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Hillary Clinton & Bill C's Past

These days everyone has heard about Bill C. and already know about all his sexual encounters and conquests against vulnerable women. The outrage was voiced years ago when it happened and was swept under the carpet and buried under the memory lapse of time. Everyone knew about the sexual assaults with adult women and everyone winked it off as no big deal, after all other people like JFK and LBJ have done it too. So Bill's reputation was only slightly tarnished and sullied a little with a little sexism, he still got away with it. 

Wow! I guess you are all thinking of Hillary Clinton's attack playing the woman card and sexisim against Donald Trump and his charges when he went after her with a counter-attack about Bill C.  Actually my comments are about another Bill C. Are you confused yet?  You shouldn't be; because it's as plain as black and white, Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton are both sexual predators. They used financial positions of influence to bully and force women into sexually compromising positions and then literally overpowering them into silent submission.

Fair warning Hillary, don't go there about any male candidates, especially pulling your boy toy Bill around like a huggable, warm and fuzzy-likable baby doll. Let's not forget as it's been reported that when you were a young, slimy lawyer in a case about a twelve year old little girl raped by a pedophile that you attacked her by tearing apart her character in the witness stand and was later on heard chortling up about it? Voters see you as an unlikeable liar and really don't like you even more if you hold your Bill up to the light of day as this Saint to save your election bid. Get ready Hill, it's your own undoing, the gloves are now off!


The Real Truth Really Does Hurt!

It is impossible to understand Islam and most Muslims by just listening to their muted protestationsBARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA against radical terrorism with a faint proclamation of American patriotism.

Usually, it is wise and fair to give people the benefit of the doubt but when it comes to national safety and the future of America, we had better look twice, even thrice at Muslim patriotism. Why? Because Islam permits lying! It is called “Al-taqiyya.”

One Muslim said that Al-taqiyya means dissimulation then he expanded it to diplomacy but he should have gone further to deception. Now some Muslims who do not follow the Koran are as faithful Americans as any of us, but the problem is, we cannot know--Hello Homeland background checks? ...Goodby to reliable Security measures!

deception; the Islamic word for concealing or disguising one’s beliefs, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and/or strategies.

Muslims lie when it is in their interest to do so and “Allah” will not hold them accountable for lying when it is beneficial to the cause of Islam. They can lie without any guilt or fear of accountability or retribution. A lie in the defense of Islam is approved even applauded in their “holy” books.

Muslims are permitted to lie: (1) to save their lives, (2) to reconcile a husband and wife, (3) to persuade a woman into a bedroom and (4) to facilitate one on his journey. Muslims are even permitted to disavow Islam and Mohammed if it is not a genuine heart-felt rejection. Muslims will tell you that concealment of a truth is not an abandonment of that truth if it benefits Islam.

It seems our President and his advisors are clueless as to the desires, doctrines, and directives of Islam.  Many Americans now finally feeling unsafe are justified in giving advice to our national leaders, it has become necessary since no one else at the top is affecting anything, but it's more likely that Obama and his minions really know exactly what he is not doing too, but why? Do any of his actions make sense at all?

Muslims lie not because they are liars by nature but by choice. Systematic lying as a religious policy is deadly, and since our politicians are not even willing to try to understand this, thousands will die. 

Factoid: The San Bernardino, CA attack is their clarion call to arms in the Islamic Terrorist War, the radical Islamic call for Muslims to take down all American infidels on their own turf! 

How many could be incited to join forces here?  It is well documented that of all Muslims 20% are radicals, of which there are 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world, of which so there are 300 Million Radical Islamists against a total United States population of 330 Million peoples, of which so an estimated of 3 to 7 Million are Muslims, of which that leaves 323 Million men, women and children infidels living in the United States.

The West remains mired in cowardice and complicity. Nowhere can this be seen more clearly than in Europe, which is on the fast track to join the Caliphate with America right behind in lockstep too.

It's time to recognize the Real Truth to see the Real Danger! 

Is the "Dirty Bomb" the next U.S. Islamic Terrorist atrocity?


Hitler is not in Paris - Then who is?

A prayer rug mosiac on the Paris streets.The Islamation of Paris, France is happening as you view this recent Christian Broadcast Network newscast.  It is a very stark, vivid, real-life depiction of religious fanaticism devouring a nation whole leaving nothing but scraps on the ground for non-believers to exist under Sharia Law and pay dhimmitude. 


Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-Muslim populations conquered through jihad. Specifically, it is the TAXING of non-Muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence AND as a coercive means of converting conquered remnants to islam.


Time 4:50

The historic irony is two-fold here.  In World War II,  Hitler cajoled  and wooed the French toAdolph Hitler in Paris, France during NAZI occupation. embrace a treaty to coexist before invading and occupying their country. Consequently, the United States came to France's rescue and turned back the aggressor into a defeat.

Today, the Islamic Muslims have accomplished their coexistence as their invasion and occupation of France takes over the French society. Today, the United States cannot rescue France because it is currently bending to the same Islamic Muslim pressure for submission too.

The politically correct actions by Liberal American politicians are sympathetic to these causes while turning deaf ears to all of the non-believers' cries of dissention.

It will be interesting how the European Union tolerates and supports more exploitation under the banner of religious freedom, especially as the working majority is burdened further with burgeoning government largess to non-productive economic squatters who despise the European infidels, their non-Islam beliefs and who deny that the holocaust even happened at all.


Hearings Over, Hillary Heard - Not the End Yet!

Hillary Clinton was declared the winner in the Congressional arena by all of the far left media, but was she really? Some say she knocked out the far right, won by a TKO! In boxing that means that the loser was not knocked out and could still fight, but really a panel of judges declares technically the qualified winner even though only still standing dazed, confused while wobbling around and ready to just fall down too.

