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Entries in Obamacare Disaster (6)


Hey Stupid, "There's a Sucker Born Every Minute!" 

The "Stupid Voter" Obamacare Instructions Comic BookWhat I've got to say about all of the political scamming while selling Obamacare is like what P.T. Barnum said, "There is a sucker born every minute." It is ironic that you are a sucker if you believed P.T. Barnum had said it since history misdirected this quote. Barnum never did say it and actually was said by his competitor, but it's not so with Jonathan Gruber. Today with the advent of video tape, there is no more doubt who says what anymore, especially if you are like Jonathan Gruber doing the "grubering", lying to the voters. 

So it appears that friends, albeit a dwindling number, of MIT professor Jonathan Gruber may soon have to put his face on milk cartons to locate the economist. After a series of frank but embarrassing statements on his strategies behind the Obama Administration’s passage of Obamacare, Gruber has moved from the status of “disfavored” to “disavowed” to “disappeared.” Both President Obama and Minority Speaker of the House Pelosi don't know him when they say, "Gruber who?" His golden word "stupid" will live on though, ad nauseum, throughout the upcoming 2016 Presidential Election ads season. 

"Now here's the rest of the story"...

P. T. Barnum is most often associated with the circus sideshow and the display of freaks. While this is true, he is also the founding force behind one of America's most famous circuses: Barnum & Bailey Circus. Barnum is also affiliated with the famous quote "There's a sucker born every minute." But history has misdirected this quote, Barnum never did say it. Actually, it was said by his competitor. 

From 1866 until 1868 Mr. George Hull, of Binghamton, New York studied archaeology and paleontology. Over this period of time Hull contemplated how to pull off a hoax. It seems that many an evangelist at the time had been preaching that there were giants in the earth. In June of 1868 Hull traveled back to Fort Dodge, Iowa where there was a gypsum quarry he had recalled seeing two years earlier. Even then, he had noticed that the dark blue streaks running through the soft lime rock resembled human veins. Realizing this its appearance was tailor-made for his hoax and it was easy to carve, Hull hired a group of quarry workers to cut off a slab measuring twelve feet long, four feet wide and two feet thick.

In November, Hull had his gypsum wrapped in canvas and hoisted onto a wagon. Since the nearest railroad was forty miles away, it proved to be a long, difficult job. He then had the slab of gypsum shipped by rail to Chicago where he had hired a stone cutter named Edward Burghardt to carve a giant. Burghardt and his two assistants, were sworn to secrecy and agreed to work on the piece in a secluded barn during their off hours and Sundays. The instructions were to carve the giant as if it had died in great pain, and the final result was an eerie figure, slightly twisted in apparent agony, with his right hand clutching his stomach. All of the details were there; toenails, fingernails, nostrils, sex organs and so forth. Even a needlepoint mallet was used to add authentic-looking skin pores. When the carving was done, sulfuric acid and ink were used, possibly smudged like printer ink, to make the figure look aged.

The giant finished, Hull then had the figure shipped by rail to the farm of William Newell, his cousin, located near the town of Cardiff, New York. In the dead of night, Hull, Newell and his oldest son buried the giant between the barn and house. They were instructed to say nothing about it and that Hull would let them know in about a year of what the next stage was.

Luckily, about six months later, on another farm near the Newell's, some million year-old fossil bones were dug up. Newspapers around the country reported the finding. Hull was filled with glee in reading the accounts.

True to his word, one year after burying the giant, Hull sent word to his cousin on October 15, 1869, to start the next stage of the hoax. Newell hired two laborers to dig a new well near his home. Newell directed them to the exact spot he wanted the well dug and went back into the house to wait -- anxiously. Sure enough, well into the day, the two laborers rushed up to the house to announce their discovery: a giant turned to stone! The laborers and both Newell's carefully excavated the area surrounding the giant.

