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A Tubby Twenty - A Fat Bill

Rather than fret about who's on the front of the twenty dollar bill, I would would rather worry about what's in the back to shore it up. Just exactly how much is it worth today and where is it tomorrow? Otherwise, we should have group picture on it of ourselves as the slaves of an oppressive U.S. economy today, forget about the past 240 years. So, it only matters what is going forward and no effigies will solve our debt problems by flashing some profiles of dead people on worthless currency.

We have an irony here. It is that we will give up President Andrew Jackson who's a white, a man, a slave owner, a military soldier who ran Indians off their lands, Father of the Democrat Party and replace him with an Underground Slave Railroad Conductor. She's Harriet Tubman who's a black, a woman, a gun-toting Union militant, an evangelical Christian and a Republican. These glaringly blatant distinctions have not been made too clear publicly either. I wonder why? ...LOL!

That's quite a contrast in today's official Washington PC, political correctness. It's really extraordinary when replacing the Democrat Party founder with a firebrand activist who today would be considered an NRA member, leading Christian advocate and registered Republican! Now that's something to think about when folding that $20 Bill over into your money clip.

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