Was Hillary that fighter in the hearing? Not because she stood up and tesitfied for eleven hours straight, which considered by many of her flock as a true test of her Presidential tenacity, but Hillary's dishonesty to the American people was revealed. And it's not over yet...

The F.B.I. has yet to step up to disclose what they are investigating in the vast trove of ecrypted data yet to be read from her personal computer servers  ...stay tuned, next round still coming up in 2016!

Hillary Clinton knew early on that the attacks which left four Americans dead was carried out by terrorists. But, Clinton and others in the Obama administration had already begun crafting the narrative that the attack was spontaneous and that the attackers were motivated by a YouTube video many Muslims found offensive. In the email cited by Congressman Jordan, Clinton responded to daughter Chelsea, who emailed under the pseudonym Diane Reynolds: “Two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an Al Queda-like [sic] group,” Clinton wrote. 

Clinton said “We know the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack, not a protest," in a call to Egyptian Prime Minister Hisham Kandil the next day.  Plain and simple this was the crown jewel to the Obama-Clinton foreign policy triumphs in the middle East and it was crumbling before the Presidential elections and as Hillary Clinton was turning over her position to John Kerry. The last thing Hillary wanted to admit to the American electorate was the totally, abysimal failure she and Barack Obama created on their watch.

What mess has Obama & Clinton left our country in? ..Listen Below, You decide! 

Now finally! For years all we hear is that Islam has been 'hijacked' and that most Muslims are peaceful people:

And that matters to the 270 million people who have been killed in the name of Allah HOW?

They estimate that some 15 to 20 percent of all Muslims are 'radical.' Well here's a real news bulletin that actually has meaning: Eighty Percent of All Muslims Are Not Muslims!

Enter Ms. Brigitte Gabriel. 

Time: 04:51


Why the EU is PU! ..."It takes a Village" Idea Fails

 EU - Turkish soldiers stand guard as Syrian refugees wait behind border fences.  



A wise old adage says, "Good fences make good neighbors."  



That idea absolutely fails the communal European Union  spirit of socialized shared accomplishishments; but it certainly applies to the sovereignty of nations with respect to self-actualization within their own borders. For those citizens, self-governance has a civic responsibility to serve citizens who support their own country through labor and taxes to achieve goals of self-determination. Their measure of compassion to help others is not to be diminished or otherwise confused with masses of self-entitled freeloaders demanding goods, services and jobs.   

Factoid:  So why in 1967 was the EU was created in the first place? The peoples of Europe were sold on the ‘dream’ of the EU, based on the ideas of shared currency, improved trade, and easier travel. It was a trully simplistic, socialist engineered Treaty plan that was scaled to fit the European countries' population model  without any apparent plan ahead to include the outside world masses too.

There are many in the Middle East, who insist that their own cultures and peoples be protected from mass Middle Eastern immigration, yet who insist that Europe should be forced to undergo a “multicultural transformation”, one way or another. It is interesting that there are roughly half a dozen Islamic countries within Syria’s periphery, who could most easily take in many of the legitimate cases of refugees fleeing Syria, but ask instead about who isn’t stepping up mass immigration in Europe.

Due to this refugee crisis these European Union [EU] countries are housing a vast swathe of many entirely strikingly dissimilar types of  peoples from many foreign nations who now reside within their sovereign borders.


All of these host countries are European nations which happen to differ linguistically, religiously, ethnically and culturally from them who have swamped almost overnight with no relief in sight while the Europeans become ethnic & religious minorities in their own countries--make no mistake, this is the European Islamic Caliphate in the making!

Now, further erosion of the EU economy is metastasizing because the most marginally undereducated or untrained foreign workers are non-productive. A valid arguement is that it will take a full generation to turn over taxable wage-workers while adding to the exploding entitlement social programs under the guise of "refugees" status taking free benefits of health, food, shelter and education. Muslim refugees also prove that beggers can be choosers too!...

It has been now widely reported that Red Cross food is being refused or thrown out onto the city streets as Muslims refuse to eat nothing but their own restricted diet of Islamic "hallal" food--the name of Allah has to be said by a Muslim butcher before or during the meat slaughter while facing Makkah (Mecca). In Wurzburg, in Bavaria, Germany who went to great expense to turn a local gym into a shelter to house migrants were in shock when they found that those ‘refugees’, upon their arrival, were not only not thankful for their modest accommodations, but protested them demanding that they be given actual houses instead.

So whose fault is this? Or, does the fault lie solely at the feet of the EU nations for being so gullible, greedy or maybe both? It appears to be both since the European Union socialist  ideals are ubiquitously united within the human fibers of the European populace. They cannot separate excessive entitlement benefits programs in the private business sector from their own work ethic. Look at how the EU nations' Airbus SAS consortium built production and manufacturing facilities mainly in France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom to compete against capitalism in the private sector U.S. airline industry. Airbus has always been financed by government subsidies due to being always overburdened with excessive wages and overgenerous benefits to ameliorate the workers' onerous demands. 

The EU nations government jobs sector have always been bloated with benefits largess which cripples the private jobs sector growth due to excessive, expanded taxation on business profits and with employee wages. Now however, the EU jobs landscape is totally awash in cheap foreign workers as traditional European style compensation packages will be disappearing as this new global competition replace current workers in their jobs.  Adding to this upheavel is that essential jobs are taken away by refugees that are now seen as "foreign usurpers," insurgent intruders to the EU. It's a self-fulfilling promise for an eventual economic collapse; one that's in the making today to closing the EU down tomorrow--it's now bending toward the world globalists, industrialists who pull the strings to control the one world governance by pushing U.N. Agenda 21 Programs.