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Seen Merv's Bag Hit Sam's Fan?

When Merv hits Sam's FanIt has taken so little time during this crucial stage of our country's fiscal history to reach critical mass so quickly - no thanks to Democrat and Republican politicians, the shit has hit the fan! Why are the U.S. taxpayers so oblivious to their own twenty trillion dollar domestic national debt that has been conterminous to the diabolical European Union governments' largess spending?

If it is a "monkey see, monkey do" with the EU then the United States monetary system is doomed by supporting bloated third world economies attempting to shore up endless foreign government benefits. Additionally, more programs are now supporting unsustainable numbers of illegals from the middle East wars too. U.S. taxpayers should not be forced to take on other foreign nations' irresponsible burdens of needless waste and flagrant fraud under the auspices of the United Nations Agenda 21 Programs too.

Haven't any liberal Democrats really thought through about just who pays for it all and gets the "free benefits" that Obama and all the politicians want to give out? So now we must open wide our borders to flood the U.S. with hoards of illegals to run up our taxes to support these welfare recipients. By the way, the rich don't really pay for it and they certainly don't go to the overcrowded healthcare doctors or wait to get into any overburdened hospitals like the middle class either. But the illegals get free food stamps, welfare checks and paid rent--liberal voters, when do you ever wake-up from your sleepwalk?

Factoid: Read more about "U.N. Agenda 21" in blog articles by exploring my Rovalocity Search Box.

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