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Entries in 2014 Mid-term Election Results (1)


Obama Hands Over A Mandate to Republicans 

The 2014 Midterms are finally over! The Democrats are now shouting to the rooftops that the Republicans did not offer any new solutions for anything in this election cycle except to attack Obama. The Democrat TV Campaign ads chided the empty Republican agenda because Republicans had no plan except to say no to every bill as President Obama declared, "They are the party of NO." 

If the Republican party had no plans, then why did so many Republican candidates win in a huge wave landslide election as a rebuke against a sitting President's programs? The Republican National Committee, RNC, wisely didn't say a word to promote the Republican brand or image. Republicans did not run on ideology either. In fact this political party was not promoting a political course nationally in this midterm for their individual candidates as they slugged through fighting their own state campaigns resulting to raise regional voter awareness against Obama policies and remind them of past performance.

Egg on face about Election results.Obama attempted to explain the tremendous Democrat defeats because of the 63.4% registered voters who did not cast ballots were angry at Congress, not him. Obama has blamed no-show voters like the minorities, low income, young people, women and less educated for these losses and not his past six years as President for many failures like legislative Republican gridlock, the economy, healthcare, wages, foreign policies, immigration and terrorism. The significance of this midterm voter turnout really was a net loss of only 4.3% from 2010 to 2014, hardly a reason to dismiss or even invalidate the low vote results so typical in midterms. (See below) Besides, Obama failed to acknowledge that not all the no-shows would have voted Democrat too. 

Midterm Turnouts: put 2014 election at 36.6% of all eligible voters, compared to 2010 with 40.9 %.

Presidential Turnouts: put 2012 election at 57.5% of all eligible voters, compared to 62.3% who voted in 2008 and 60.4% who cast ballots in 2004. In 2000, the rate was 54.2%.

Source: The Center for the Study of the American Electorate

So what did the electorate vote for in this midterm election? Evidently voters were not looking for the Republicans to govern since both sides were being blamed for the gridlock in Washington. Instead, the Republicans were looked upon as the only way to stop Barack Obama and the Democrats from running the country further into the ground. The domestic as well as foreign Obama policies are disasters. There was no other reason why Republicans were elected in this election. Is that good for Republicans? Yes, it is now an opportunity to show Republican leadership now. The voters don't trust the Republicans yet, so they have to earn the trust back by delivering a bold, positive, optimistic agenda.

How Republicans interact with Democrats is important in order to allow egos and ambitions to match the means that will meet the ends to conservative principles and goals. Here are some examples: 

  • Allow Obamacare Bill changes. Instead of creating pandemonium on the Hill with a flurry of partisan bills to repeal it, why not take a small bite at a time to unfund or detach sections to bring it down to a workable size? Then look at it like bipartisan issues, for instance: 
  1. The prohibitive medical equipment tax that confiscates research money has to be abolished.
  2. Preserve the patient rights to keep insurance if changing employment.
  3. Improve the administration of low income program exchanges. 
  4. Rescind patient subsidies to remove artificial price supports to effect actual unsupportable costs causing it to collapse under its own weight. Both political sides then can win in shaping a manageable health care program while returning it back into the private sector where it can be administered with better patient care and more cost efficiency.   
  • Allow Income tax revenue reform overhauls. Reduce rates down for individuals, reduce them to corporations, offer an open corporation foreign profits no income tax return amnesty period, have less passive income tax and capital gains tax so the flood gates would open up the capital markets to more investment, companies and jobs growth creation.  
  1. These tax law changes would allow businesses to afford to increase the proposed minimum wage rates to low income workers. 
  2. With less capital gains and passive income taxes levied, seniors and pensioners would have more retirement money to live on from savings, 401K accounts, stocks, bonds and home sales.  
  • Allow Energy sectors to flourish. It would generate U.S. jobs, build the U.S. economy and sustain U.S. global dominance in the petroleum, coal and gas industry. The U.S. geopolitical influence will help all nations to keep rogue regimes in place by economic pressures to promote peace through purse strings. 

Obama Federal Debt - $18 Trillion Storm Brewing in Washington, DC.The President is already now calling for the Republican Party to come together to help fix his broken system and to make it work. Obama says it can be done through compromise by sitting down and working across the aisle together with the Democrats. He defines compromise as agreement with his policies positions to create an activist government he supports. Obama is so late and absolutely out of touch with reality since the time to have worked with the Republicans was over the past six years, not while the whole country is now in shambles.

Factoid: The top 10% of earners pay over 70% of the taxes. Over 70% of the workers earn $51,900 per year, down from $56,400 when Obama took office in 2008. (8% pay decrease) Over 50% of the electorate pay no income taxes. 

Source: U.S. Census Bureau-Income and Poverty in the United States-September 2014

The election results cannot in any way mean that voters want Republicans to work with Democrats, the winners to work with the losers under their failed Democrat programs. This election was about stopping the losers, not fixing their broken system; in this case, the Democrats from doing further damage before it is way too late. The country is depressed because of Democrats. And anybody who tells you otherwise could not be more delusional after looking at the state of the union under Obama.

The voters have issued a simple mandate to Republicans. They are tired of the dysfunction in Washington and failed policies. The mandate is not to slow down the speed of the country as it is headed over the fiscal cliffs; but that Republicans have to stop Barack Obama, to stop further deployment of Obamacare and to stop government policies that are destroying the private, free-enterprise economy to avoid those cliffs.