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Obama Syria Fighter Plan Implodes

Article II Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution, the Commander in Chief clause, states that "[t]he President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States."

Obama said in September that assisting Syrian rebels was “the best counterweight” for combating the Sunni radical terror group’s control over large swathes of Iraq and Syria. However, here again Obama, the community organizer, proved totally ineptness through feckless leadership yielding just more empty rhetoric and impotent inaction leading to total military failures.

Obama at sea


The Obama administration had budgeted $500,000,000, about half a billion dollars, has spent about $50 million so far and has only trained four or five Syrian fighters during the past year. Gen. Lloyd Austin, who leads the U.S. military’s Central Command, has admitted to the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee on Capital Hill that they're the only soldiers left out of 54 who were initially trained as part of a U.S. program to build a military force of 5,400 soldiers. Some brigades are classified as independent or separate and operate independently from the traditional division structure. The typical NATO standard brigade consists of approximately 3,200 to 5,500 troops. 

These other trainees either bailed out, disappeared or they cannot be located anywhere now. I wonder if Obama's "rules of engagement" gave them second thoughts for success since it directed the soldiers to fight only I.S.I.S terrorists, be provided minimal air pin-prick campaigns for cover and selectively not kill any of Assad's troops or affiliated groups.

This sounds eerily a lot like of those 50 coalition partners Obama said we had that were going to fight side by side with us right up to when we were to be actively fighting in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars--and then they were no where to be seen or heard when the battle charge was called. It's now time that our government and military leaders take the battle to the Muslims with our own troops with full force to kill the Islamic terrorists.


Islam Scrambles the Chicken & Egg Theory

 ~ Big Bang Theory ~

The universe began with a "singularity" that marked the beginning of time

Scientists believe that over 15 billion years ago, a powerful explosion called the "Big Bang" happened. This powerful cosmic explosion set the universe into motion, thrusting matter in all directions. This motion even continues today as the universe is expanding. Scientists are not yet sure if the motion will stop, change direction, or keep going forever. 

  • Before the Big Bang explosion happened the entirety of our universe was compressed into the confines of an atomic nucleus. Known as a "singularity," this is the moment before creation when "space and time" did not exist. 
  • According to cosmological models that explain our universe, an overwhelming explosion trillions of degrees in temperature on any measurement scale was infinitely dense. This massive explosion created not only fundamental subatomic particles and thus "matter and energy," but "space and time" itself.

The world today is in constant turmoil, but that has been said since "the very beginning of time"--but now even that often quoted time frame is in question too. When, exactly, is the beginning of time?  More important, why is that argument even important today?

Factoid: Cosmology is the science of the origin and development of theParticle Physics - Matter & Radiation interact detecting dynamics.
 universe, the cosmos. Modern astronomy is dominated by the Big Bang theory, which brings together observational astronomy like the deep space Hubble Telescope satellite and particle physics with scientific instruments detecting matter with radiation emissions. This science deals all the time with objects, such as quarks and black holes, that have not been directly detected, visually seen, and yet are the background noise in our vast universe which affects everything around them. Since "God" is not directly detected and yet is affecting everything around Him, does He not then exist too? Hmmn...?  

A "singularity" is an infinitesimal point in space with infinite energy density. [Hope I didn't lose you, LOL.] What it says there, is that our universe didn't have a single, one place where it started from with only one unlimited, self-contained energy source. Quantum mechanics shows that such singularities do not occur in nature, so modern cosmology now has strong reason to think that our universe is just one of an endless number of universes called the "multiverse." The multiverse is infinite and eternal; it had no beginning and will have no end.

So, "Nothing" is notoriously difficult to define. To define it you have to give it some property. But then if it has a property it is not "nothing." So this is an incoherent question unless you define "nothing" as an "empty vacuum." In any case, the multiverse didn't have to come from anything since it always was here. There was no need for a creator because there was no creation.

The "Law of Noncontradiction" states that "something can't be and not be at the same time." It might be better said as "the causality dilemma" or "the chicken & egg theory"--which actually came first?

If we overthrow the "Law of Noncontradiction," literally anything might be true. Black might mean white and hot might mean cold and everything would mean nothing. This is exactly where most modern men and women now live—in the abyss of existentialism or a person's free will to make decisions not knowing right or wrong or good or bad while ultimately accepting individual responsibility; where Joe and Sally might hold world-views that flatly contradict one another—yet both earnestly deny that if one system is right the other must be wrong. This type of thinking seems merely as agreeable and benign, yet it destroys the very concept of truth. 

Many discard the "Law of Noncontradiction" precisely so they can declare truth falsehood and make righteousness evil. Islamic jihadists take advantage of this philosophical soft spot as foolish infidels seek a civil discourse to attain a peaceful coexistence for all in this world, one that will never exist with truly devout Muslims practicing Islam.

