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Entries in Obamacare (2)


Grabbing Hold of the Cat by the Tail

Why do people always ignore the very obvious facts when trying to figure out what next is happening around them?  Mark Twain once said, "A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way." Isn't that how we are now learning the same lessons from Obamacare too?  

If any of the electorate does not feel like they have been mauled and scratched up by now, then just expect it when the Obama Presidential executive orders on all deferred groups expire in 2016--ironically, it's just after all the Democrats get Obama's political cover from the 2014 mid-terms until the 2016 Presidential election cycle is over too--go figure!

With the joint failure of both Hillarycare and Obamacare, is the 'single-payer' socialistic medical plan the next grand insurance Federal program being foisted upon the American people? Duh, does anyone really, really need to ask what is obviously happening next?--if so, just 'grab the cat by the tail' again!

Until the private free-market is back in place without Federal intrusion, we cannot achieve affordable healthcare insurance reform like: 

  • Assure the basic rights of the insured that must include unrestricted nationwide interstate commerce across state lines to ensure competitive pricing. 
  • Remove the American Bar Association stranglehold over the insurance tort laws to reduce exorbitant award settlements to reasonable, equitable dollar amounts.
  • Include fairness in rates with coverage for pre-existing conditions and any policy transportability between employers as a mandatory component. 
  • Recind IRS enforcement of healthcare insurance policies under the existing Federal mandate to collect 'tax fines' under the Affordable Care Act as it is defunded and nullified.

The Democrats always blather on about the Republicans being the "Party of No", no ideas. Well, there are four solid points offered above that everyone can start to work on from both sides--so what's stopping Obama & Harry Reid now? 


Obama Omen Tolls Death Knell 


February 24, 2009 -- In a joint session to Congress, President Obama says: "So let there be no doubt: Health care reform cannot wait, it must not wait, and it will not wait another year."

Subsequently, the voters were constantly deluged with torrents of disingenuous, mainstream news misinformation. (lying, mud-slinging smear propaganda)  Here is a classic example from the far uber-left-wing-nuts, Peter Soros funded website, Media Matters for America:

August 19, 2009

After repeated debunking of "death panels," conservative media backtrack to "de facto death panels"

Just as former New York Lt. Gov. Betsy McCaughey backtracked on her false claim that the House health care reform bill would "absolutely require" end-of-life counseling, other conservative media figures are hedging their support forMedia Matters misused the word "Chyron". It is the graphics or words at the bottom of a TV screen usually unrelated to the current viewing content. The title line under the screen shot does refer to the televised image above. former Gov. Sarah Palin's false claim that the health care bill would create government "death panels" to decide who lives and dies. These conservatives are allowing that there won't be actual "death panels," but also claiming that the bill itself will inevitably lead to the government making end-of-life medical decisions, or as a Fox News chyron put it: "De Facto Death Panels." (see Chyron note)

March 9, 2010 -- Pelosi said of the Affordable Care Act, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of controversy.”

March 21, 2010 -- The Senate passes its version of the bill, sending the legislation to Obama for his signature.

March 23, 2010 -- Obama signed the Health Care bill into law. The Supreme Court agrees to hear a legal challenge to the law after 26 states, led by Florida, petitioned the high court.

June 28, 2012 -- The Supreme Court ruled that the individual mandate portion of the health care law may be upheld within Congress' power under the taxing clause.

June 20, 2013 -- Three years have passed since Nancy Pelosi said, "We have to pass the bill so that  you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of controversy." - Okay Nancy, what are the "De Facto Death Panels" about in the Obamacare Bill?

Nancy, now that the fog has finally lifted, let me make this answer crystal clear, "The Obamacare Board is Answerable to NO One and it is the "De Facto Death Panel" - Need proof? Ask 10 year old Sarah Murnaghan about Health & Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius who refused to waive the rules barring her access to the adult lung-transplant list saying, "No, some will live and some will die", and where a Judge compassionately intervened for Sarah to be listed to receive a life-saving transplant.

The Independent Payment Advisory Board, the IPAB, threatens both the Medicare Program and the Constitution's separation of powers.  Once the board acts, its decisions can only be overruled by Congress and only through unprecedented and constitutional dubious legislative procedures featuring restricted debates, short deadlines for actions by congressional committees and other steps of the process, and a "three-fifths supermajority" vote requirements.

The law restricts Congress on how to kill the IPAB board, otherwise it's "incapable of extermination". It is subject to a "three-fifths supermajority", and only by a vote that takes place between January 1 - August 15, 2017. 

Obamacare mandates that the board impose deep Medicare cuts, while simultaneously forbidding it to ration care.  If the board fails to implement cuts, all of its powers are to be exercised by the HHS Secretary Sebelius or her successor. These actions will limit senior access to care because doctors and hospitals will limit or stop accepting patients, causing them to wait longer or forego care, the essence of rationing anyway - by simultaneously cutting Medicare and forbidding rationed care - all unintelligible "double-speak" dribble.

The IPAB's godlike powers are not accidental. Its goal, conspicuously proclaimed by the Obama administration, is to control Medicare spending in ways that are insulated from the political process. 

This wholesale transfer of power is at odds with the Constitutional separation of powers architecture. It's laws protect individual liberty by preventing undue aggregation of government power in a single entity since it requires diffusion of powers vertically limited and enumerated between the federal government with the states and horizontally by dividing powers between the three branches of government.

Congress - Repeal it or Constitutionally Challenge it!