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Feeling Groped Yet? - The Choice, Not the Echo!

Boy! I personally feel absolutely groped and mauled by all of the vicious barrage of the general press, mainstream driveby media and Washington elite dump on bashing Donald Trump ~ enough already, everyone gets it Hillary! 

  • Hillary Clinton has released full magnum force attacks by her junkyard pit bulls with trash attacks along with every lowdown, graveyard ghoul digging up any random bodies to throw at Trump. Hillary should save some of those deceased souls so they can sign her voter rolls to vote for her too. 
  • The unbranded, unscripted, plain-talk by Hillary and her minions along with her private speeches with behind-the-door deals has exposed why her outrageous, ranting accusations against Trump are just unbridled attempts to hide all of her own devious conduct and destructive governmental overreach programs paid by more middle class income taxes - and no surprise here, there just aren't enough "rich people" to pay for it all!  
  • Can we all now just stop to hear Hillary speak? says it all, as not much is here, you are just being sold a bill-of-goods!  

...Folks, all of the Wiki-Leaks bombshell emails have not even come up to the light of day yet!  All the questions still go on begging answers...

What were Hillary Clinton's instructions, and to whom, in order to conduct the deliberate destruction of over 33,000 emails in the State Department system?  I wonder what was there that was so illegal, corrupt and damning for Hillary?

The Virtual Echo Chamber of News Pundits & Media are Hillary's Megaphone.

Donald Trump is The Choice, Not an Echo! 


Obama is a Son of a Whore!

In September, 2016 this was an exact quote of Rodrigo Duarte, the President of the Philippines, to describe Barack Obama, our United States President. Personally, I have never heard anything publicly announced ever like this before since I can remember which is nearly seventy years. China, although, is jubilant as this breakdown of U.S. relations with the Philippines leads the way for less obstruction to the Chinese dominance over the South China Seas, a strategic shipping lane for all world trade, which China is currently taking over control with impunity and not much opposition anywhere from anyone.

Since his bold whore remark, President Duarte proposed removing long-time Philippine U.S. military advisors, then announced he was shopping in Russia and China for military supplies as he was declaring an end to joint U.S-Philippines naval exercises in the South China Sea.  - This is how effective our military defense budget is being well spent to defend the Phillipines!

Wow, this really looks like President Obama really is a son of a whore. He has whored out all our military might into inconsequential strategic alliance relativity. Our feckless President has relegated our military stature into the waste bin, garbage can with third world also-ran banana-republic dictatorships.

Please, lets get Hillary elected so she can follow up more with of these same kinds of feckless, impotent military policies



Tim Kaine Takes Over Office as President

"Concealing one's true medical condition from the voting public is a time-honored tradition of the American presidency. William Henry Harrison, who died of pneumonia in April of 1841, after only one month in office, was the first Chief Executive to hide his physical frailties. Nine years later Zachary Taylor's handlers refused to acknowledge that cholera had put the President's life in jeopardy; they denied rumors of illness until he was near death, in July of 1850, sixteen months into his presidency. During Grover Cleveland's second term, in the 1890s, the White House deceived the public by dismissing allegations that surgeons had removed a cancerous growth from the President's mouth; a vulcanized-rubber prosthesis disguised the absence of much of Cleveland's upper left jaw and part of his palate. The public knew nothing about the implant until one of the President's physicians revealed it in 1917, nine years after Cleveland's death."

It's time to tell the truth about Hillary Clinton and her uphill battle with Parkinson's disease. Dr. Ted Noel will take you through with easy-to-understand layman's terms about a complicated medical condition, just like the actor Michael J. Fox. Many of the behind-the-scenes players within the Hillary for President Campaign are well aware of her accelerating state of ill health and are feverishly protective to hide it while Hillary is making public appearances.  

Time:  16.36

"Using John F. Kennedy's personal letters, Navy records, and oral histories, biographers and historians over the past twenty years have begun to fill in a picture of Jack Kennedy as ill and ailment-ridden for his entire life—a far cry from the paragon of vigor (or "vigah," in the family's distinctive Massachusetts accent) that the Kennedys presented. After a sickly childhood he spent significant periods during his prep school and college years in the hospital for severe intestinal ailments, infections, and what doctors thought for a time was leukemia. He suffered from ulcers and colitis as well as Addison's disease, which necessitated the administration of regular steroid treatments. And it has been known for some time that Kennedy endured terrible back trouble. He wrote his book Profiles in Courage while recovering from back surgery in 1954 that almost killed him." - The Atlantic Magazine, December 2002.

