosophical gems into his learned students' lexicon which are still remembered over fifty years later--quite an achievement by any scholarly standards. It was during a discourse about the "absolute truths", sometimes called "universal truths", of the cosmos, the universe, which are infinitely tenable to never change that Father Cassasa imparted wisdom about what is absolute truth--"Black is black, white is white and shit is shit." That empirical statement devoid of human judgement was based solely on unalterable, permanent facts.

Progressive politicians consistently reject our constitutional laws which are the "absolute truths", the "building blocks" of our republic's foundation. By infusing their soupe du jour in opinions, morals, codes or policies into those laws - it is how our Constitution is being eroded by Obama's Presidential Executive Orders or amended by the EPA or other Government Agency Regulators' directives based on Obama's progressive agenda suborning legislative expediency bypassing Congress rather than under written laws created by the Constitutional legislative body under the Congressional branch representing the electorate. The legislative, congressional, executive, and judicial constraints all serve as checks on the bureaucracy. Since Congress can use powerful constraints on the bureaucracy by exercising its budgetary oversight functions, Obama flagrantly avoids them as he sews his seeds of our destruction with government excesses.

The President is ruling without any Congressional balance of power constraints - it is like the 1978 movie "Animal House" on steroids. A sequence in Animal House was about a freshman pledge, Flounder, who let some upperclassmen in the fraternity use his brother’s brand-new Lincoln for a road trip. Naturally, the fraternity brothers trashed the car. As Flounder wept in regret, the suave, smooth-talking senior, Otter, put his arm around Flounder’s shoulder and explained the facts of life to him: “You fucked up [sic]; you trusted us.” --a hard lesson learned. And we've already turned over our keys to Obama too? 

Source Bio: RealClearPolitics, the Chicago-based political news and polling data aggregator's audience is made up of national opinion leaders, high level business executives and DC decision makers.

RealClearPolicy invited Boston University economist Laurence Kotlikoff, an expert on the national debt, to weigh in on the conversation with Republican Senators Cox and Archer. The following is a lightly edited transcript of their conversation.

RealClearPolicy: In December, 2112 Republican Senators Cox and Archer argue that the U.S.’s underlying debt is much higher than the officially stated debt of $16 trillion.  If you add up the unfunded obligations the government has -- to Social Security, Medicare, federal workers’ pensions, and so on -- They argue that the real debt is about $87 trillion. Can that be right?

Kotlikoff: "That’s wrong! It’s $222 trillion."

"That’s what we economists call "the fiscal gap". I don’t know what those guys are looking at, but we economists do it a certain way. We’re not politicians. We’re just doing it the way our theory says to do it. What you have to do is look at the "present value of all the expenditures now through the end of time" - all projected expenditures, including servicing the official debt. And you subtract all the projected taxes. The present value of the difference is $222 trillion.

So the true size of our fiscal problem is $222 trillion, not $87 trillion. That’s comprehensive and incorporates the official debt. The official debt in the hands of the public is $11 trillion, so the true problem is 20 times bigger than the official debt."

RealClearPolicy: Why is it more useful to think about the fiscal gap than the official debt?

"The official debt is something that has to be repaid, and the government is Liar Liar Pants On Fire Metercommitted to principal and interest payments. But the government has other commitments, like Social Security payments, health care and Medicare payments, Medicaid payments, and defense expenditures. And it also has negative commitments, namely taxes. So you want to put everything on even footing. Most of the liabilities the government has incurred in the postwar period have been kept off the books because of the way we’ve labeled our receipts and payments. The government has gone out of its way to run up a Ponzi scheme and keep evidence of that off the books by using language to make it appear that we have a small debt."


Why has NO ONE in Washington talked about THIS?


Obama Swan Song: "California Here I Come!"

"California, Here I Come"

It's a song written for the 1921 Broadway musical Bombo, starring Al Jolson. The song was written by Jolson who recorded the song in 1924. It is often called the unofficial state song of California. After being born and living for fifty-six years in the Golden State, it was my Swan Song to go, it was time to move on before all of the taxes went ever higher on everything. California became one of the greatest welfare states because the tax increases were simply about political power to send money to the people who live off big government. Currently, the California income tax is 10.3%, fourth behind Hawaii and Oregon at 11% and New York at 13% where the national average is under 6% and nine have no income taxes. Governor Brown wants 13.3% and the Unions even higher to support larger government union pay and pension plans.

I bring this little matter of tax revenues up since many states are now running deficits and raising taxes to cover the current government overhead, much less than even meeting their over-promised and under-funded pension plans. In the not so near future, they are realistically looking at bankruptcies on the horizon, some say by 2015. Does the phrase, "Too big to fail" ring a bell from the not so distant past?

The Answer - Obamanation of The United States

How about bypassing Congress again? This time sign another new Presidential Executive Order for a Federal States Czar who dictates that everyone must share equally in the common good of all states?  Therefore, any states that are fiscally making more money must immediately be subject to a federal income tax that redistributes their citizens' money equally to other states who cannot keep up with their government spending programs. That sure sounds like kind of a Constitutional type Law, huh?

If that program doesn't work, then the Federal Reserve can just float some more state bonds and finance their debt by printing more money, thereby raising the federal deficit for everyone even further.

Obama to the Rescue!

...Sure all sounds good to me!  How about you?          


Obamacare's Broken Promises

This bill is 100% owned, drafted, and written by the DEMOCRATS. Not a single Republican voted for it!  In fact, Obama had to bribe (D) Mary Landieu of Louisiana with a huge promise to pay for her state's healthcare costs as well as fund the Cornhusker Kickback to Senators Levin, Nelson, and Sanders to get them to vote for the Obamacare Bill. The Republicans had NOTHING to do with that disaster!

Please ask Obama to hold his Democrat Senators accountable for not doing their defined duty in presenting a budget for over 3 years now. This is unbelievable that Democrats can get away with not honoring this critical part of their job description.

On 09/09/09 Obama said, "I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits."  Bottom line, Obama knows a budget would prove how Obamacare adds many dimes to our deficits. Isn't this a way to keep at least one campaign promise? ...No Budget deficits, by virtue of showing no Federal Budget Plan?  

Maybe Democrats should pass the Budget Bill the way they did the Obamacare Bill and then Pelosi would say, "But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy."

...we are sooo screwed ...again!