News of this amazing discovery spread throughout the valley and soon wagon loads of neighbors streamed into Newell's farm to see the giant. By mid-afternoon, Newell erected a tent around the "grave" and started charging 25 cent admission. Two days later, the Syracuse Journal (New York) printed an article about the discovery. Being greedy, Newell raised the price to 50 cents, and a stage coach company made four round trips a day from Syracuse to the Newell farm. Thousands came every day. Among the visitors were clergymen, college professors and distinguished scientists. Before long, the expert's opinions split into two theories; one side claimed it was a true fossilized human giant and the other side pronounced it an authentic ancient statue. No one asserted that it was a fake!

About ten days after the discovery, and about the time the Cardiff Giant, as the papers had named it, started receiving national attention, Hull sold two-thirds interest in the giant for $30,000 to a five-man syndicate in Syracuse, the head of which was a banker named David Hannum. The syndicate moved the giant to an exhibition hall in Syracuse and raised the admission price to a dollar a head. Unknown to them, P. T. Barnum sent an agent to see the giant and make an assessment. The particular Sunday the representative saw the giant, the crowds were abnormally large -- about 3,000 people. The agent wired the news back to Barnum and Barnum instructed him to make an offer of $50,000 to buy it. Hannum turned his offer down.

The Cardiff Giant was the most talked about exhibit in the nation. Barnum wanted the giant to display himself while the attraction was still a hot topic of the day. Rather than upping his offer, Barnum hired a crew of workers to carve a giant of his own. Within a short time, Barnum unveiled HIS giant and proclaimed that Hannum had sold Barnum the original giant and that Hannum was now displaying a fake!

Thousands of people flocked to see Barnum's giant. Many newspapers carried the version that Barnum had given them; that is, Hannum's giant was a fake and Barnum's was authentic. It is at this point that Hannum -- NOT BARNUM -- was quoted as saying "There's a sucker born every minute." Hannum, still under the impression that HIS giant was authentic, was referring to the thousands of "fools" that paid money to see Barnum's fake and not his authentic one.

Hannum brought a lawsuit against Barnum for calling his giant a fake. When it came to trial, Hull stepped forward and confessed that the Cardiff Giant was a hoax and the entire story. The judge ruled that Barnum could not be sued for calling Hannum's giant a fake since it was a fake after all. Thereafter, Hannum's name was lost to history. Barnum was left with the misplaced stigma of being the one to say "There's a sucker born every minute." 


Obama Promises Based On Lies

 Read the ACA Bill

"No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people. If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what." - President Barack Obama


Obama Family Feud Show

Richard Dawson says, "100 people surveyed - there's six top answers on the board - you have to try get the top answer!"...."Here's the question!.... What did Obama say after he heard people hate his Obamacare?" -- "And Survey sez?..."

Two Cover-Up Experts look alike.The President of the United States lied, lied, lied. The Obamacare sign-up period will prove out the "death spiral" theory. Since there's not more young, well and healthy individuals who will sign up to pay for the older, sicker population it will implode, collapse and die as a nonviable health care system. In addition, many of these young people are signing up for medicaid insurance coverage offered free to them and these costs add to the deficits further. 

This is a U.S. government takeover of 1/6 of the American economy. It is reported most middle-class income earners between $30K to $60K will automatically lose their health insurance coverage and replaced with higher deductibles, out-of-pocket co-pays and unneeded coverage options. Furthermore, they can lose their present hospitals and doctors too.

Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, is the principal architect of the Affordable Care Act. The very highly touted 'grandfather clause' is so narrow that if an insurance company changes a co-pay by more than $5 over the course of the three years since 2010, it’s no longer 'grandfathered' in. On the Mike Wallace Sunday Show, Dr. Emanuel said, "[$5], That’s usually a 25% change," adding, “That’s a big change…You have to ask the question: how many planks do you change in a boat before it’s a different boat? That’s the same thing here: we had a plan, we argued about it.” “You didn’t tell the American people,” Wallace said. “You said, if this plan is in effect until March of 2010, you can keep it.” “That’s what it said!” Emanuel said. “That’s how we fulfilled that pledge.”  It sure sounds like another 'ommission'.

