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Entries in Syria War Costs (2)


It's Time for ISIS Terrorists to See Allah Close Up!

"Evil succeeds when good people stand by and do nothing."


Obama has been consistently engaged in only reactive strategies, pin-prick attacks, as his overall military maneuver on a case by case basis. It's due to his fears of any additional military combat personnel involvement since it's contrary to his ongoing 'troop withdrawal diplomacy' stance. He apparently has no overall master plan for any ambitious or robust Military Decision Making Process (MDMP). However, his policy decisions have their consequences, deadly consequences, and his 'dithering decisions' have offered no relief whatsoever to the worldwide crises. The Islamic State, IS, terrorist barbarism is a glaring example.

The United States Obama foreign policy negotiations under Secretary of StateU.S. INFLUENCE DISAPPEARS IN KERRY'S FEEBLE HANDS.
 John Kerry have stumbled along behind closed doors in the middle East and in Russia.
The 'blame game' of absolving the Obama foreign policy failures are still done by disparaging remarks of former U.S. President George W. Bush actions six years ago. Further blame for not gaining any substantive diplomatic concessions was because of the self-serving behavior of Russia President Vladimir Putin, Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai and Iran President
Hassan Rouhani. Did Obama delude himself to think that his charming ego would turn those heads of state so much as to change their committed agendas?

Obama's 'veil of ignorance' is now worn thin and tattered, the wagging finger of blame points back onto himself. When will Obama now take responsibility to admit to everyone about his sorrowful performance? Although, I don't think Barack is capable of truthfully ever admitting it even to himself.  

It's a fool's errand to attempt to do something that has no chance of success; so do you think that the United States military should ramp up troops to reenter battle fields in Iraq to fight the IS terrorists? In 2011 the U.S. troops withdrew and hundreds of millions of dollars of equipment was left behind for the Iraqi army like weapons, small arms, ammunition, mortars, Humvies, M1 Abrams tanks, howitzer field artillery and transport trucks of which the IS terrorists stole and exploited to take on battles and hold the territories. They are certainly now well-organized and well-equipped as an ad hoc volunteer militia that mimics a strong military force to fight for the Islamic State.

Isn't also foolish to think that the IS terrorists cannot be beaten either? They do appear to be a formidable standing army by virtue of their very sophisticated U.S. weaponry. But, that weaponry can be their achilles' heel too, the soft chink in their armor. So how? That sophisticated weaponry and vehicles absolutely require highly trained maintenance crews in that desert sand-filled environment. Those captured vehicles and equipment will eventually break down requiring needed maintenance, repairs and parts. More importantly, trained mechanics, diagnostic equipment and tools are mandatory assets in short supply.  

PREDATOR DRONE MISSILESThe Islamic State's present successes are indisputable in the Iraqi and Syrian open deserts areas, but its vulnerability has not been U.S. combat tested there yet. Let's see how their 'crack crews' of Islamic jihadi 'rag-tag' IS terrorists do fending off high altitude U.S. F-18s dropping Jdam 'bunker-buster' bombs, Predator drones with Hell-fire missiles seeking out IS leaders along with Huey helicopters with fully loaded rocket launchers aimed on all of their ground troops, large scale Two U.S. F-18 Jdam Bombs were dropped into a recent terrorist meeting as part of a community clean-up program.weaponry and supply lines feeding them. Now this type of military strategy using air strikes without 'putting boots on the ground' can greatly assist the peoples of Iraq and Syria by decimating the stolen IS weaponry, ordinance cache and methodically thinning out their troops to even out the playing field to beat back the terrorist insurgents. It would then provide valuable current 'intel' into troop movements, insurgent terrorist numbers and for all the geographical battlefield placements. Ultimately, the war proven quality and professionalism of our U.S. Army Logistics Branch are far superior to any IS terrorists--'Always There Always Ready'.  


Putin Syria Plan Gives Obama His To Do List

We Must not get into the Syrian War! - Why?

Obama is screaming it's all about those chemical weapons in Syria. This is a great concern, but not the true center of focus into the root issue. Importantly, there's more about what's not said and it has to do with who is shipping Chemical weapons along with their ulterior motives to do such monstrous behavior.

Two Obvious Issues:

  • Obama fails to mention this is a purely sectarian civil war between political factions within a country for an internal fight for ruling power. Although some politicians would have us believe otherwise, Bashir al-Assad has not demonstrated or shown real aspirations of war for Lebanon or Israel and wishes to regain his stability of his governance over his own country.
  • These al-Queda backed 'Free Syrian Army' rebels are slaughtering Christians as infidels, Islam non-believers, who will not submit to Allah and convert. Their churches, homes and villages are ransacked and burned to the ground. So it's not only chemical weapons, but human carnage decimated from religious persecution and the devastation to the general population by ongoing warfare.

Meanwhile, the Russians are not concerned about chemical weapons issues. Remember that Putin reveres Joseph Stalin, a totalitarian mass murderer as heinous as Adolph Hitler, and murdered Afghanis with chemical weapons during the Russian occupation that they left in defeat with humiliation and taking over Soviet Georgia in the same brutal manner. So it comes without any shock that Russia, after all, manufactures and provides chemical components for developing chemical weapons along with guns and munitions shipping to Syria.

Since Russia's northern ports are frozen year-round and the Black Sea offers little as convenient locations to expeditiously navigate ships to open seas, Syria's Mediterranean warm water naval ports for submarines and ships is strategically important.  The Russians have a base already established for a strategically geographical presence to counter future Chinese aggression against the southern Russian borders. It doesn't look like the Russians are going anywhere in the foreseeable future or may never leave at all.

The Obama administration had a new political game-changer:

  • The Bashir al-Assad regime is guaranteed a new beginning under the 'Putin-Obama Disarmament Agreement'.
  • The chemical weapons go away to an "international body" to be destroyed and the U.S. agrees to not have any missile attack.
  •  On hold indefinitely, the President with the Liberal Republicans and the Democrats who were OK providing assistance to the Syrian 'rebels'.
  •  Left out in the cold without any American assistance, the 'Farouq Brigade', the same 'Free Syria Army rebels' who have pledged allegiance to Al Qaeda and Commander Abu Sakar who cut the heart and liver out of their enemies and eat it, 

 Contact your Congressmen today!

U.S. intervention must NOT happen!


Are these the "Free Syrian Army" rebels we help attack Bashar al-Assad?


Time: 03.43

WARNING: This video contains DISTURBING images - 06/17/13 Glenn Beck TV Show