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Hillary Plays Déjà Vu Baseball Game

Looking forward way beyond the blame game and excuses of Donald Trump's Republican opponents there lies a door mat in the very near future called the "Woman Card."  On this face card is Hillary who is attacking the inexcusable travesty that "The Donald" only has testicles, but she has a vagina. It's truly below the belt, between the legs, in your face politics - it has a place in the PC or LGBT World Politics. (Political Correct or Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender)

It's an insult, however, that Hillary feels that all woman have their heads up their skirts, between their legs, and never look out to see what really affects our country.

After lifting her own dress up to show everyone she is wearing no panties in order to prove her point, she is definitely playing the Woman Card. Hillary is now loudly shouting out at her own  events, "If some people say I'm playing the Woman Card, then deal me in!" So next, I want to see that Hillary moment when her voice breaking and tears welling in her eyes will be driven to tears when she starts crying,  It seem like I have seen that scene before, haven't you? Remember when the 2008 Presidential Primary loses mounted up as Obama ate her lunch? 

In 2008 after getting brushed back by Barack Obama in Iowa, her emotional moment was in a cafe about her embarrassing humiliation at a debate question suggesting she was not likable served the same purpose, making her more appealing, especially to women, particularly to women over 45.

This old ploy has already played to audiences and projected onto the big silver cinema screen already. In the film classic of 1949, “Adam’s Rib", about the battle of the sexes between two married lawyers, Spencer Tracy said to Katharine Hepburn, “Here we go again, the old juice. Guaranteed heart melter. A few female tears, stronger than any acid.”

At a Portsmouth, Massachusetts cafe, talking to a group of mostly women, Hillary blinked tearfully back her misty dread of where Obama’s “false hopes” will lead us — “I just don’t want to see us fall backwards,” she said tremulously — in time to smack her rival: “But some of us are right and some of us are wrong.  Some of us are ready and some of us are not.”  But there was a whiff of Nixonian self-pity about her tearfully choking up. What was moving her so deeply? Was it her recognition that the country was failing to grasp how much it needs her? ...yeah, right!

N. Y. Yankees catcher, Yogi Berra said, "It's déjà vu all over again!

Time: 0:17


A Tubby Twenty - A Fat Bill

Rather than fret about who's on the front of the twenty dollar bill, I would would rather worry about what's in the back to shore it up. Just exactly how much is it worth today and where is it tomorrow? Otherwise, we should have group picture on it of ourselves as the slaves of an oppressive U.S. economy today, forget about the past 240 years. So, it only matters what is going forward and no effigies will solve our debt problems by flashing some profiles of dead people on worthless currency.

We have an irony here. It is that we will give up President Andrew Jackson who's a white, a man, a slave owner, a military soldier who ran Indians off their lands, Father of the Democrat Party and replace him with an Underground Slave Railroad Conductor. She's Harriet Tubman who's a black, a woman, a gun-toting Union militant, an evangelical Christian and a Republican. These glaringly blatant distinctions have not been made too clear publicly either. I wonder why? ...LOL!

That's quite a contrast in today's official Washington PC, political correctness. It's really extraordinary when replacing the Democrat Party founder with a firebrand activist who today would be considered an NRA member, leading Christian advocate and registered Republican! Now that's something to think about when folding that $20 Bill over into your money clip.


Is the Trump Rhetoric Inflammatory or Sour Grapes?

Questions: Is the mass illegal immigration and foreign countries ripping off Americans affecting our U.S. economy? Is it because pundits loudly scream that the campaign talking points about trade and immigration of the Donald espouses to create hatred and loathing among Americans, if not now, in the foreseeable future? 

I asked those questions tongue-in-cheek because I already know the truthful answer! It has been already asked and answered by Donald Trump over twenty-eight years ago in 1988 on the Oprah Winfrey Show! There were no riots or effusive outcries of anger back then either. Of course, that year was inside during the Presidential terms of President Ronald Reagan. Maybe today, in 2016, it's workers living in a poorly run country with economic performance that's below sub-par to sustain domestic companies, retain jobs and restrain unemployment. 

Tearfully anxious, there's a lot of empty TV talking-heads such as the Republican establishment spokespersons and liberal left-wing pundits. They are all Hell-bent-on-election to ruin Donald Trump's votes in next Tuesday's Ohio and Florida outcomes. Why?

Of course, Rubio and Kasich are screaming that Trump is inciting riots and discontent. Of course, they are both drowning and wallowing in their upcoming voting loss mire. Bernie Sanders also says it's Trump's words and deeds that have caused rally violence. He does not mention that his is behind his election offensive as an internet surrogate to create and excite Trump's mob violence. All of these all-rans overlook the "Right to Free Speech" for Trump unless it is for their own campaign vitriolic!