Like so many people on the internet I receive a lot of well intended messages from friends that contain totally erroneous facts and claims and empty baseless rumours. Below, I have cut and paste one with its "wild claims" about Obamacare, the ACA, just as it was sent to me.
>>This is only the
>>tip of the iceberg for Obama Care. Just wait to see what happen in this
>> year and
>> 2014!
>> YOU ARE NOT GOING TO LIKE THIS... At age 76 when you most need it most,
>> you are not eligible for cancer treatment * see page 272.
As you will readily see, my email friend was not really that far off at all. This bill is indeed not only screwed up at the website, but the bill is a mess, to be polite, without throwing out the "F" bomb to really describe it and how I feel about it.
I researched the official U.S. Government site of the "2010 Affordable Care Act - H.R. 3590" on page 272 and 273. The actual text is below, with key passages "Italicised and underlined" for emphasis on core pointsThe "Bold print lines" show my analysis of those points so as to clarify 'odd' wording and 'ambigious' phrases, all designed to completely confound and confuse the 'ordinary folk' who attempt to make sense of its premeditated deception. Obama and his partisan lawmakers wrote it up this way because they assumed, correctly, that the people would be extremely upset once the actual facts came into the light of day. The fact is that the real truth is the ultimate standard to test this new tax law.


Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

H.R. 3590
H. R. 3590—Pg. 272

‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The CMI, Center for Medicare/Medicaid Innovation, shall test payment and service delivery models, look at doctor fee against service provided, in accordance with selection criteria, allowable procedures menu, under paragraph (2) to determine the effect of applying such models under the applicable title (as defined in subsection (a)(4)(B)), not doctor but board - determines whether necessary or not to save medical costs or worth it on patients due to age or outcome prognosis projection, on program expenditures under such titles and the quality of care received by individuals receiving benefits under such title.

‘‘(2) SELECTION OF MODELS TO BE TESTED.—‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall select models to be tested from models where the Secretary determines that there is evidence that the model addresses a "defined population for which there are deficits in care leading to poor clinical outcomes" or potentially avoidable expenditures. Death panels reject medical care for elderly to avoid costs. The models selected under the preceding sentence may include the models described in subparagraph (B).
‘‘(B) OPPORTUNITIES.—The models described in this subparagraph are the following models:
‘‘(i) Promoting broad payment and practice reform in primary care, including patient-centered medical home models for high-need applicable individuals, medical homes that address women’s unique health care needs, and models that transition primary care practices away from fee-for-service based reimbursement and toward comprehensive payment or salary-based payment. Push out high need patients, women as a whole category with "female problems" and take away personal one-on-one physician care  (fee for service) towards a salary-based (flat rate overall group care fee) with nurse assistants and medical technicians. 
‘‘(ii) Contracting directly with groups of providers of services and suppliers to promote innovative care delivery models, such as through risk-based comprehensive payment or salary-based payment.‘‘ Doing away with physicians and replace contracting directly with groups of technicians and assistances to conduct tests and assessments as needed. (iii) Utilizing geriatric assessments and comprehensive care plans to coordinate the care (including through interdisciplinary teams) of applicable individuals with multiple chronic conditions and at least one of the following:‘‘(I) An inability to perform 2 or more activities of daily living.‘‘(II) Cognitive impairment, including dementia.
‘‘(iv) Promote care coordination between providers of services and suppliers that transition health care providers away from fee-for-service based reimbursement and toward salary-based payment.‘‘ Move care from Doctors to group assistances and technicians. (v) Supporting care coordination for chronically-ill applicable individuals at high risk of hospitalization through a health information technology-enabled provider network that includes care coordinators, a chronic disease registry, and home tele-health technology.‘‘(vi) Varying payment to physicians who order advanced diagnostic imaging services (as defined in section 1834(e)(1)(B)) according to the physician’s adherence to appropriateness criteria for the ordering of such services, as determined in consultation with physician specialty groups and other relevant stakeholder. Death panels determine which procedure a doctors will be paid for and control the doctor by "varying payment" - a hidden meaning: "Pay little" for your necessary test.

