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An American World View - 4th of July Values

As an American citizen I have traveled to: the Scandinavian countries of Denmark, Norway and Sweden; Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia; the European countries of Britain, France, Monaco, Germany, Austria, Lichtenstein, Belgium, Switzerland, Yugoslavia and Greece; and to the middle Eastern countries of Cypress, Egypt, Israel.
Recently a relative wrote to me about his month-long road trip throughout the 22 western U.S. states. Although I traveled all around those foreign countries via roadways, I spent about five months of vacation time from a few days to up to a week in each one. That said, I have traveled to only a total of 22 U.S. states, more flying and not doing all the driving in between to them like he did--that driving experience really makes anyone appreciate how big and beautiful our country is from sea to shining sea along with meeting the interesting people along the way.

I think with all of the Islamic terrorists running around randomly killing infidels; it's now time to travel more in my own country. After all, we have quite a cultural mixing pot of American peoples to visit and learn firsthand how we all live together as Americans. I think if more Americans did this, more would drop their attitudinal, multicultural, hyphenated race-based names like African-American or Mexican-American or Arab-American and proudly declare their sole identity as "American" citizens where everyone can enjoy their Constitutional personal freedoms for life, religious, racial, sexual and political rights while still celebrating their past family heritage; emphasis on the past because the future depends on promoting their own American heritage today.

Hmmn... I can even recall some very high-ranking politician (?) in his recent acceptance speech that said, "...we are greater than the sum of our individual ambitions; and we remain more than a collection of red states and blue states. We are, and forever will be, the United States of America." 

Our country needs to encourage a much stronger American nationalistic identity or lose America's total purpose of "e pluribus unum", "out of many, one," to a faceless population in a floundering country with no borders or individual sovereignty. It is to preserve pride in America's national identity to show foreign people its a special place; not just to live or immigrate, but many countries can aspire to achieve for its people their own freedoms too.

U.S. BLOOD & TREASURE NEEDLESSLY LOST! After the current middle East debacles, it's been a realtime lesson for other countries. They will either fight their own battles in national struggles to win and continue to defend their own values or lose them, period--just to be clear, no more individual "nation building" on the "American military's time or dime" either. 

The Joker is Wild!

Obama's Wild Card!


Obama's strategies are like any of his card games he plays - and the Joker is wild: Its where they can be an extremely beneficial, or an extremely harmful card. It's how you read it and how you play it that gives it the power to win or lose a hand or the whole game... and Obama is dealing all the cards in a stacked deck as he buries the Jokers in the bottom of the deck to keep them from being played to trump his hand.

This particular Joker below is an especially high stakes card since it could raise the political value of a hand from a simple single "lone wolf" scenario to a coordinated group "terrorist cell" - which would be the winning hand to expose Obama's poor game-losing strategies.


Post Trial Results:  His Insincere Apologies Not Accepted by Me! 

It is was reported during their post-trial Boston press conference when attorney prosecutors said they were really surprised that the murderer spoke in court to the victims--I say really, really?

Come on now, this murderer did not say anything that was not scripted by his defense attorneys for a plea deal crafted by the Obama administration--it was luckly done without any cross-examination either...yeah, right! 

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev apologizes for suffering caused by Marathon bombing--but Dzhokhar NEVER ONCE renounced his terrorist acts or NEVER ONCE renounced his Radical Islam Religion--saay what? 

This public dog and pony show was all smoke and mirrors! A backdoor plea deal was already previously struck with the Prosecutors Office to allow a plead down from the death sentence to life imprisonment for the terrorist, murderer Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. So 

It's...simple, the Obama administration buries public outcrys against Muslim Terrorists since he is stashed away forever in 24 hr. lockup away from public view, with no more flashy heaedlines about death penalty appeals, and best of all he is forgotten so he is no reminder of Obama's failed terrorist programs and policies.

