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Is the Trump Rhetoric Inflammatory or Sour Grapes?

Questions: Is the mass illegal immigration and foreign countries ripping off Americans affecting our U.S. economy? Is it because pundits loudly scream that the campaign talking points about trade and immigration of the Donald espouses to create hatred and loathing among Americans, if not now, in the foreseeable future? 

I asked those questions tongue-in-cheek because I already know the truthful answer! It has been already asked and answered by Donald Trump over twenty-eight years ago in 1988 on the Oprah Winfrey Show! There were no riots or effusive outcries of anger back then either. Of course, that year was inside during the Presidential terms of President Ronald Reagan. Maybe today, in 2016, it's workers living in a poorly run country with economic performance that's below sub-par to sustain domestic companies, retain jobs and restrain unemployment. 

Tearfully anxious, there's a lot of empty TV talking-heads such as the Republican establishment spokespersons and liberal left-wing pundits. They are all Hell-bent-on-election to ruin Donald Trump's votes in next Tuesday's Ohio and Florida outcomes. Why?

Of course, Rubio and Kasich are screaming that Trump is inciting riots and discontent. Of course, they are both drowning and wallowing in their upcoming voting loss mire. Bernie Sanders also says it's Trump's words and deeds that have caused rally violence. He does not mention that his is behind his election offensive as an internet surrogate to create and excite Trump's mob violence. All of these all-rans overlook the "Right to Free Speech" for Trump unless it is for their own campaign vitriolic!

A "community organizer" has now been proven he cannot run a fruit stand, even less a lemonade stand without going bankrupt. I guess growing a $6 Trillion U.S. Federal Debt to $22 Trillion in the hole in eight years is a record, huh?  That's a lot of sour grapes! 


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