H. R. 3590—Pg. 273

‘‘(vii) Utilizing medication therapy management services, such as those described in section 935 of the Public Health Service Act. ‘‘(viii) Establishing community-based health teams to support small-practice medical homes by assisting the primary care practitioner in chronic care management, including patient self-management, activities. ‘‘(ix) Assisting applicable individuals in making informed health care choices by paying providers of services and suppliers for using patient decision-support tools, including tools that meet the standards developed and identified under section 936(c)(2)(A) of the Public Health Service Act, that improve applicable individual and caregiver understanding of medical treatment options. Since you have no doctors, management service personnel tell what patients get with their limited choice of services to keep costs down that were developed and decided by the death panels.‘‘(x) Allowing States to test and evaluate fully integrating care for dual eligible individuals in the State, including the management and oversight of all funds under the applicable titles with respect to such individuals. ‘‘(xi) Allowing States to test and evaluate systems of all-payer payment reform for the medical care of residents of the State, including dual eligible individuals. ‘‘(xii) Aligning nationally recognized, evidence based guidelines of cancer care with payment incentives under title XVIII in the areas of treatment planning and follow-up care planning for applicable individuals described in clause (i) or (iii) of subsection (a)(4)(A) with cancer, including the identification of gaps in applicable quality measures.‘Telling Cancer patients what they get and not get if it costs too much or if you don't have any "real good" chance anyway according to the death panels they won't waste treatment on you. (xiii) Improving post-acute care through continuing care hospitals that offer inpatient rehabilitation, long-term care hospitals, and home health or skilled nursing care during an inpatient stay and the 30 days immediately following discharge. The post-acute hospital long-care quality and staff are limited by time and quality care guidelines. ‘‘(xiv) Funding home health providers who offer chronic care management services to applicable individuals in cooperation with interdisciplinary teams. ‘‘(xv) Promoting improved quality and reduced cost by developing a collaborative of high-quality, low-cost health care institutions that is responsible for—‘‘(I) developing, documenting, and disseminating best practices and proven care methods; ‘‘(II) implementing such best practices and proven care methods within such institutions to demonstrate further improvements in quality and efficiency; and ‘‘(III) providing assistance to other health care institutions on how best to employ such best practices and proven care methods to improve health care quality and lower costs. ‘‘ Further limit patient health care. (xvi) Facilitate inpatient care, including intensive care, of hospitalized applicable individuals at their local hospital through the use of electronic monitoring by specialists, including intensivists and critical care specialists, based at integrated health systems. Eliminate entirely the doctor-patient relationship for video monitoring and remote equipment telemetry.


Obamacare Nabs Tax Non-Payers - Will Pay VAT 

Looking wistfully back to 2008 after the 2012 Presidential elections, the Obama euphoric election afterglow has left much too soon this time. The stark realities of Obamanomics dulled feelings fast. Obama ignored blatant warning signs and well-marked guideposts which then shoved the country further down as it lost its footings and then ground in laying out any future foundation. "Community Organizer" skills didn't cut it as the CEO of the biggest country in the history of the world. 

This fact was not lost on taxpayers that Obama was taxing and spending, but what about the other clueless who did not pay taxes? For tax yearFirst-Time taxpayers Shocked - Pay VAT Tax share 2011, the non-partisan Tax Policy Center estimates that only 54 percent of Americans paid Federal income tax. Coming soon, a bill will be introduced for a Federal VAT, Value-Added-Tax, charged on every item sold to pay for the Obamacare Program. (State & Local Taxes not included) How do the 46 percent income tax-free filers feel now, especially when VAT has been forecast upwards to 20% to start? (Top VAT: 25% Norway & UK: 20%) So, a $2.50 bread loaf jumps to $3.00/loaf; a $3.00 gal./gas to $3.60 gal.; a $4.00 cup/latte to $4.80 cup; or $100.00 Mo./TV Cable to $120.00 TV Cable.  ....Now, How does EVERYONE love Obamacare?

