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Seen Merv's Bag Hit Sam's Fan?

When Merv hits Sam's FanIt has taken so little time during this crucial stage of our country's fiscal history to reach critical mass so quickly - no thanks to Democrat and Republican politicians, the shit has hit the fan! Why are the U.S. taxpayers so oblivious to their own twenty trillion dollar domestic national debt that has been conterminous to the diabolical European Union governments' largess spending?

If it is a "monkey see, monkey do" with the EU then the United States monetary system is doomed by supporting bloated third world economies attempting to shore up endless foreign government benefits. Additionally, more programs are now supporting unsustainable numbers of illegals from the middle East wars too. U.S. taxpayers should not be forced to take on other foreign nations' irresponsible burdens of needless waste and flagrant fraud under the auspices of the United Nations Agenda 21 Programs too.

Haven't any liberal Democrats really thought through about just who pays for it all and gets the "free benefits" that Obama and all the politicians want to give out? So now we must open wide our borders to flood the U.S. with hoards of illegals to run up our taxes to support these welfare recipients. By the way, the rich don't really pay for it and they certainly don't go to the overcrowded healthcare doctors or wait to get into any overburdened hospitals like the middle class either. But the illegals get free food stamps, welfare checks and paid rent--liberal voters, when do you ever wake-up from your sleepwalk?

Factoid: Read more about "U.N. Agenda 21" in blog articles by exploring my Rovalocity Search Box.


Has America gone Mad?

"I can see clearly now--the rain is gone. I can see all obstacles in my way--gone are the dark clouds that had me blind--it's going to be a bright, bright sunshiny day ...since Obama has shown me the way!"

  [My apologies to songwriter Johnny Nash for my last added line.]

Time: 02:45

I have to finally admit that I have really fallen down into Alice in Wonderland's rabbit hole along with Obama leading the way! You know, that's the place where everything forwards is backwards, upside right is upside down, inside in is inside out and, Heaven forbid, Left is Right or Right is Left--and now that's really "As Mad as a Hatter!" ...B. Hussein Obama has truly transformed our country!

FYI: In the early 16th to 17th century a pervasive occupational disease was chronic mercury poisoning among hat makers whose felting work involved prolonged exposure to mercury vapours during finishing, forming and sizing that caused mental confusion, emotional disturbances, and muscular weakness along with severe neurological damage and kidney damage--"You're Mad as a Hatter!"

The Mad Hatter's "Tea Party" in Wonderland

[This Tea Party shows the Left as the Right - backwards, upside down.]

Mad Hatter with Pompous-obsequious Hare Obama &  Foul-tempered Queen Michelle.

Obama may be "Mad as a March Hare" but he'll be more like a "Mad Dog" if the Congressional legislature does not approve his Iran Nuclear deal-- but then everyone knows "his barks are worse than his bites" in enforcing any military actions. So it will enbolden him with a "No" vote of confidence to veto and override congress to save his Presidential lunacy footnote in the history books at all costs.



Obama Learns to Stop Worrying & Love the Bomb 

"Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb" was an iconic 1964 anti-war movie. The gist of the movie is that when word comes through to Washington that a general in the Strategic Air Command has sent a wing of bombers off to drop bombs the political chaos ensues in the White House. So then a technical munitions expert, Dr. Strangelove, is summoned who sees the planes cannot be recalled while conceding the Russians have a retaliatory "doomsday device" too.

At the end it's funny, in a mad way, about the behavior of the crew in one of the planes of the airborne alert force that's ordered to drop the bomb. It shows the commander who is a Texan that puts on a cowboy hat when he knows the mission is fully committed and rides the bomb down to blow up the target, Russia.

So here, fifty-one years later I am still troubled by that feeling, which runs all through the film, of discredit and even contempt for our whole defense establishment, up to and even including the hypothetical Commander in Chief--it sure looks like deja vu all over again!

Many countries have nuclear weapons, and many more want them. Only one, though, has its neighbors and the world terrified. That country is Iran.

Why is everyone so concerned? Because the Islamic theocracy has:  

  • repeatedly threatened to destroy Israel,
  • sponsors global terrorism,
  • would leverage the deterrence effect of a nuclear weapon to advance their anti-Western and anti-American interests. 