It is at this juncture that an important point in our political analysis to recall that the Islamic believers, faithful to the words of their Quran, declared a jihad on all non-Muslims, infidels. This is not a new revelation from the Book of Quran, but to note a condemnation of Muslims with a religious, deep-rooted theological divide that will never have closure ever. Their religious texts and Sharia laws overthrow the Law of Contradiction through their violent Holy War, jihad, to declare truth falsehoods and make righteousness evil.

Our United States leaders must stand up against these radical Islamic fanatics, otherwise accept death or dhimmitude. Dhimmitude is an entire integrated system, based on Islamic theology. It is the taxing of non-Muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence and as a coercive means of converting conquered Infidel remnants to Islam.


Just Biden Time - Let the Monkey Loose

“Never hold discussions with the Monkey...
when the Organ Grinder is in the room.”
- Winston Churchill - 

Jo-Jo the Monkey-Man

It looks like after a seven year quarantine away from most public venues and the press as the muted Vice President, the Democratic Party is taking a second look. Joe Biden, their next top banana, is finally thought to be a highly trained Veep monkey.

Joe Biden's handlers have clamped a collar around his neck with a short leash. -- they plan him to lead him around and out to replace Hillary. Then, it's on to the national debate stage against the formidable slate of Republicans candidates. 

A worrisome outcome really still plagues his handlers. They are remembering how Joe played for the folks as hilarity broke out in a series of missteps and calamities during the last 2012 electoral Veep debates, but then the voters were voting for Obama anyway as their top banana.

So, in their only 2012 Veep debate Joe scampered around and chattered loudly with shrill screeches while smirking, grimacing, toothy, wide Capuchin monkey smiles at his opponent, Paul Ryan, as his pained handlers stood by in the wings. Paul Ryan jerked Joe's leash hard at at times when he stepped way over the line; but to no avail, Joe was out of control.

Joe's organ grinder was returning from a campaign trip onboard Air Force One and watched his monkey go wild as he scampered about the debate stage. Many viewers really turned off and stopped listening to his monkey screech out loud political ear-shattering, off-tempo tunes that were not in the key of many voters.

A monkey may be able to write Shakespeare on a typewriter, but never put one on a music box to crank out your tune in a debate. After all, if you have to do it yourself anyway, never let the folks play with your monkey or he may turn around to bite you in the ass instead. Joe certainly left his teeth marks on Barak's butt cheeks too. 

In the second 2012 Presidential debate, stakes couldn't have been higher since the needle on the GIVE A DAMN-O-METER this time did not budge for the Obama-Biden ticket. After all, Biden's sole target was aimed at recapturing a demoralized Obama voters base upset about Obama's first poor presidential debate performance and Joe really blew it.

The shift of uncommitted/undecided voters for either ticket was sullied by Joe.  Biden's rude, disruptive, boisterous interruptions made it impossible for either candidate to complete sentences, much less clearly explain their positions fully. That was not fair to the voters to see the sitting Vice President jeering and talking over Paul Ryan and not letting him speak his piece... 

So if the polls did not move, what finally did? The Ryan narrative, which was the bulls-eye shot of the night that introduced Paul Ryan for the first time to many voters as solid Veep material. Unfortunately the weakest link was still the Republican nominee, Romney. He doomed the candidacy as his next subsequent debate performances proved disastrous as Biden, not good. And well, everyone knows the 2012 election outcome, not good.

Don't let the Washington political machine candidates make monkeys out of the American voters again. A weak President will destroy the United States Constitution, economy, military readiness and American spirit. 


Hil-liar-y Clinton's Defense

MAINSTREAM MEDIA PROPS UP HIL-LIAR-Y CLINTON'S CAMPAIGNLiar, Liar, pants on fire!  ...Are the Dems finally giving up on Hil-liar-y yet?  If not, this will be the biggest landslide victory the Republican Party has seen since 1984 when President Ronald Reagan won a decisive Presidential victory!

President Reagan carried all of the states except Minnesota, Mondale’s home state, and the District of Columbia. He received 54,455,074 of the popular votes to Mondale’s total of 37,577,185. In the electoral college the count was Reagan, 525, and Mondale, 13.

Upon leaving the White House as first lady, Hil-liar-y Clinton has planned carefully to check all the to-do boxes to qualify as the next U.S. President:

  • Moved home address to qualify as a New Yorker
  • Elected New York senator
  • Appointed Secretary of State
  • Born a woman

And so...  check, check, check and check!

Hil-liar-y has also worked hard to build up her net worth and cash reserves by building her private family foundation, The Clinton Global Initiative, a supposedly charitable organization also affiliated with the Clinton Presidential Library as well as accepting donations from anonymous individuals, multi-national companies and foreign governments. Hil-liar-y's speaking prowess has earned tens of millions of dollars in pricey speaking fees and generous honorariums. Wow, what a gal! 

