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U.S. to Lose Internet Control Over Untold $Billions

Obama literally caved last week to Washington critics and extended the ICANN for another contract period which is typically two years. Obama, however, pulled another fast one by extending it for only one year to end in September during his last few months in office.  Why? It's so before the next President blocks it, Obama in his last term of office  can pass it through to still give up all U.S. protection and bring on speech and content bans--another deliberate Obama bomb shell ready to explode--are any liberal Democrats watching as their own internet freedoms are taken away and given up to the international controls by rogue regimes and dictators in a one-world organization?

The Wall Street Journal article below reports the ongoing progress about the Obama plan for ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) 2016 turnover to the U.N. - Agenda 21 Global Internet Agency, GIA. The full extent and scope of the economic losses as well as business and personal security issues are insurmountable to completely assess presently. It does not bode well, though, for our unbridled Internet freedom on the world wide web platform. So then, how does the International Monetary Fund correlate to this ICANN controversy?

WASHINGTON—April 14,2014. The U.S. would lose its veto power with the International U.N. Global Internet Agency, GIA, on the executive board under a plan being considered by some emerging economies. The countries are fed up with the United States' failure to ratify a four-year-old deal to restructure the ICANN.

Some members of the GIA, Global Internet Agency, steering committee indicated at a series of weekend meetings their desire to act now, underscoring the growing discontent abroad about the U.S. Congress's delay in approving an international accord to overhaul governance at the agency.

"The GIA cannot remain paralyzed and postpone its commitments to reform," Brazilian Finance Minister Guido Mantega said in a statement to the GIA's steering committee urging the GIA to sidestep the U.S. Congress. "Alternatives to move forward with the reforms must be found whilst the major shareholder does not solve its political problems."

I have been warning everyone about the United States losing its controls over the ICANN's operations that we financed to develop and continue to guarantee freedom of expression without levying fees and charges for access. Obama and his administration insist that under the new U.N. Internet controls abuse would never happen--as if this scenario had never before happened. Unfortunately, that loss of control is currently actually under way, but not with the ICANN as of yet.

In that Wall Street story above it is to dramatically make my point loudly heard, I changed the article's real name of the International Monetary Fund, IMF, to a fictitious ICANN U.N. agency name of the Global Internet Agency, GIA. It was to show how interchangeable the ICANN is as the IMF. Both are governed by an international body of smaller nations who will selfishly and unscrupulously do anything to get ahead with their own agenda.

Still in play is our loss of U.S. control that's now happening as reported in the Wall Street Journal article on April 15, 2014 as the International Monetary Fund, the IMF, members challenged the wisdom of our country's leadership and are asking that we lose our veto power to override the IMF committee decisions. Why should we?--we just underwrite nearly all of loans to bail out developing or poorly managed countries and corrupt governments with no hope of ever being repaid the over $50 Billion loaned so far too.

  • Factoid: The IMF was founded at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944 to secure international monetary cooperation, to stabilize currency exchange rates, and to expand international liquidity (access to hard currencies). In plain talk, the semi-secretive meeting was about a group of greedy bank scions who wanted to jump into the fray of the global market after WW2 to make very profitable loans while fixing their own interest rates and controlling their international exchange rates too.

Today, countries are building up foreign-exchange stockpiles to guard against financial crises —instead of relying on the IMF. It puts upward pressure on the exchange rates of other countries, including the U.S. dollar that increases inflation since everything will cost more. The Obama administration getting pressure from bankers and investment banker lobbyists does not want to be seen as a pushover to relinquish our IMF veto power while also waiting to loan the IMF more monies not until after the 2016 election. Politically, it would be disastrous to risk telling any of the U.S. voters about those intentions when their money is scarce domestically while asking for more taxes to pay to other countries. It is more Keynesian economics of wanting to print more money and the Treasury borrowing more from foreigners as U.S. treasury bond holders.

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Economists warn the IMF's legitimacy is at stake, and they say U.S. standing abroad is being eroded.


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Reader Comments (1)

Soon after purchasing my first computer and experiencing the vastness of the Internet, the power of its freedom and seemingly endless source of information I realized it wouldn't . . . it _couldn't_ last. It's simply too much of the aforesaid benefits for common individuals to have in their possession.

I look at the Internet as being in its infancy, a miracle of resources, if you please, and even the dullest illiterate can have their say and influence other dull illiterates. I don't think for a moment that those that this new freedom of information threatens the most will allow it to continue. With news of every major 'hack' into government departments and corporations, and exposures in national security, a fresh urgency to block, filter and follow, arises in the minds of the compromised. For the sake of the children, the poor, for the sake of personal security...but overall "for our own good", barriers will be put in place to protect us from ourselves.

So ride the crest while its high, in 10 yrs or less we will have to identify ourselves wherever our thoughts would like to take us.

August 24, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterEd Lewis

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