Time:  05:15

Bret Stephens, foreign affairs columnist for the Wall Street Journal, explains the one thing you really need to know in order to understand:

We can't let Iran get the bomb--they may actually use it!


Straight Talk on the Gay Issue - Everyone's Rights

In the 5-4 ruling, Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote for the majority with the four liberal justices. Each of the four conservative justices wrote their own dissent.

I  have objections to the ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court that same-sex couples can marry nationwide, establishing a new civil right under the fourteenth amendment.  Based upon my own personal religious Christian beliefs it is Biblically wrong as marriage is defined as the union of a man and woman and for procreation of children. However, I will still respect Constitutional laws even as wrongly they have been adjudicated. Furthermore, I respect all Americans' rights and so do not respect anyone who cannot uphold every U.S. citizens' rights too. 

With that all said, if the newly created legal class of private citizens wish to be recognized and not discriminated against then they must also acknowledge and respect other private citizen's rights too. It is reverse discrimination to infringe on another private citizen's personal rights, religious or not, when they choose to not participate, support or conduct activities they deem as promoting same-sex marriages and activities--this does not in any way extend to secular public sector agencies, institutions or government businesses.

So this newly created sexual class is no panacea to a perfect union either, since about forty-five percent of marriages end in divorce according to the calculations of Robert Schoen and Vladimir Canudas-Romo (2006)

It is however that the issue is also less about couples marrying and more afterwards about the welfare of the children, especially in divorce cases--and that has nothing to do with gender identity, sexual proclivity or as a transsexual since everyone now is a gender neutral entity when married under U.S. Constitutional laws.

I then wonder how the issues of divorce and children brought up by a single parent will be for children. What happens as some divorced partners get really ugly and combative as child custody battles are fought which affect most children their whole lives? After all, the Supreme Court ruling will now treat every married couple equally under the same standards which means that any child custody or children put up for adoption must have same gender parents, not gender mixed with a male and female as it will further confuse the children's psyche during their stressful divorce proceedings.

In creating a new gender class the U.S. Supreme Court have played God. Their job as the ultimate Supreme creator is not over yet.  Now they must effect a balance in nature to insure this new class of survival or it either dies immediately or can evolve eventually into extinction--so the Supremes must further provide even more new ground rules and far-reaching class protections for that uncharted legal universe--further fulfilling God's role, one they can never really do. After all, in the real world nature runs it own course where it's the survival of the fittest.

All the gay activists ignored the real issue: The state voters locally should make their own choices and not the Federal government. Under the banner of "Gay Rights" the Supreme Court passed a law that is unconstitutional and this ruling is only the beginning of Federal Government's further erosion of private citizen's rights with the states' sovereign rights. All state decisions are now being abridged and trampled on by Federal Supreme Court intrusion disregarding Constitutional Laws left to the voters in the individual states. 


Obama's Vienna Sausage: All Half-Baked Ideas

Krazy Kat Kerry's Iran ViennaTalks

John Kerry heard he didn't have a prayer in Hell in pulling off the Iranian disarmament Kerry prays to Jesus - no one joins him.  deal and so he offered one up anyway as everything and everyone have collapsed around him and Obama. It doesn't look like not to many at the meeting are looking up from their prayer rugs as Kerry puts his hands together.

Kerry faces what is wholy an Iranian Nuclear Arms deal. His ill-advised, very inexperienced and sadly unprepared diplomatic adventures have all but ebbed away into an abhorrent, bottomless abyss of blusterous naiveties feeding portensions of horrible losses he cannot imagine even if he had cognitive reasoning--in other words, he's really should not be there because he is so hopelessly feckless, period.                                                   

One does not send in a bleeding heart, Jane Fonda liberal idealist sympathizer to negotiate any U.S. military deals protecting the middle-East region.  I can recall the same same pose at a microphone as Kerry above, only with "Hanoi" Jane Fonda as he was loudly berating our soldiers as cut-throat, Genghis Khan types of brutal mogul hordes attacking, pillaging and murdering innocent Vietnamese civilians without conscience.

Looks like the whole Democrat Political Machine is on the firing line for the 2016 Presidential elections. Many pundits portend a big GOP victory as the Obama administration folds up its traveling tent medicine show selling more snake oils as Obama again skulks away from just another huge policy failure.