The Joker (Dzhokhar) card will be buried in the appeals process. You can bet it will be filed within the 14 days period post-trial for sure. Since this legal appeals process is always done by attorneys away from from public scrutiny it will be done stealthly as the public passions naturally wilt over time for the deaths and the victim travesties. 

Obama's legacy is he will will leave office with no mention of Islamic terrorism with more American lives lost with no retribution against radical Muslim terrorists.


Obama Basic Terrorism 101 Revealed

I reported on April 20, 2013 a curious story about the 9/11/01 World Trade Towers attacks and a strange parallel with the 4/15/13 Boston bombings - but now better explained today after the trial! It follows the dramatic picture below - taken at the exact time of the bombs exploding. My story's content by now, 2 years-2 months-4 days later, you have probably all forgotten but must be remembered as the victim survivors have not forgotten their permanent injuries today, on June 24, 2015 as the final judgement was passed down for the death penalty.  

April 20, 2013 Blog - Obama is urgently pushing for negotiating middle-east peace talks as another item on his campaign promises list while bolstering the strength of the Caliphate in the middle East region too. Not wanting to publicly admit his glaring intelligence failures after Janet Neapolitano said there was no indications of any imminent terrorism threats in the Boston Marathon, Obama did not blame or point fingers at anything Muslim for the Boston Bombing.  But why? Because, Saudi Arabia couldn't control or stop the Islamic terrorists from their country who flew into the World Trade Center which embarrassed the House of Saud, the ruling royal family. Reminiscent of President Bush flying all the Bin Ladens out of the United States immediately after the Twin Towers attack, an interesting plot twist has surfaced in the background noise of the Boston Bombings.

Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, a Saudi national, a student as connected to an important Saudi family, was admitted to a Boston Hospital after the bombing with shrapnel  wounds.  No one has mentioned why he was near the bomb explosion except that he coincidentally was in the spectator crowd; maybe not a spectator but instead a participant.

The FBI believes the Saudi student was tied to 2 to 3 more people, others like Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the Boston bombers.  It looks like Obama was trying to make this a ‘lone wolf’ crime so the Saudi government would be spared embarrassment and the U.S. would avoid explaining how a terror cell was active when we had al Queda on the run. Reuters revealed President Barack Obama met with Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal at the White House on Wednesday, April 17.  They reportedly discussed the conflict in Syria. “The meeting was not on Obama’s public schedule,” the report adds.

Currently, a F.B.I. file contains Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi's deportation record and the reason he is being deported. According to ICE the reason is under section 212 3B — “Security and related grounds” — “Terrorist activities”. His visa has been revoked. The FBI said a file was started “just in case he was found to be connected to the crime,” however, the file shows he was scheduled to be deported. This was not a precaution, it was in “orders.”

The first police reports said there were more bombs found besides the two that exploded; apparently they were not detonated and had to be defused or exploded. Later in the afternoon, the live broadcasts as the police restated, "that there were now only two bombs involved, no others found." At the time, it struck many as odd at the way the officer was seemingly in a hurried nervous frenzy to get his message out repeating it over and over again - "there were now only two bombs involved, no others found." His message the first time was the suggestion that no more terrorist bombers were involved since bombs placed in locations along the marathon route would have meant more terrorists involved in the plot. Politically, had a larger plot been uncovered after the initial disaster, it would have meant identifying more perpetrators. It would further indicate a larger massive plot on the scale of the Twin Towers if all of these bombs had gone off in all of those multiple sites along the marathon route killing potentially even more victims than 9/11/01 - Imagine if that big time public Obama intelligence blunder with the Saudi deal had been exposed too?  


Iran Nuclear Deal - 3 Truths of Groundhog Day!

In Pennsyvania, groundhog Punxsutawney Phil predicts the length of winter every Groundhog Day on February 2nd.After the U.S.-Iran Nuclear Plan, what is in the future for Arab-Israeli-American middle East unrest?--There are only 'three truths'...