"When Kennedy ran for and won the presidency, he was essentially gambling that his health problems would not prevent him from handling the job. By hiding the extent of his ailments he denied voters the chance to decide whether they wanted to share this gamble. It is hard to believe that he could have been nominated, much less elected, if the public had known what we now know about his health." 

Do we repeat this FDR scenario with Hillary Clinton's condition today?

"It has been well known for some time that Roosevelt, FDR, went to great lengths to conceal how physically incapacitated he had been rendered by polio. If voters had known the truth about his generally deteriorating health in 1944, it is unlikely that they would have re-elected him a third time—but they did not know, and FDR died just three months into his fourth term, in April of 1945." 

...and so, Senator Tim Kaine becomes our next President!


Hillary's Assassination of Donald Trump 

Let's talk about the Donald Trump misquoted reference about Second Amendment supporters taking actions like assassination against Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton said today, "Words matter my friends, are dangerous and his casual words of violence cross the line." ...Now how ironic is Hillary's statement?  

Hillary has said, "A video was responsible for the deaths of these Americans in Benghazi." Hillary then in Congressional hearings stated, "What difference does it make?" ...Oh really, these words don't cross the line?

On May 24, 2008 see what Hillary Clinton said while the media and Obama's campaign have urged her to withdraw. "Historically, that makes no sense," Hillary continued, "My husband, Bill, did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right?" she continued. "We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California." ...Oh? I guess that doesn't imply an assassination scenario either? ...Hmmn?

Let's look at another political "violent quote" reported on June 4, 2008  after the start of the McCain Presidential campaign. It really showed Barack Obama’s call for ‘new politics’ was officially over. Just 24 hours later, Barack Obama attacked Carly Fiorina, one of America’s pioneering women CEOs, rejected a series of joint bipartisan town halls saying that if there’s a political knife fight he’d bring a gun. It was quoted, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia that night, “Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.” Why is this not an inflammatory remark?

How can any voters defend themselves against these spurious, dishonest media optics of ridiculous charges leveled against one candidate? The desperate Democrats are overplaying their hands in attempting to create any conspiracy theories or scathing scandals to fling more mud in their futile attempt to blind the voters' insight. The real issues of the condition of the United States economy are overbearing Federal government taxes and regulations. 



Drawer Knobs Jobs

Recently I heard my wife and her sister bantering back and forth in a quite lively and active discussion. My initial impression was that they had a lot of information in front of them as they were throwing about alternative ideas.  After pouring some coffee I went into where the debate was going on to find it's all about kitchen drawer handles for her sister's new house. I just sort of chuckled as they both went on about the various choices they saw on the internet site.

As I stepped back out of fray, it suddenly struck me that's how people back in the 1800's shopped. They didn't go into retail stores mainly because they did not have the shops and malls of today. In 1845, Tiffany's Blue Book was the first U.S. mail-order catalog and followed up shortly by Sears and Wards in the United States. Today with the invention of the Internet, a website with close-up snap shots and video clips becomes the more usual way to order merchandise for delivery by mail, although the term "mail order" is called e-commerce or online shopping. 

This twenty-first century internet phenomenon is contrary to jobs building by working in the retail "brick and mortar" stores on main streets all over the country. It now actually focuses more in App driven software on cell phones to further drive online purchasing habits. Our latest generation is millininals who have grown up with laptop games and Facebook accounts all supported in the massive social media realm in cyberspace.  

Nowhere are there real stores to shop; only virtual stores where they play games, talk to friends and go to school. The truely honest reality is retail stores will exist, but they will not need the physical workforce level as in the past years. Let's face it, those 3D goggles with surround vision and stereo sound has brought real-to-life situations and images into everyone's heads. Why go out-of-your-mind crazy running through crowds when you can now do it in the comfort of your home? Hmmn....

Now you ask, what is the point I am raising? It is simple. Young people who do not have an education have no future - that's all people, period.  I speak from experience when I remember when President Lyndon B. Johnson passed the "1965 War on Poverty Program" to help poor people across the United States starting with the VISTA Program, etc. This political Federally funded social engineering has cost $15 Trillion dollars and not moved the needle. In 1965, the poverty rate in this country stood at 14 percent. Now, after untold trillions have been spent fighting poverty, the poverty rate is 14.3 percent. 

After fifty years of a Democrat Poverty Policy run under a combination of Republican and Democrat administrations and just recently under a Democrat President for eight years, nothing has changed yet.

Let's try real change and see what happens with a candidate who carries the peoples' popular vote to see what that will do to shake up the Washington elite---

--otherwise, don't ever bitch or complain again because who cares what you think?--just sit down, pay taxes and shut up!