Let's all give it up for Hil-liar-y and sing her swan song....                                                                                                                                     

Hil-liar-y's My Way or The Highway! 

-Apologies to Frank Sinatra

And now, my career end is near
And so I face the final curtain
My friend, I'll say it clear
I'll state my criminal case, of which I'm certain

I've lived a life that's been full of lies
I've emailed each day and even on a holiday
But more, much more than all those top secrets 
I emailed them my way

Regrets, I've got a lot
But then again, so many to mention
I hid what I had to do within my server
And erased it throughout without exemption

I planned each charted crooked course
Each careful step along the presidential byway
And more, much more than this
I emailed government top secrets my way

I've lived a life that's full of lies
I've emailed them daily and on every holiday
But more, much more than this
I did it all to myself in my own way!


U.S. to Lose Internet Control Over Untold $Billions

Obama literally caved last week to Washington critics and extended the ICANN for another contract period which is typically two years. Obama, however, pulled another fast one by extending it for only one year to end in September during his last few months in office.  Why? It's so before the next President blocks it, Obama in his last term of office  can pass it through to still give up all U.S. protection and bring on speech and content bans--another deliberate Obama bomb shell ready to explode--are any liberal Democrats watching as their own internet freedoms are taken away and given up to the international controls by rogue regimes and dictators in a one-world organization?

The Wall Street Journal article below reports the ongoing progress about the Obama plan for ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) 2016 turnover to the U.N. - Agenda 21 Global Internet Agency, GIA. The full extent and scope of the economic losses as well as business and personal security issues are insurmountable to completely assess presently. It does not bode well, though, for our unbridled Internet freedom on the world wide web platform. So then, how does the International Monetary Fund correlate to this ICANN controversy?

WASHINGTON—April 14,2014. The U.S. would lose its veto power with the International U.N. Global Internet Agency, GIA, on the executive board under a plan being considered by some emerging economies. The countries are fed up with the United States' failure to ratify a four-year-old deal to restructure the ICANN.

Some members of the GIA, Global Internet Agency, steering committee indicated at a series of weekend meetings their desire to act now, underscoring the growing discontent abroad about the U.S. Congress's delay in approving an international accord to overhaul governance at the agency.

"The GIA cannot remain paralyzed and postpone its commitments to reform," Brazilian Finance Minister Guido Mantega said in a statement to the GIA's steering committee urging the GIA to sidestep the U.S. Congress. "Alternatives to move forward with the reforms must be found whilst the major shareholder does not solve its political problems."

I have been warning everyone about the United States losing its controls over the ICANN's operations that we financed to develop and continue to guarantee freedom of expression without levying fees and charges for access. Obama and his administration insist that under the new U.N. Internet controls abuse would never happen--as if this scenario had never before happened. Unfortunately, that loss of control is currently actually under way, but not with the ICANN as of yet.

In that Wall Street story above it is to dramatically make my point loudly heard, I changed the article's real name of the International Monetary Fund, IMF, to a fictitious ICANN U.N. agency name of the Global Internet Agency, GIA. It was to show how interchangeable the ICANN is as the IMF. Both are governed by an international body of smaller nations who will selfishly and unscrupulously do anything to get ahead with their own agenda.

Still in play is our loss of U.S. control that's now happening as reported in the Wall Street Journal article on April 15, 2014 as the International Monetary Fund, the IMF, members challenged the wisdom of our country's leadership and are asking that we lose our veto power to override the IMF committee decisions. Why should we?--we just underwrite nearly all of loans to bail out developing or poorly managed countries and corrupt governments with no hope of ever being repaid the over $50 Billion loaned so far too.

  • Factoid: The IMF was founded at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944 to secure international monetary cooperation, to stabilize currency exchange rates, and to expand international liquidity (access to hard currencies). In plain talk, the semi-secretive meeting was about a group of greedy bank scions who wanted to jump into the fray of the global market after WW2 to make very profitable loans while fixing their own interest rates and controlling their international exchange rates too.

Today, countries are building up foreign-exchange stockpiles to guard against financial crises —instead of relying on the IMF. It puts upward pressure on the exchange rates of other countries, including the U.S. dollar that increases inflation since everything will cost more. The Obama administration getting pressure from bankers and investment banker lobbyists does not want to be seen as a pushover to relinquish our IMF veto power while also waiting to loan the IMF more monies not until after the 2016 election. Politically, it would be disastrous to risk telling any of the U.S. voters about those intentions when their money is scarce domestically while asking for more taxes to pay to other countries. It is more Keynesian economics of wanting to print more money and the Treasury borrowing more from foreigners as U.S. treasury bond holders.

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Economists warn the IMF's legitimacy is at stake, and they say U.S. standing abroad is being eroded.