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Entries in LBJ War on Poverty Disaster (1)


Drawer Knobs Jobs

Recently I heard my wife and her sister bantering back and forth in a quite lively and active discussion. My initial impression was that they had a lot of information in front of them as they were throwing about alternative ideas.  After pouring some coffee I went into where the debate was going on to find it's all about kitchen drawer handles for her sister's new house. I just sort of chuckled as they both went on about the various choices they saw on the internet site.

As I stepped back out of fray, it suddenly struck me that's how people back in the 1800's shopped. They didn't go into retail stores mainly because they did not have the shops and malls of today. In 1845, Tiffany's Blue Book was the first U.S. mail-order catalog and followed up shortly by Sears and Wards in the United States. Today with the invention of the Internet, a website with close-up snap shots and video clips becomes the more usual way to order merchandise for delivery by mail, although the term "mail order" is called e-commerce or online shopping. 

This twenty-first century internet phenomenon is contrary to jobs building by working in the retail "brick and mortar" stores on main streets all over the country. It now actually focuses more in App driven software on cell phones to further drive online purchasing habits. Our latest generation is millininals who have grown up with laptop games and Facebook accounts all supported in the massive social media realm in cyberspace.  

Nowhere are there real stores to shop; only virtual stores where they play games, talk to friends and go to school. The truely honest reality is retail stores will exist, but they will not need the physical workforce level as in the past years. Let's face it, those 3D goggles with surround vision and stereo sound has brought real-to-life situations and images into everyone's heads. Why go out-of-your-mind crazy running through crowds when you can now do it in the comfort of your home? Hmmn....

Now you ask, what is the point I am raising? It is simple. Young people who do not have an education have no future - that's all people, period.  I speak from experience when I remember when President Lyndon B. Johnson passed the "1965 War on Poverty Program" to help poor people across the United States starting with the VISTA Program, etc. This political Federally funded social engineering has cost $15 Trillion dollars and not moved the needle. In 1965, the poverty rate in this country stood at 14 percent. Now, after untold trillions have been spent fighting poverty, the poverty rate is 14.3 percent. 

After fifty years of a Democrat Poverty Policy run under a combination of Republican and Democrat administrations and just recently under a Democrat President for eight years, nothing has changed yet.

Let's try real change and see what happens with a candidate who carries the peoples' popular vote to see what that will do to shake up the Washington elite---

--otherwise, don't ever bitch or complain again because who cares what you think?--just sit down, pay taxes and shut up!