A "community organizer" has now been proven he cannot run a fruit stand, even less a lemonade stand without going bankrupt. I guess growing a $6 Trillion U.S. Federal Debt to $22 Trillion in the hole in eight years is a record, huh?  That's a lot of sour grapes! 



Just waking Up About What Trump Says?

Are you just waking up America?  Are you all saying why is Donald Trump just ranting now in this election cycle with all of his campaign rhetoric about China and others ripping us off?  Have you been asleep for the past twenty-five plus years?  Oh yeah, you think I am insulting your power of memory cognition you say? ...Well, do the math and see the answer!

ANSWER:  So if today, in 2016, you are just an eighteen year old voter or for that matter a forty year old voter, even worse, you are still way too young to remember much of anything from that year, 1991.  After all,  you were either born back then in 1991 which means were just a newborn baby or if you were around at the age of fifteen you were really not into politics much at that age, just pimples. Another reality check:  You had to be born in 1973 to be eighteen in 1991 in order to vote. Before March 1971, you had to be twenty-one to vote and born in 1950. LOL!

Has this reality about age set in yet? For the people who are educated, you have no doubt read George Orwell's "The Animal Farm" and others who have not are basically screwed with little exposure to how to validate truth in a factual sense.

In this book which is acclaimed as the definitive tale of how societal indoctrination occurs, the farm animals are depicted as people living on a farm. The ingenious pigs become the totalitarian leaders which lead to a downfall of democratic rights in lieu of communist rule. In the beginning the rules of basic governance are written down in mud on the side of the barn for all animals to then see and remember as laws already past by everyone. Then as nightfall becomes darkness, the pigs sneak out to wash and change words and key phrases. With every new day all the animals awaken to see those same looking mud-written rules but soon forgetting exactly what was previously written. So, they still blindly follow them anyway. 

Voila! ...Now you see how the liberal "mainstream media" rewrites our history every day to sell the wrong facts to indoctrinate young, new voters?      

Time: 03:11

So is Trump guilty as charged about switching what he says now for today's campaign talk or has he been doing it consistantly for a long time? ...Like 28 years years ago? You be the judge!  ...Are you even old enough to remember the Oprah interview in 1988? I do. ...I was then 42 years old!

By the way, if you are forty years old today, you were only twelve years old then! Oh really?




In AA After Super Trump Tuesday

As the cartoon above shows, the media is the clown here who is taking  Trump  seriously by trying to rewrite history as this 2016 Campaign season is going forward. They are telling voters who vote for him that they are stupid. Hillary Clinton, the Washington beltway darling was their shoe-in Presidential candidate.  Why should anyone consider any alternative to the same old Washington gridlock created by Democrats with complicity of Republicans?

I feel like an alcoholic at an AA Meeting where I am standing up from my chair to shout out to everyone in the room, "Hi, my name is Donald, and I am an alcoholic!" Well here we are in the aftermath of Super Tuesday. It's where in theory, according to our nationwide pundits and politicians, the critical decision to elect our party leaders is definitively made going into the final run to the White House--NOT! 

However, to anyone who wants to spin this oddball election season, "It ain't over 'till it's over!" However, it is really over for Cruz, Rubio, Carson, Kasich and even Bernie Sanders. With a looming national convention ahead for both parties, these guys can affect the planks in their respective party platforms behind the scenes and support their candidates. To do otherwise in their futile attempts to entertain anything else will be fodder for the history books.  So what is really next?

The Republicans and Democrats must coalesce behind their respect candidates and get ready for the most bloody rhetoric in recent history. The key Trump card here is the huge turnout generated at the polls that the Donald has brought out with his celebrity and fame. The Trumpster knows how to draw the crowds and excite interest in what he has to say or do.  It's like going into the Apprentice season finale with everyone clinging to their seats to see who has been selected in the final episode and who will be told, "You're fired!" 

The real Trump Card of this race is in the numbers, the Donald knows numbers, and that's his own Ace in the hole, that card up his sleeve. So just watch his hands while he is dealing and watch as this card is pulled up while Hillary has run out of cards. Her hand has already been dealt and it cannot compete with a full deck that is stacked up against her. The sheer numbers of new voters from both sides, especially even the most reticent Republican voters who have sat out a long time will really give Hillary and her aging voters a race they will lose.  Sorry Hillary, your Monopoly game is up, it's just in time to "Go to Jail."

It's time to wake up America and realize that politics will not change! Just watch all of the naysayers coming out wringing their hands with very polarizing speeches and demagoguery. They are all absolutely apoplectic! A minority will not accept Trump ever and they will simply be voted over by the growing numbers insurgence of energized voters. For the voter majority, it's time to shake up the old boy Republican establishment and elect not just a new leader but starting a turning away from the weak-knee, milk-toast moderates who have given up every time to allow Washington tax and spending to expand to $22 Trillion Dollars by the end of the Obama term while still growing.