The 'simple truth' is within a 'Polyanna' outlook, a 'Neverland world of make-believe', the answer that is only by admitting their culpability and making amends can Israelis live with their neighbors in a permanent peace. Only then centuries-old traditions of co-existence can be restored. And only in this way can real security, peace and justice come to this ancient land and around the world with America, their ally.

The 'real truth' is that the Islamic equation is involved in the escalation of religious animosities worldwide. The Muslims have called for a jihad, a holy war, against the Jews, Christians and infidels with only complete annihilation or subjugation as its final solution. It has never changed and jihad will never end until the Muslim Caliphate has established dominion over the entire middle-East region and the world.

The 'hard truth' is most Americans want an immediate solution to theBill Murray in Groundhog Day movie. middle East unrest that will never happen--"the American people may have the watches, but the Arab Muslims have the time" and they will just fight on for decades like in past centuries--it literally becomes a way of life like the Israelis now face every day--It's 'Groundhog Day' all over again!


The Scoop on Double Dipping Drug Deals

Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA)

Senator Chuck Grassley, R-IA, has been exposing these 340B loopholes, just more Federal waste in healthcare programs. The hospital lobby, the consumer lobby, the pharmacy lobby, the insurance lobby all profit or benefit from the overreach of 340B. Only Pharma, drug makers, are harmed here. Moreover, PhRMA, a lobbisyist group, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, is gun shy about defending that charge because raising this up turns it into a, tirade of "Yeah, but your prices are high so it's justified."—and actually, that is the truth too!

So, as long as manufacturers are free to raise their prices whenever they wish to do so, they are largely immune to the cost implications of broader use of the 340B process; they just offset by ratcheting up the costs—too bad that patients and taxpayers cannot get a pricing immunization because they really pay for it all in the end—again!

Double-Dip Ice Cream Cone

340B Drug Pricing Regulations Program 

Purpose: “To stretch scarce Federal resources as far as possible, reaching more eligible patients and providing more comprehensive services”—this is a direct quote on the HRSA Website home page. 

Why is this program important to the U.S. Healthcare Systems?—because all groups are named in the eligible marketplace lists as the covered entities:

Primary End-Users, Service Providers & Health Groups and Hospitals & Healthcare Facilities Organizations & Services. 

For instance, about 90% of 340B patients have insurance from Medicare, Medicaid, or a commercial payer. Hospitals earn large profits from the already-insured prescriptions to “Double–Bill” patients. Duke University Health System’s gross profits from this 340B program were almost $300 million over the past 5 years. Duke’s 2012 pharmacy gross margin was 51% or an additional $48.3 million=($69.7-$21.4).

The 340B Drug Pricing Program requires drug manufacturers to provide outpatient drugs to eligible health care organizations/covered entities at significantly reduced prices such defined in statute which includes:

HRSA-supported health centers and look-alikes, Ryan White clinics and State AIDS Drug Assistance programs, Medicare/Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospitals, children’s hospitals, and other safety net providers.

Does the 340B Drug Pricing Program with "Double-Billing" Federal & Private Commercial Insurance involve any other groups in the health industry?—This is all perfectly legal under the current 340B regulations, which even permit broad retail community pharmacy networks to service these patients.

Did you know, for example, that more than 4,000 Walgreens retail pharmacies act as 340B contract pharmacies?Read your Walgreens' prescription receipt, look at the "suggested retail price", the "Insurance Discount" deducted and then the "Patient" price due.

Factoid: In 2012, Walgreens did $45.9 Billion in prescription sales. U.S. industrywide did $182.2 Billion; which means pharmaceuticals sales attracts all types of competitors.

The outcome that seems to be in the future is those contracted pharmacies who have no particular healthcare mission except profit will be the death of the 340B program. With little very limited ability to monitor billing practices and the potential to game the 340B system, optimistically the drug makers, Big Pharma, have finally realized its their untenable losses of massive proportions that will doom the program. Let's put that wasted rebate money back into research for the new DNA target drugs instead of lining the pockets of profiteers.