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President Reagan Teaches President Trump a Lesson

 A President Trump History Lesson

Time: 0:46 secs

President Reagan Verses Protesters

Remember when we had a president that respected the rule of law? Well, President-elect Donald Trump should look back at how "The Gipper" took on the liberal elites on college campuses and in the left-wing press too. This a history lesson that teaches that these times are no different than back when President Ronald Reagan got screaming loudly to be heard and was verbally feisty too!

This is a real lesson for all the Trump voters who should see and hear what President Reagan said as the Governor of California about the California State University at Berkley left-wing student protesters. Please send this out to others for a quick history lesson too. 



Hillary's Glass Jaw Cracked - No Ceiling Was Broken!

 All Dressed Up & No Place to Go!

The question on everyone's mind is what is a first person, girlie man, transgender, cross-dresser supposed to do now? Well for starters, how about a stint in Federal Prison? By the way, Obama can't pardon Hillary until she and Bill are indicted and convicted, so she would have to ask President Trump.  Yeah...  sure!  LOL

President Trump should select a new Attorney General, request the FBI Director to step down and then to urge that a special prosecutor take up the power for an indictment to prosecute the Clintons. It's time to give them a chance to live not in the White House, but the Big House! That's a taxpayer paid for institution too. Crooked Hillary can now have the time to go forward with the investigations of the Clinton Foundation.


Hillary's Convicted Sisterhood Club

Weiner's October Surprise! 

Thank God that one man's pedophila is every Hillary voter's peccadillo. Anthony's predilection being stubbornly resistant to any moral influence while being persistently impenitent created an obdurate sinner. It is no surprise why a recalcitrant liar like Hillary wasn't even capable of acknowledging Anthony's juvenile prevarications. Hillary, if you recall, has already handled Bill's penile erections by denying every sexual allegation while ignoring all the evidence. This hard resolve no doubt has steeled her sensitivity to feeling only numbness on how all the voters really feel - this is why Hillary loses, she still really doesn't get it!

Hillary Clinton, being a New York resident, already knows of two other notorious female New Yorker Billionaires who went to prison who were self-confessed liberals and Democrats. One was Leona Helmsley, a NYC Hilton hotelier and Empire State Bldg owner and Martha Stewart, the Home Decor & Furnishings magnate.  

Leona Helmsley was 71,  sentenced in 1992 to 16 years, went to prison for 19 months, as a tax cheat. Leona Helmsley was reviled as the "Queen of Mean" by her employees as she  famously said, "Only the little people pay taxes." While ordering a manager to falsify a tax bill receipt, Helmsley exploded with tyrannical outbursts, shouting, "You're not my fucking partner! You'll sign what I tell you to sign." Most legal observers felt that Helmsley's hostile personality, arrogance, and "naked greed" alienated the jurors. She never showed contrition.

Martha Stewart, now 75, was 63 when sentenced in 2004 to 5 months in prison by a federal court in New York for lying to government investigators about the sale of her ImClone biomedical stock. At her sentencing after convicted of obstruction of justice, conspiracy, lying to federal authorities concerning the stock market, Martha arrogantly said, "It was a small personal matter." Her own attorney said, "That's hardly a small personal matter, that's a very public matter." He added to say, "Usually defendants are remorseful at this point in the proceedings, and she seems to be just the opposite of that." 

In the end, like her New Yorker sisters, Hillary Clinton, 69, will be convicted. So, she'll join Leona and Martha in their elite New York "Convicted Sisterhood Club" - where no one recognizes their OWN guilt or pays their own dues - instead they just charge it off to others as it's their own problem! 



The Donald J. Trump Landslide Victory

America First! 

President-Elect Donald J. Trump


Our Founding fathers feared that, we the people, will cede our free republic eventually by devolving within a corrupt Federal government that melds down into a slimy cesspool of crooked deals with capital cronyism. By that definition it's an economy in which success in business depends on close relationships between government officials and business people - the donors and special interests. 

That fear had good basis as our Founders were all knowledgeable people, and all knew and discussed how all prior democracies to 1776 had lasted up to 200 years, all ended in disastrous failures – one of the most well known being that of Athens, Greece.

Our Founders also much feared creating a government that had too many aspects of a pure democracy. They feared the destructiveness that a majority might have in trying to make everyone equal, and in the process taking away property, rights of property, and with it our basic freedoms which they considered "God given Freedoms."

The Founders also foresaw the perils of the development of a "Robin Hood" mentality we are seeing today – "soak the rich and give to the poor." It is a democratic drift toward socialism. Such a program as the Affordable Care Act, "Obamacare," is a prime example. Donald Trump says what is needed is a vibrant privately-offered insurance program nationally. It opens all state borders up competitively by offering totally transparent benefits with competitive pricing. This is significant as it preserves the quality of health care plans with sustainable profitable providers to offer doctors, health care workers and medical care facilities.

How's our election end up? - Did Chicago Cubs win World Series? 

Reagan won 1980 by 10 points and took 44 states.

For Hillary to win by 12, she would have to turn EVERY state blue. 


Hillary's Funeral Procession

Hillary Clinton's Hearse brings Casket to graveside for Burial

During her FBI Email Probe Hillary Clinton burned, bleached, bashed and buried bodies of evidence. She never dreamed she would be buried herself by another scandal that would spring up around her about another weiner - Bill pulled such a real boner years ago. Now Anthony Weiner, "Carlos Danger", husband of her closest aide, Huma Abaden, is being investigated by the FBI for sex-texting nude pictures to a fifteen year old girl.

It seems the FBI just ran across more information about the unsecure Clinton email server. Is it about the top secret "Confidential" emails sent from Hillary to Huma? Something is up on 650,000 just newly found emails in the unsecured Apple laptop computer shared with husband, Anthony, who was sending out sex-texting on to a minor. Oops, looks like someone else just pulled a boner too!

Donald Trump is The Choice, Not an Echo!

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