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Obama Learns to Stop Worrying & Love the Bomb 

"Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb" was an iconic 1964 anti-war movie. The gist of the movie is that when word comes through to Washington that a general in the Strategic Air Command has sent a wing of bombers off to drop bombs the political chaos ensues in the White House. So then a technical munitions expert, Dr. Strangelove, is summoned who sees the planes cannot be recalled while conceding the Russians have a retaliatory "doomsday device" too.

At the end it's funny, in a mad way, about the behavior of the crew in one of the planes of the airborne alert force that's ordered to drop the bomb. It shows the commander who is a Texan that puts on a cowboy hat when he knows the mission is fully committed and rides the bomb down to blow up the target, Russia.

So here, fifty-one years later I am still troubled by that feeling, which runs all through the film, of discredit and even contempt for our whole defense establishment, up to and even including the hypothetical Commander in Chief--it sure looks like deja vu all over again!

Many countries have nuclear weapons, and many more want them. Only one, though, has its neighbors and the world terrified. That country is Iran.

Why is everyone so concerned? Because the Islamic theocracy has:  

  • repeatedly threatened to destroy Israel,
  • sponsors global terrorism,
  • would leverage the deterrence effect of a nuclear weapon to advance their anti-Western and anti-American interests. 

Time:  05:15

Bret Stephens, foreign affairs columnist for the Wall Street Journal, explains the one thing you really need to know in order to understand:

We can't let Iran get the bomb--they may actually use it!

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