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Entries in Internet Ethics (2)


Ready to Give Up To Obama Your Internet Freedom?

The Obama administration has announced September 2015 as the end to U.S. stewardship of the open Internet; Russia and China will really take advantage of that American ICANN surrender too. Authoritarian regimes want to grab control recognizing the "different modes and methods in Internet management"--code for a major subversion of the Internet and restriction to freedom of speech. 

Meanwhile, even though it is solely under the control of the U.S. Congress who voted down in both houses to give up ICANN controls, Obama is stealthily trying to pass his 'Executive Order' on the down-low and bypass congressional oversight once again; it will be far from the 'modest change in policy' that Obama claimed in March, 2014--another lie!  

Is Obama really aware of the major damages? Of course not, he is again clueless!--But how many more times must the public take that silly "clueless excuse?" It's time that everyone must finally just admit he really does know what he is doing! - Obama is a hardcore Socialist always ready to lie to promote his one-world government progressive ideals for wealth redistribution.      

Secretly, behind closed doors, the nations of the world had been negotiating an International Internet Treaty — initiated by Russia and China — to regulate theHu Jintao & Vladmir Putin Internet through an United Nations agency, the ITU, International Telecommunications Union. It was a boring highly technical meeting largely ignored by the press corps. The only reason anyone knows about these talks in the first place is through a "WikiLeaks anonymous posting" by a participant in the talks. That and the fact that in the signing ceremony in Dubai in December 2012, it was conducted in which Secretary of State Clinton had attended.

Thankfully the U.S. in this round of meetings did not sign any accords to give up any hard fought Internet sovereignty to thuggish authoritarian regimes like China and Russia. The internal political pressures on Washington have China & Russia agree on a U.N. International Telecommunication Union Agency to regulate the Internet.
been great to keep the Internet ICANN organization under U.S. control and from Billionaire software moguls, "Big Bucks" Obama donors, like Larry Page of Google, Bill Gates of Microsoft, Mark Zuckerburg of Facebook and Larry Ellison of Oracle. However, that still does not guarantee the future under Barack Obama if he has anything to do with it if he so desperately grabs at any major legacy he can hang his hat on so late in a failed lame-duck administration--these are desperate times requiring even more desperate measures and consequences to Obama don't really matter much, except to our freedoms. 

Everyone, worldwide too, will feel all the laws, restrictions & tax levies as the price they will pay when overseen by just another corrupt U.N. Regulatory Agency. It is nearly a guaranteed outcome when a stacked houseful of hungry, poorer members nations who greedily set up and collect their excessive access fees create a type of International third-world restricted Internet service program.

Vladamir Putin & Hillary Clinton

Has anyone asked Hillary about the details or her part in this little hidden disingenuous peccadillo of activities in her Secretary of State resume?

Now let's go forward to December 12, 2014, after the Russian government has cracked down on Internet Freedom rights. Google, Inc. have closed their search engineering offices upon being concerned about the safety of its staff in Russia should Google run afoul of the new Russian laws. Google will still maintain sales, user support, business partnerships, marketing and training. But why did they close you ask?

"Russia is one of the rare markets where Google doesn’t dominate the search sector. Yandex NV has long been number one, even though Google recently has been gaining ground. Yandex NV held 59.6% of the Russian search market in November, down from 61.9% a year earlier, according to Google, meanwhile, captured 31.7% in November, up from 26.4% a year earlier."

In the overall Russian Internet search market shares, the 31.7% capture by Google increased by an impressive 5.30% in just over a year. It appears the government regulators did not want to risk further embarrassment for any more erosion of their market sector share of Yandex NV dissolving under their iron-fisted control of Internet activities.

Another domestic issue was the civil unrest in Russia which is always a concern of a totalitarian government. Recently Russia had a rebellion that Putin and his cronies blamed was brought about and coordinated through the Internet social media. Putin further blamed the Western countries, specifically the U.S., for harboring and releasing these cyber-attacks inside the Russian borders too.

