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Entries in Hillary loses presidential nomination (2)


Just Biden Time - Let the Monkey Loose

“Never hold discussions with the Monkey...
when the Organ Grinder is in the room.”
- Winston Churchill - 

Jo-Jo the Monkey-Man

It looks like after a seven year quarantine away from most public venues and the press as the muted Vice President, the Democratic Party is taking a second look. Joe Biden, their next top banana, is finally thought to be a highly trained Veep monkey.

Joe Biden's handlers have clamped a collar around his neck with a short leash. -- they plan him to lead him around and out to replace Hillary. Then, it's on to the national debate stage against the formidable slate of Republicans candidates. 

A worrisome outcome really still plagues his handlers. They are remembering how Joe played for the folks as hilarity broke out in a series of missteps and calamities during the last 2012 electoral Veep debates, but then the voters were voting for Obama anyway as their top banana.

So, in their only 2012 Veep debate Joe scampered around and chattered loudly with shrill screeches while smirking, grimacing, toothy, wide Capuchin monkey smiles at his opponent, Paul Ryan, as his pained handlers stood by in the wings. Paul Ryan jerked Joe's leash hard at at times when he stepped way over the line; but to no avail, Joe was out of control.

Joe's organ grinder was returning from a campaign trip onboard Air Force One and watched his monkey go wild as he scampered about the debate stage. Many viewers really turned off and stopped listening to his monkey screech out loud political ear-shattering, off-tempo tunes that were not in the key of many voters.

A monkey may be able to write Shakespeare on a typewriter, but never put one on a music box to crank out your tune in a debate. After all, if you have to do it yourself anyway, never let the folks play with your monkey or he may turn around to bite you in the ass instead. Joe certainly left his teeth marks on Barak's butt cheeks too. 

In the second 2012 Presidential debate, stakes couldn't have been higher since the needle on the GIVE A DAMN-O-METER this time did not budge for the Obama-Biden ticket. After all, Biden's sole target was aimed at recapturing a demoralized Obama voters base upset about Obama's first poor presidential debate performance and Joe really blew it.

The shift of uncommitted/undecided voters for either ticket was sullied by Joe.  Biden's rude, disruptive, boisterous interruptions made it impossible for either candidate to complete sentences, much less clearly explain their positions fully. That was not fair to the voters to see the sitting Vice President jeering and talking over Paul Ryan and not letting him speak his piece... 

So if the polls did not move, what finally did? The Ryan narrative, which was the bulls-eye shot of the night that introduced Paul Ryan for the first time to many voters as solid Veep material. Unfortunately the weakest link was still the Republican nominee, Romney. He doomed the candidacy as his next subsequent debate performances proved disastrous as Biden, not good. And well, everyone knows the 2012 election outcome, not good.

Don't let the Washington political machine candidates make monkeys out of the American voters again. A weak President will destroy the United States Constitution, economy, military readiness and American spirit. 


Hil-liar-y Clinton's Defense

MAINSTREAM MEDIA PROPS UP HIL-LIAR-Y CLINTON'S CAMPAIGNLiar, Liar, pants on fire!  ...Are the Dems finally giving up on Hil-liar-y yet?  If not, this will be the biggest landslide victory the Republican Party has seen since 1984 when President Ronald Reagan won a decisive Presidential victory!

President Reagan carried all of the states except Minnesota, Mondale’s home state, and the District of Columbia. He received 54,455,074 of the popular votes to Mondale’s total of 37,577,185. In the electoral college the count was Reagan, 525, and Mondale, 13.

Upon leaving the White House as first lady, Hil-liar-y Clinton has planned carefully to check all the to-do boxes to qualify as the next U.S. President:

  • Moved home address to qualify as a New Yorker
  • Elected New York senator
  • Appointed Secretary of State
  • Born a woman

And so...  check, check, check and check!

Hil-liar-y has also worked hard to build up her net worth and cash reserves by building her private family foundation, The Clinton Global Initiative, a supposedly charitable organization also affiliated with the Clinton Presidential Library as well as accepting donations from anonymous individuals, multi-national companies and foreign governments. Hil-liar-y's speaking prowess has earned tens of millions of dollars in pricey speaking fees and generous honorariums. Wow, what a gal! 

Let's all give it up for Hil-liar-y and sing her swan song....                                                                                                                                     

Hil-liar-y's My Way or The Highway! 

-Apologies to Frank Sinatra

And now, my career end is near
And so I face the final curtain
My friend, I'll say it clear
I'll state my criminal case, of which I'm certain

I've lived a life that's been full of lies
I've emailed each day and even on a holiday
But more, much more than all those top secrets 
I emailed them my way

Regrets, I've got a lot
But then again, so many to mention
I hid what I had to do within my server
And erased it throughout without exemption

I planned each charted crooked course
Each careful step along the presidential byway
And more, much more than this
I emailed government top secrets my way

I've lived a life that's full of lies
I've emailed them daily and on every holiday
But more, much more than this
I did it all to myself in my own way!