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Entries in Bostom Bombers (1)


Obama's Game - Joker is Wild

Do you wonder why Obama has been uncharacteristically quiet and out of sight as the Boston bombing and police activities were going forward? 

The official Whitehouse press office said: "President Obama decided not to appear that he was micro-managing the investigation efforts and has remained on the down-low while it has been unfolding." (Paraphrased)

Obama's strategies are like a card game - and the Joker is wild: Its where they can be an extremely beneficial, or an extremely harmful card.  It's how you read it and how you play it that gives it the power to win or lose a hand or the whole game... and Obama is dealing all the cards in a stacked deck as he buries the Jokers in the bottom of the deck to keep them from being played to trump his hand.

This particular Joker below is an especially high stakes card since it could raise the political value of a hand from a simple single "lone wolf" scenario to a coordinated group "terrorist cell" which would be the winning hand to expose Obama's poor game-losing strategies. 

 Dzhokhar Tsarnaev - "Dzhohar" sounds like "Joker"

Obama after pushing for his gun control legislation was very angry it didn’t pass this week and yet continued to show little, if any, emotions about the al Queda gun violence shooting in Benghazi. Obama does not want to connect the 9/11 Benghazi embassy attack to al Queda; after all, Obama claimed "he defeated them and they were on the run" during his presidential bid. He first blamed Benghazi violence on a youtube video which has since been rebuked due to the preponderance of evidence to the contrary. The individuals or group still have not been identified or held accountable for the attack and embassy personnel have been forbidden to speak out about anything that happened. The Obama Whitehouse has obfuscated the truth while brushing under the rug four dead Americans that proudly served our nation who are forgotten, not important or politically useful anymore.  

A peculiar coincidental anomaly was repeated during this major terrorist event on U.S. soil.  In 2001, a white powder sent to media and politicians – anthrax by a "crazy white man", a disgruntled scientist who since died years later still denying it and post mortem finally declared as the anthrax source. In 2012, a white powder sent to politicians, such as Obama and two senators - ricin by a “crazy white man” who started a letter writing campaign 14 years ago about body parts being a black market and upset about a zero response. Now he’s being blamed without evidence or connection to any feasible way of getting or creating such a dangerous substance. It certainly heightened public awareness of "crazy whites" to mollify other "crazy ethnics" behavior during a Muslim terrorist attack to reduce or deflect American anger over Islamist extremists.

Obama is urgently pushing for negotiating middle-east peace talks as another item on his campaign promises list while bolstering the strength of the Caliphate in the region too. Not wanting to publicly admit his glaring intelligence failures after Janet Neapolitano said there was no indications of any imminent terrorism threats in the Boston Marathon, Obama did not blame or point fingers at anything Muslim for the Boston Bombing.  But why? Because, Saudi Arabia couldn't control or stop the Islamic terrorists from their country who flew into the World Trade Center which embarrassed the House of Saud, the ruling royal family. Reminiscent of President Bush flying all the Bin Ladens out of the United States immediately after the Twin Towers attack, an interesting plot twist has surfaced in the background noise of the Boston Bombings.

Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, a Saudi national, a student as connected to an important Saudi family, was admitted to a Boston Hospital after the bombing with shrapnel  wounds.  No one has mentioned why he was near the bomb explosion except that he coincidentally was in the spectator crowd; maybe not a spectator but instead a participant.

The FBI believes the Saudi student was tied to 2 to 3 more people, others like Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the Boston bombers.  It looks like Obama was trying to make this a ‘lone wolf’ crime so the Saudi government would be spared embarrassment and the U.S. would avoid explaining how a terror cell was active when we had al Queda on the run. Reuters revealed President Barack Obama met with Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal at the White House on Wednesday, April 17.  They reportedly discussed the conflict in Syria. “The meeting was not on Obama’s public schedule,” the report adds.

Currently, a F.B.I. file contains Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi's deportation record and the reason he is being deported. According to ICE the reason is under section 212 3B — “Security and related grounds” — “Terrorist activities”. His visa has been revoked. The FBI said a file was started “just in case he was found to be connected to the crime,” however, the file shows he was scheduled to be deported. This was not a precaution, it was in “orders.”

The first police reports said there were more bombs found besides the two that exploded; apparently they were not detonated and had to be defused or exploded. Later in the afternoon, I watched the live broadcasts as the police restated that there were now only two bombs involved, no others found. At the time, it struck me as odd at the way the officer was seemingly in a hurried nervous frenzy to get his message out repeating it over and over again. I got his message the first time and the suggestion that no more terrorist bombers were involved since bombs placed in locations along the marathon route would have meant more terrorists involved in the plot. Politically, had a larger plot been uncovered after the initial disaster, it would have meant identifying more perpetrators. It would further indicate a larger massive plot on the scale of the Twin Towers if all of these bombs had gone off in all of those multiple sites along the marathon route killing potentially even more victims than 9/11/01 - imagine the big time Obama intelligence blunder exposed?