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You Can't Bullshit an Old Bullshitter! - Or Can You?

You may have noticed that our stories and articles have been evolving as Rovalocity has also expanded with its viewership over the past three years. It has now been seen in 128 of the 196 countries of the world with over 20,000 views to date. With that kind of growth, the readership has tripled which is now growing exponentially as national domestic subjects and contents have been inclusive with an expanded universal editorial approach to a wider breadth of locally, nationally and internationally focused topics; more people globally are tuned in to see how an American citizen sees events through those eyes.

In turn, it has been very fascinating to observe how certain subjects will pique regional interests globally. Our Rovalocity site traffic log software provides a complete view to see which computers have been accessing the blog website and the ability to track by dates, times, IP addresses with countries and cities, and the subjects viewed but does not provide the user names or reveal any personal information. As the blogs are published, unlike newspapers and television that do not know how many people have actually read an article or watched a broadcast; the instant a blog site is accessed this data is available instantly with full demographics of the readership. We will know if we are reaching the target audience and have hit a nerve or not by the subjects viewed.

With the responsibility to honestly and truthfully present subjects fairly, Rovalocity always strives for that lofty goal. That mandate, however, carries the additional weight to uphold our due diligence in researching facts, claims, stories and supporting data with proven reliable sources for indisputable references. 

In following our high moral and editorial policies, anyone can see how we areAdolf Hitler & Goebbels. always challenged by the constant barrage of the Internet gutter filled with pure garbage and dung that is spewed out as truth every day. As always a 'caveat emptor' or a 'buy beware' warning is out there in the vast cyberspace or as Reichskanzler Paul Joseph Goebbels, who was Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945, said, "A lie repeated often enough becomes the truth."

When I first viewed this video, a 'bullshit' alarm went off immediately in my head; tragically, many will view this and accept as fact. You be the the judge on this Obama video:

This is the email in question. 

The German caption reads:

Click on:  "Obama declares the New World Order"  - 19 seconds long.

I had to listen to it twice to be sure that I heard what I thought I had heard. Every American needs to hear this.
This is the most profoundly Un-American statement ever uttered by any American President. He is selling us down the river! 
We are too small minded to govern our own affairs and we must surrender our-- individual rights to the world order.


The example above of an Internet spam message is a horrendous, blatant abuse of the truth to distort what in reality actually took place. Now look at the actual video. It is actually runs from the time marker of 2:30 to 5:00, only 2.5 minutes long, but not 19 seconds long ...President Obama is vindicated.

Click on:  President Obama Keynote EU Speech in Brussels  

The 2016 Presidential Elections are Coming!

Watch but Verify what you see!

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