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Entries in Bashar al-Assad (1)


Obama's Wars & Rumours of War

Apparently now, due to Obama running off at the mouth during his Presidential"Did you say 'Red Line' or WHAT action?" Heh, Heh, Heh! campaigning without a teleprompter fired up to spew out pre-written tested thoughts and actions, he discovered his OWN words do have meaning and can carry weight. More like a frightened little boy who discovered matches burn down houses, he rants about a "red line Syria was not to cross or else" and ignited an entire fire storm in the Middle east by playing with deadly matches - missiles and bombs. 

BoBo, Playing with Matches Again? ...Naughty, Naughty!


Today, President Barack Obama was referred to as a King, and rightfully so considering his actions. He has been running around the United States Government as if it was his monarchy without any legislative body while treating Congress as if it exists only to rubber stamp royal executive order decrees.

Today, Obama abdicated his throne by throwing back into the lap of Congress his decision for a limited military strike, thereby tying one arm behind the backs of our soldiers to fully engage the enemy amounting to a slap oh the wrist, and seeking congressional authorization to proceed under the war powers act to approve unilateral military actions against Syria even though he has the power to independently act unilaterally with little notice.

Obama has thrown his own decision responsibilities onto the shoulders of congress in order to preserve his poll numbers without political damage, it is classic "leading from behind" tactics. Obama wants an attack on Syria “just strong enough to avoid getting mocked.” It does not advance his cause going to war alone without Obama covering his ass gaining the American people's overall support to fall back on if his "limited actions" fail.  Hey! ...Can you "Blame Bush" now?

Failure Outcome Scenarios:

  • Israel is bombed in retaliation as U.S. ally
  • Iran lobs missiles into Turkey since U.S. uses NATO bases there
  • Egypt attacks Israel
  • Russian Syrian coastal naval base is hit - Obama secretly said no attacks
  • Russia attacks Saudia Arabia
  • al-Assad regime’s stockpile of chemical weapons are  stolen
  • U.S. "Surgical" missile strikes hit innocent civilians, homes & schools
  • Destroyed hidden Chemical weapons arsenals set off huge explosions that immediately kill, contaminate & decimate population centers.
  • Chemical weapons gases waft and blow over adjacent countries

What Do You Call This? - "A Clean Surgical Strike"? This picture has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, purports to show a fireball from an explosion at a weapons depot set off by rocket attacks that struck government-held districts in the central Syrian city of Homs on Thursday, Aug. 1, 2013.

Obama's congressional action here on Syria is eerily similar during his term as an Illinois State Senator when he attended legislative sessions. When faced with difficult political issues he waffled on decisions, some people determined that Obama's "present" votes were a sign of political weakness or political finagling to con the system. Such votes can help them avoid the political fall-out of voting "no": Obama voted "present" 129 times as a state senator. Although abused, the true intent of a vote of "present" rather than "yes" or "no" votes was a way for lawmakers to voice legitimate opposition due to an issue, not simply just to duck a vote up or down.

Obama now has sentenced literally hundreds, if not thousands, of Syrian people to die as they will been cast out to occupy areas around chemical weapons stockpiles as human shields--like the other men, women and children that Obama was aghast about being killed by sarin nerve gas just weeks ago in Syria. Again, Obama has shown lack of any world experience, leadership skills, proven management techniques and, foremost, judgement. President Obama is present, he is doing on-the-job-training with real-time consequences.  

President Obama has now earned an even more dubious title of "lower than a snake's belly" since people now equate him to a ranking status below President James Buchanan (1857-1861).  I believe that the public in general today are tired of "Amateur Hour" in the White House and are looking for a more seasoned professional that can handle multi-tasking while leading the most powerful country in the world.  It's time to start bringing the U.S. back up to a place of leadership again.

Brief Bio of President James Buchanan:

James Buchanan was the last president born in the 18th century and, at age 65, was the second-oldest man to be elected President at the time. He served from March 4, 1857, to March 4, 1861.  Buchanan stated about the growing schism in the country: "The object of my administration will be to destroy sectional party, North or South, and to restore harmony to the Union under a national and conservative government." On Buchanan's final day as president, March 4, 1861, he remarked to the incoming Lincoln, "If you are as happy in entering the White House as I shall feel on returning to Wheatland [sic., his house outside of Lancaster, Pennsylvania] you are a happy man."

The day before his own death, May 31, 1868, Buchanan predicted that "history will vindicate my memory". Nevertheless, historians criticized Buchanan for his unwillingness or inability to act in the face of secession and stood by witnessing the meltdown of the Union.

In the Historical rankings of United States Presidents of every president from 1789 to 2009 considering presidential achievements, leadership qualities, failures and faults, consistently place Buchanan among the least successful presidents had him ranking last, in 40th place.  He did, however, rank as the first President over a century ago who was likely our first gay president, having remained unmarried during his lifetime and lived with a man who was arguably nick-named back in their day as our "first gay vice president", his room mate, Rufus King.