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An American World View - 4th of July Values

As an American citizen I have traveled to: the Scandinavian countries of Denmark, Norway and Sweden; Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia; the European countries of Britain, France, Monaco, Germany, Austria, Lichtenstein, Belgium, Switzerland, Yugoslavia and Greece; and to the middle Eastern countries of Cypress, Egypt, Israel.
Recently a relative wrote to me about his month-long road trip throughout the 22 western U.S. states. Although I traveled all around those foreign countries via roadways, I spent about five months of vacation time from a few days to up to a week in each one. That said, I have traveled to only a total of 22 U.S. states, more flying and not doing all the driving in between to them like he did--that driving experience really makes anyone appreciate how big and beautiful our country is from sea to shining sea along with meeting the interesting people along the way.

I think with all of the Islamic terrorists running around randomly killing infidels; it's now time to travel more in my own country. After all, we have quite a cultural mixing pot of American peoples to visit and learn firsthand how we all live together as Americans. I think if more Americans did this, more would drop their attitudinal, multicultural, hyphenated race-based names like African-American or Mexican-American or Arab-American and proudly declare their sole identity as "American" citizens where everyone can enjoy their Constitutional personal freedoms for life, religious, racial, sexual and political rights while still celebrating their past family heritage; emphasis on the past because the future depends on promoting their own American heritage today.

Hmmn... I can even recall some very high-ranking politician (?) in his recent acceptance speech that said, "...we are greater than the sum of our individual ambitions; and we remain more than a collection of red states and blue states. We are, and forever will be, the United States of America." 

Our country needs to encourage a much stronger American nationalistic identity or lose America's total purpose of "e pluribus unum", "out of many, one," to a faceless population in a floundering country with no borders or individual sovereignty. It is to preserve pride in America's national identity to show foreign people its a special place; not just to live or immigrate, but many countries can aspire to achieve for its people their own freedoms too.

U.S. BLOOD & TREASURE NEEDLESSLY LOST! After the current middle East debacles, it's been a realtime lesson for other countries. They will either fight their own battles in national struggles to win and continue to defend their own values or lose them, period--just to be clear, no more individual "nation building" on the "American military's time or dime" either. 

Reader Comments (1)

Well said.

July 2, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterEd Lewis

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