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Entries in Single Payer Healthcare System (2)


Grabbing Hold of the Cat by the Tail

Why do people always ignore the very obvious facts when trying to figure out what next is happening around them?  Mark Twain once said, "A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way." Isn't that how we are now learning the same lessons from Obamacare too?  

If any of the electorate does not feel like they have been mauled and scratched up by now, then just expect it when the Obama Presidential executive orders on all deferred groups expire in 2016--ironically, it's just after all the Democrats get Obama's political cover from the 2014 mid-terms until the 2016 Presidential election cycle is over too--go figure!

With the joint failure of both Hillarycare and Obamacare, is the 'single-payer' socialistic medical plan the next grand insurance Federal program being foisted upon the American people? Duh, does anyone really, really need to ask what is obviously happening next?--if so, just 'grab the cat by the tail' again!

Until the private free-market is back in place without Federal intrusion, we cannot achieve affordable healthcare insurance reform like: 

  • Assure the basic rights of the insured that must include unrestricted nationwide interstate commerce across state lines to ensure competitive pricing. 
  • Remove the American Bar Association stranglehold over the insurance tort laws to reduce exorbitant award settlements to reasonable, equitable dollar amounts.
  • Include fairness in rates with coverage for pre-existing conditions and any policy transportability between employers as a mandatory component. 
  • Recind IRS enforcement of healthcare insurance policies under the existing Federal mandate to collect 'tax fines' under the Affordable Care Act as it is defunded and nullified.

The Democrats always blather on about the Republicans being the "Party of No", no ideas. Well, there are four solid points offered above that everyone can start to work on from both sides--so what's stopping Obama & Harry Reid now? 


Presidential Election Countdown: 1085 Days To Go

So, how do you cook frogs? -- Put them in water of a frying pan, heat up slowly ...and before they know it ...they're cooked!

What's up for 2014?

Obama and Democrat progressives will move further left to shove the United States people into socialism like the European nations. We are sinking more into the financial abyss created by more government programs. Our national debt will be $20 Trillion and climbing after the debt ceiling is raised again in the upcoming session of Congress -- and that's just for starters as the 2014 economy heads downward raising unemployment, interest rates, inflation and housing foreclosures. -- These issues all conveniently stick out like a sore thumb after the 2014 midterm elections, so really focus on those important races for Governors and state legislators turning over into Red states, we need more Republican politicians at your state levels to make a real difference where people live, it's not just about Washington DC politics.

The major provisions of Obamacare are in effect now. What can we now expect?More people will wake up from their sleep and find that they are expected to do as the federal law mandates: You MUST buy insurance or pay a fine.  As of March 1 it is $95 or 1% gross income; 2015 it is $325 or 1% gross income; or 2016 it is $695 or 1% gross income -- whichever is higher.

The secret surprise is the final insurance premium cost if too few people join Obamacare during the 2014 open enrollment period -- or too few healthy people -- insurers may choose to drop out of the marketplace. Ring! Ring! -- Hello? ...Reality check calling! In Obama's program, it was ingenious to put on the backs of young people the burden to pay the most to cover the least for them and in reality give benefits mostly to the costly older patients. This formula makes it cheap, therefore affordable and available to a larger group of patients, but it is still not sustainable long-term. Then, why have it?

The obvious answer to that and another key question whether young people will buy it at all is a foregone conclusion from the beginning -- of course not! They will initially balk at the expensive plans with poor coverage, insurers will drop out and the whole program will fall apart. It leaves only one option left to choose which is Obama's whole end of game plan all along. It was to somehow force on the backs of taxpayers a government "single payer" or "socialized medicine" program for a wealth redistribution scheme. Is it going to work?

Obama has succeeded by passing his Affordable Care Act in the senate and obtained Supreme Court sanctions. Obamacare has exploded and destroyed the private healthcare insurance system and by October 2014 insurers cannot offer any "non-compliant" insurance plans so deemed by the government, thereby eliminating competition in all individual private plan choices. So next, Obamacare will implode and destroy itself due to low plan participation which creates a massive vacuum. Since Americans have no private health plans then, the only immediate political fix is a Federal Healthcare Single Payer System -- Socialized Medicine. See who in Congress tries to rush Single Payer System bills on both sides - Vote those bums out! 

 Welcome to strict guidelines of limited doctors, hospitals, treatments, medicines and out-patient services - Socialized Single Payer Medicine.