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Entries in U.S. Unemployment Rates (1)


The Magical Month's Surprise

"Abra... Abracadabra, the numbers will reach out and grab ya!"

The Magician &              The Sorcerer

Hey! Isn't this the notorious month before the November Presidential Elections? It's time for the big "October Surprise"! So who's going to pull a rabbit out of the hat to lie and distort the facts?

The Sorcerer had attempted during the Veep Debate to conger up and cast a mind-boggling spell over the electorate to distort, stonewall and lie about the facts on the 9/11/12 Islamic Terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya. His loud, boisterous, chiding chants during his own riotous laughter disrupted the debate so that all of the voters clearly heard clown talk from a  guy that's a bullet away from the Presidency.

The Magician failed to "Wow!" the folks with the unemployment rate below 8% given that the 7.8% in all likelihood will be adjusted upward as all of these numbers have done after every rollout during the Obama administration. Obama cannot wave a wand to make these bad numbers simply disappear before election day, November 6th, 2012.

After four years, the deep, dark secret is finally out... there never really was a "Master Magician" or "Grand Sorcerer", only a Magician's assistant and a Sorcerer's apprentice doing amateur shell games to hide all of their moves!  It's time to stop with the all of the illusions and look at reality. We need true leadership - Vote Romney and Ryan!