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Father Knows Best Reset in 2016 Elections


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Time 00.26

As the Presidential possibilities surface as the 2016 Presidential Elections loom, the talk around the water cooler lately is, "How about Mitt Romney?" As much as I hate to admit it, it's a little like another 1950's season of "Father Knows Best" reruns and in this case it's retreads. Robert Young as Jim Anderson is the perfect family man and father. We already know Mitt is a great family man and husband who owns a private equity firm called Bain Capital, which turns around distressed companies. Mitt had his bite at the apple and it's over. Really, it is time for the Republican Party to seek fresh faces and young energy to run the White House, 24/7, Chief Executive position--it's time for new blood, not 'Nick at Nite" reruns or in this case "Mitt at Nite."

This same advice is held out for Governor Jeb Bush and other old guard Republicans who are not up to really fighting hard hitting progressive, liberal candidates of today. Their ideas are 'also-ran' programs as moderate candidates is to just continue the tax and spend mentality of a powerful central government. It is time for tough love for the Republican party and to a transition period for more conservative values and constitutional approaches to shrink the government and its insidious regulations.

This admission by many Conservatives and Republicans, I am sure, is putting a pause into the Democrat plutocrats on whether another retread from the past like Hillary Clinton can run another major race too. After all, she will be 69 years old in 2016 like Reagan was in 1981 in his first term. There were many meetings that are well documented of the POTUS, Reagan, cat-napping during some of the tedious daily staff meetings. Hillary will be no different. Just look at Bill and Hill as they snooze during a ceremony--it's the first time in quite awhile they have slept together! 

The comparison is often made when critics and allies debate whether Hillary has the health to serve out two presidential terms. After she suffered brain damage after falling in December 2012, see ABC News GMA Report, former president Clinton revealed that his wife’s injury “required six months of very serious work to get over,” he said during a question-and-answer session at the Peterson Foundation in Washington. But, Bill Clinton’s timeline appears to differ from official comments from the State Department at the time that she soon bounced right back into work. Who do we believe?

After all, Hillary fainted and hit her head in a fall at home. It incapacitated her for nearly six months which delayed her attendance at the Benghazi Congressional hearings and conduct any state business according to her doctor's orders to reduce stress with complete rest. Let's face the truth, the fact is that the ole girl ain't what she used to be! 

It's Time for more Voter choices in Candidates for 2016!

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