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Entries in Obama Fiscal Policies (3)


Obamacare Nabs Tax Non-Payers - Will Pay VAT 

Looking wistfully back to 2008 after the 2012 Presidential elections, the Obama euphoric election afterglow has left much too soon this time. The stark realities of Obamanomics dulled feelings fast. Obama ignored blatant warning signs and well-marked guideposts which then shoved the country further down as it lost its footings and then ground in laying out any future foundation. "Community Organizer" skills didn't cut it as the CEO of the biggest country in the history of the world. 

This fact was not lost on taxpayers that Obama was taxing and spending, but what about the other clueless who did not pay taxes? For tax yearFirst-Time taxpayers Shocked - Pay VAT Tax share 2011, the non-partisan Tax Policy Center estimates that only 54 percent of Americans paid Federal income tax. Coming soon, a bill will be introduced for a Federal VAT, Value-Added-Tax, charged on every item sold to pay for the Obamacare Program. (State & Local Taxes not included) How do the 46 percent income tax-free filers feel now, especially when VAT has been forecast upwards to 20% to start? (Top VAT: 25% Norway & UK: 20%) So, a $2.50 bread loaf jumps to $3.00/loaf; a $3.00 gal./gas to $3.60 gal.; a $4.00 cup/latte to $4.80 cup; or $100.00 Mo./TV Cable to $120.00 TV Cable.  ....Now, How does EVERYONE love Obamacare?

We have allowed our Federal government to rob the American people of its rich culture, freedom and livelihood through its overreaching, burdensome, instructive regulations and laws. How is it that Obama can pick or chooseFailures: Obamacare, Benhanzi, IRS, AP, Fast & Furious & Immigration. which laws he wishes to enforce and then tinker with them to his liking without Congress? Obama has never submitted a comprehensive budget since he has been office either and yet spends more not knowing his budget spending limits?  The myriad of scandals mount, why have none of them been investigated or settled? When does this guy read the Constitution to learn his duties? Why do all of the politicians in Washington, DC let this continue on and do nothing about it?


ObamaScare Offers Individual DoNotCare Policies

Obamacare Traiin Wreck is coming in 2014

ObamaCare has become a rolling "train wreck," in Senator Max Baucus's memorable phrase, and it gets worse the more of it the public sees. Mark Mazur, the deputy assistant Treasury secretary for tax policy, published a July 2 blog post that Obama cancelled  Obamacare reporting rules and tax enforcement for businesses only until 2015.

Obama had once told the NY Obama Times that Valerie “Rasputin” Jarrett can: “speak for me, particularly when we’re dealing with delicate issues.” So, White House fixer Valerie Jarrett tried to contain the fallout with her separate blog post promising that ObamaCare is otherwise "staying the course." That's true only if she's referring to the carelessness and improvisation that have defined the law so far.

The Obama Administration's media cheerleaders are nonetheless portraying this as a stroke of political genius to push all the pain past the 2014 elections. But if that's the goal, it is too clever by half. If Republicans have any sense, they will move immediately to delay the rest of the bill for at least a year too. They should start with the individual mandate to buy insurance or pay a tax.

 Obamacare 2014:  Individuals Pay - Businesses Exempt

  • Individuals are only supposed to be eligible for ObamaCare's subsidies if their employer doesn't offer the right benefits - But how will the Treasury know who qualifies in 2014 if they lack the information that businesses are supposed to provide?
  • Citizens must also pay the individual mandate-tax if they decline coverage from their employer - How will the Treasury verify these offers?

All these issues brings us to the dubious legality of this delay. The Affordable Care Act's Section 1513 states in black-letter law that "(d) Effective Date.—The amendments made by this section shall apply to months beginning after December 31, 2013." It does not say the Administration can impose the mandate whenever it feels it is politically convenient."


“Fiscal Cliff” in the Obama Perspective

“Fiscal Cliff”  in Perspective




Lesson # 1:





Here are the Actual National Budget Office figures as they stand today:

  • U.S. Tax revenue:       $2,170,000,000,000
  • Fed budget:               $3,820,000,000,000
  • New debt:                  $1,650,000,000,000
  • National debt:           $14,271,000,000,000
  • Recent budget cuts:        $38,500,000,000

Let's now remove 8 zeros and pretend it's a household budget:

                                                                                                % of Base

  • Annual family Base Income:                  $21,700.00          100.00%
  • Money the family spent:                          $38,200.00          176.00%+
  • New debt on the credit card:                    $16,500.00           76.00%+
  • Outstanding balance on the credit card:   $142,710.00          673.00%+
  • Total budget cuts so far:                                   $38.50             .0017%-

Got It ??..... OK Now,  


Lesson # 2:

Here's another way to look at the Debt Ceiling:

Let's say, You come home from work and find
there has been a sewer backup in your neighborhood ...
and your home has sewage all the way up to your ceiling.

What do you think you should do ...
Raise the ceiling or remove the sh*t?

OR, do we just shoot ourselves in the foot again?...


DUH... Stupid is as stupid does!