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Warren-Obama Double-cross Ticket


The 2016 Presidential Race has already left the starting gate with the donkeys running neck and neck around the track. Obama jumps out of the bleachers to trip donkey Hillary down to knock her out of contention--it's race over for Hillary! The crowd goes wild, then goes silent; who's left in the race? Up from behind gallops the darhorse Donkey Warren who comes down to the wire and the crowds are still. They are now all thinking, do we now want to go still further to the left of the left-wing Obama socialist programs?

The behind the scenes deal cut before the Obama first term was that in exchange forIn 2016 Hillary & Bill will settle the score this time. the Clintons lending a hand to boost his chances to win that Obama would do the same for Hillary when her time came up. Behind the scenes, the hatred between the two has grown into irreconcilable contemptuous disdain with little love lost--now enter Senator Elizabeth Warren. Obama has made it no secret that he favors Warren as the politician that closely follows his socialist values for bigger central government.

Campaign finance, the mother's milk of politics, is flowing in with big bucks on Hillary, but all bets are off if all this brewing consternation spills out into mainstream conversation. Up to now, the DNC boasts about party solidarity while describing the RNC as a rag-tag disconnected group with no real candidates yet on the horizon. This upcoming Presidential Election will be the most expensive campaign ever with $1 Billion spent by both sides. So the stakes will be high as well as the expectations to get it right early; time is of the essence to select prospective candidates with a minimum of partisan bloodletting.

It appears that the Democrat machine will be well-financed as Obama flies around the country doing fundraising events. The Campaigner-in-Chief does what he does best as a community organizer, he knows how to panhandle for money anywhere. The real crux is if he pushes his choice with real hardball backroom 'Chicago style' politics he further elevates the rhetoric--let the blood flow into the streets.

This 2016 election season is certainly starting early in this cycle so that candidates risk over-exposure that will bore the public, a real vote killer at the ballot box. After all, the electorate today is a desktop computer, hand-held PDA, cell phone society that prefers tweets, instant messaging, text messaging and emails to talking. All news and events are instantaneously recorded and reported to the world literally within seconds. The age of electronics has turned the electorate into 24/7 cell phone junkies looking for the next high to stimulate their interest, their 'virtual' attention span is shorter which adds to voter burnout. So, their political knowledge distills down to 10 second sound bites between commercials and the crafty, deceitful politicians know how to manipulate those minds-sad. ...Looks like Game Over for the Thinking Voter!

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