The Kremlin signed into Russian law their oppressive Internet regulations governing data-handling practices by Internet companies:

  • All bloggers with 3,000 or more daily readers are required to register with the government and provide their home address. The ruling prevents these bloggers from using foul language and forbids them from spreading false information effective August 1, 2014. 
  • All companies are required to store the personal data of all Russian users on servers within Russia. The law set the deadline for compliance as Sept. 1, 2016. Russian lawmakers proposed moving the deadline to Jan. 1, 2015, but the proposal didn’t receive final approval after companies objected. Now lawmakers are proposing a compromise deadline of Sept. 1, 2015. 

Now, government suppression of free speech created an actual exodus of Russian tech startup companies.  It is stark evidence that capitalism is alive and well since many have moved abroad to other countries in Eastern Europe such as the Baltics or to Asia. It has been reported that dozens of companies have closed their Moscow offices and gone to Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia or countries in Asia. These expatriates even admit that the majority of them are happy about moving out of Russia--not good news to Vladmir Putin's ears I'm sure. 

Get Up & Email Your Representatives!

 ~ It is a Non-Partisan Issue ~

~ Americans Owe their Freedom to our Laws - So does the Internet ~

To Email your U.S. Congressional Representatives. 

Click on: Enter your home "Zip Code" and it will list by their Names and Internet sites. Click on to their individual "Official Website" and type into their email message box:"Do Not transfer ICANN to UN" and send--it's that easy and it will take a second to do it too! 

You Are Crazy if You Don't Email Congress!

Please Send this out to your Friends Now!  



You Can't Bullshit an Old Bullshitter! - Or Can You?

You may have noticed that our stories and articles have been evolving as Rovalocity has also expanded with its viewership over the past three years. It has now been seen in 128 of the 196 countries of the world with over 20,000 views to date. With that kind of growth, the readership has tripled which is now growing exponentially as national domestic subjects and contents have been inclusive with an expanded universal editorial approach to a wider breadth of locally, nationally and internationally focused topics; more people globally are tuned in to see how an American citizen sees events through those eyes.

In turn, it has been very fascinating to observe how certain subjects will pique regional interests globally. Our Rovalocity site traffic log software provides a complete view to see which computers have been accessing the blog website and the ability to track by dates, times, IP addresses with countries and cities, and the subjects viewed but does not provide the user names or reveal any personal information. As the blogs are published, unlike newspapers and television that do not know how many people have actually read an article or watched a broadcast; the instant a blog site is accessed this data is available instantly with full demographics of the readership. We will know if we are reaching the target audience and have hit a nerve or not by the subjects viewed.

With the responsibility to honestly and truthfully present subjects fairly, Rovalocity always strives for that lofty goal. That mandate, however, carries the additional weight to uphold our due diligence in researching facts, claims, stories and supporting data with proven reliable sources for indisputable references. 

In following our high moral and editorial policies, anyone can see how we areAdolf Hitler & Goebbels. always challenged by the constant barrage of the Internet gutter filled with pure garbage and dung that is spewed out as truth every day. As always a 'caveat emptor' or a 'buy beware' warning is out there in the vast cyberspace or as Reichskanzler Paul Joseph Goebbels, who was Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945, said, "A lie repeated often enough becomes the truth."

When I first viewed this video, a 'bullshit' alarm went off immediately in my head; tragically, many will view this and accept as fact. You be the the judge on this Obama video:

This is the email in question. 

The German caption reads:

Click on:  "Obama declares the New World Order"  - 19 seconds long.

I had to listen to it twice to be sure that I heard what I thought I had heard. Every American needs to hear this.
This is the most profoundly Un-American statement ever uttered by any American President. He is selling us down the river! 
We are too small minded to govern our own affairs and we must surrender our-- individual rights to the world order.


The example above of an Internet spam message is a horrendous, blatant abuse of the truth to distort what in reality actually took place. Now look at the actual video. It is actually runs from the time marker of 2:30 to 5:00, only 2.5 minutes long, but not 19 seconds long ...President Obama is vindicated.

Click on:  President Obama Keynote EU Speech in Brussels  

The 2016 Presidential Elections are Coming!

Watch but Verify what you see!