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Obama's Vienna Sausage: All Half-Baked Ideas

Krazy Kat Kerry's Iran ViennaTalks

John Kerry heard he didn't have a prayer in Hell in pulling off the Iranian disarmament Kerry prays to Jesus - no one joins him.  deal and so he offered one up anyway as everything and everyone have collapsed around him and Obama. It doesn't look like not to many at the meeting are looking up from their prayer rugs as Kerry puts his hands together.

Kerry faces what is wholy an Iranian Nuclear Arms deal. His ill-advised, very inexperienced and sadly unprepared diplomatic adventures have all but ebbed away into an abhorrent, bottomless abyss of blusterous naiveties feeding portensions of horrible losses he cannot imagine even if he had cognitive reasoning--in other words, he's really should not be there because he is so hopelessly feckless, period.                                                   

One does not send in a bleeding heart, Jane Fonda liberal idealist sympathizer to negotiate any U.S. military deals protecting the middle-East region.  I can recall the same same pose at a microphone as Kerry above, only with "Hanoi" Jane Fonda as he was loudly berating our soldiers as cut-throat, Genghis Khan types of brutal mogul hordes attacking, pillaging and murdering innocent Vietnamese civilians without conscience.

Looks like the whole Democrat Political Machine is on the firing line for the 2016 Presidential elections. Many pundits portend a big GOP victory as the Obama administration folds up its traveling tent medicine show selling more snake oils as Obama again skulks away from just another huge policy failure.

Reader Comments (1)

It's the leftist, liberal mantra; "If we're nice to them everything will be alright."

July 10, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterEd Lewis

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