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Entries in Newville Chamberlain hails Iranian Deal as a success in our time (3)


Has America gone Mad?

"I can see clearly now--the rain is gone. I can see all obstacles in my way--gone are the dark clouds that had me blind--it's going to be a bright, bright sunshiny day ...since Obama has shown me the way!"

  [My apologies to songwriter Johnny Nash for my last added line.]

Time: 02:45

I have to finally admit that I have really fallen down into Alice in Wonderland's rabbit hole along with Obama leading the way! You know, that's the place where everything forwards is backwards, upside right is upside down, inside in is inside out and, Heaven forbid, Left is Right or Right is Left--and now that's really "As Mad as a Hatter!" ...B. Hussein Obama has truly transformed our country!

FYI: In the early 16th to 17th century a pervasive occupational disease was chronic mercury poisoning among hat makers whose felting work involved prolonged exposure to mercury vapours during finishing, forming and sizing that caused mental confusion, emotional disturbances, and muscular weakness along with severe neurological damage and kidney damage--"You're Mad as a Hatter!"

The Mad Hatter's "Tea Party" in Wonderland

[This Tea Party shows the Left as the Right - backwards, upside down.]

Mad Hatter with Pompous-obsequious Hare Obama &  Foul-tempered Queen Michelle.

Obama may be "Mad as a March Hare" but he'll be more like a "Mad Dog" if the Congressional legislature does not approve his Iran Nuclear deal-- but then everyone knows "his barks are worse than his bites" in enforcing any military actions. So it will enbolden him with a "No" vote of confidence to veto and override congress to save his Presidential lunacy footnote in the history books at all costs.



Obama Learns to Stop Worrying & Love the Bomb 

"Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb" was an iconic 1964 anti-war movie. The gist of the movie is that when word comes through to Washington that a general in the Strategic Air Command has sent a wing of bombers off to drop bombs the political chaos ensues in the White House. So then a technical munitions expert, Dr. Strangelove, is summoned who sees the planes cannot be recalled while conceding the Russians have a retaliatory "doomsday device" too.

At the end it's funny, in a mad way, about the behavior of the crew in one of the planes of the airborne alert force that's ordered to drop the bomb. It shows the commander who is a Texan that puts on a cowboy hat when he knows the mission is fully committed and rides the bomb down to blow up the target, Russia.

So here, fifty-one years later I am still troubled by that feeling, which runs all through the film, of discredit and even contempt for our whole defense establishment, up to and even including the hypothetical Commander in Chief--it sure looks like deja vu all over again!

Many countries have nuclear weapons, and many more want them. Only one, though, has its neighbors and the world terrified. That country is Iran.

Why is everyone so concerned? Because the Islamic theocracy has:  

  • repeatedly threatened to destroy Israel,
  • sponsors global terrorism,
  • would leverage the deterrence effect of a nuclear weapon to advance their anti-Western and anti-American interests. 

Time:  05:15

Bret Stephens, foreign affairs columnist for the Wall Street Journal, explains the one thing you really need to know in order to understand:

We can't let Iran get the bomb--they may actually use it!


Iran Nuclear Deal - 3 Truths of Groundhog Day!

In Pennsyvania, groundhog Punxsutawney Phil predicts the length of winter every Groundhog Day on February 2nd.After the U.S.-Iran Nuclear Plan, what is in the future for Arab-Israeli-American middle East unrest?--There are only 'three truths'...

The 'simple truth' is within a 'Polyanna' outlook, a 'Neverland world of make-believe', the answer that is only by admitting their culpability and making amends can Israelis live with their neighbors in a permanent peace. Only then centuries-old traditions of co-existence can be restored. And only in this way can real security, peace and justice come to this ancient land and around the world with America, their ally.

The 'real truth' is that the Islamic equation is involved in the escalation of religious animosities worldwide. The Muslims have called for a jihad, a holy war, against the Jews, Christians and infidels with only complete annihilation or subjugation as its final solution. It has never changed and jihad will never end until the Muslim Caliphate has established dominion over the entire middle-East region and the world.

The 'hard truth' is most Americans want an immediate solution to theBill Murray in Groundhog Day movie. middle East unrest that will never happen--"the American people may have the watches, but the Arab Muslims have the time" and they will just fight on for decades like in past centuries--it literally becomes a way of life like the Israelis now face every day--It's 'Groundhog Day' all over again!