We have allowed our Federal government to rob the American people of its rich culture, freedom and livelihood through its overreaching, burdensome, instructive regulations and laws. How is it that Obama can pick or chooseFailures: Obamacare, Benhanzi, IRS, AP, Fast & Furious & Immigration. which laws he wishes to enforce and then tinker with them to his liking without Congress? Obama has never submitted a comprehensive budget since he has been office either and yet spends more not knowing his budget spending limits?  The myriad of scandals mount, why have none of them been investigated or settled? When does this guy read the Constitution to learn his duties? Why do all of the politicians in Washington, DC let this continue on and do nothing about it?


ObamaScare Offers Individual DoNotCare Policies

Obamacare Traiin Wreck is coming in 2014

ObamaCare has become a rolling "train wreck," in Senator Max Baucus's memorable phrase, and it gets worse the more of it the public sees. Mark Mazur, the deputy assistant Treasury secretary for tax policy, published a July 2 blog post that Obama cancelled  Obamacare reporting rules and tax enforcement for businesses only until 2015.

Obama had once told the NY Obama Times that Valerie “Rasputin” Jarrett can: “speak for me, particularly when we’re dealing with delicate issues.” So, White House fixer Valerie Jarrett tried to contain the fallout with her separate blog post promising that ObamaCare is otherwise "staying the course." That's true only if she's referring to the carelessness and improvisation that have defined the law so far.

The Obama Administration's media cheerleaders are nonetheless portraying this as a stroke of political genius to push all the pain past the 2014 elections. But if that's the goal, it is too clever by half. If Republicans have any sense, they will move immediately to delay the rest of the bill for at least a year too. They should start with the individual mandate to buy insurance or pay a tax.

 Obamacare 2014:  Individuals Pay - Businesses Exempt

  • Individuals are only supposed to be eligible for ObamaCare's subsidies if their employer doesn't offer the right benefits - But how will the Treasury know who qualifies in 2014 if they lack the information that businesses are supposed to provide?
  • Citizens must also pay the individual mandate-tax if they decline coverage from their employer - How will the Treasury verify these offers?

All these issues brings us to the dubious legality of this delay. The Affordable Care Act's Section 1513 states in black-letter law that "(d) Effective Date.—The amendments made by this section shall apply to months beginning after December 31, 2013." It does not say the Administration can impose the mandate whenever it feels it is politically convenient."


Obama Election Baiting the Down-Trodden

The Down-Trodden in this 2012 Election

In order to bring unity Obama as the President of the United States of America is pulling together people, communities and political parties to resolve their differences. 

There will be no Race-baiting to the lowly base values of skin color to obtain voter sympathy and gratuitious bigotted pandering in any electioneering.


Obama puts on his 2012 Election Blackface Act

So instead, during this election season the Obama Campaign machine is tirelessly turning over every rock to expose the travesties against the down-trodden: Minorities - especially blacks; 99% People left behind - economically screwed by the 1% Rich Folks; and Elderly Medicare Recipients - scared about losing their health insurance coverage.

The President has also weighed in on the Trayvon Martin killing by saying that, "If I had a son, he would look like TraObama showing his true colors.yvon." Obama, thereby, is inferring categorically the shooting as a "race case" to politicize it for his reelection campaign message rhetoric. After all, this crime was perpetrated by a white, oops, a light skinned Hispanic, on a black. It's no matter that the real evidence and case has not been ajudicated yet, only news leaks. Obama's statement further inflamed and charged up the Congressional Black Caucus, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Spike Lee into racially motivated hate publicity against injustice to black people in our American society by white people.

 Lights, Camera, Action! - The 2012 Campaign is on!