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Obama's Past History Still Shows Up in 2015

This President, as a charismatic Illinois senator, has enjoyed a lifetime of hagiography, like writing a book of idolizing saints or venerated persons, starting with an 800-word story in The New York Times the day after his law school's election in February, 1990 as the "first black president of the Harvard Law Review"--Let's clear up the "facts."

Here is the real background story: 

Obama was elected after a lengthy, apparently contentious meeting lasting from Saturday into the early morning Sunday hours ending a "marathon voting session" in which he finally won on the 19th ballot of the Harvard Law Review's 80 editors. Historically, editors were picked on the basis of the highest grades, the president of the Law Review was the student with the highest academic rank.

In the 1970's, a dispute began as the academic ratings were replaced by a program favoring minorities in which about half the editors now are chosen for their grades and the other half are chosen by fellow students after a special writing competition. Also, Harvard no longer academically ranks its law students for any purpose including a guide to recruiters so as to not discriminate against minorities. Does that say something for the 'best' academically speaking? Will they know the difference between a 'tort,' a 'tart' or a 'fart?' 

This certainly besmirches some of Barack Obama's crowning accomplishments as:

  • The "President of the Harvard Law Review" was not as prestigious as Obama widely presented because it was then based upon a reduced academic grade rating favoring lower grade point averages of minorities in the selection criteria. This opinion follows some reports that he was not even that active nor that involved with the Law Review's week to week activities going forward. It seems Obama treated it more like just a bullet point on his resume to check off than a serious collegiate educational endeavor. 

Obama was not a 'Constitutional law professor' as many of his supporters dishonestly tout; but was only a 'guest lecturer,' an enormous difference at the University of Chicago School of Law. 

A left-wing site, said: “Barack Obama was NOT a Constitutional Law Professor at the University of Chicago. That’s technically true." The official press release by the University further supported that fact denying Obama any forum to counter the rebuke of his ambiguous claim--more braggadocio again to inflate his false credentials.

The University of Chicago Law School Official Statement - Barack Obama  

"The University of Chicago Law School has received many media requests about Barack Obama, especially about his status as "Senior Lecturer."

"From 1992 until his election to the U.S. Senate in 2004, Barack Obama served as a professor in the Law School. He was a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996. He was a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004, during which time he taught three courses per year. Senior Lecturers are considered to be members of the Law School faculty and are regarded as professors, although not full-time or tenure-track. The title of Senior Lecturer is distinct from the title of Lecturer, which signifies adjunct status. Like Obama, each of the Law School's Senior Lecturers has high-demand careers in politics or public service, which prevent full-time teaching. Several times during his 12 years as a professor in the Law School, Obama was invited to join the faculty in a full-time tenure-track position, but he declined." [Those legally crafted words in this press release are an insult to any reader's intelligence as they conclude you are too stupid to see through the double-talk, double-speak, gobbly-gook; simply put, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it is like a lawyer ducking the real truth.] 

NOTE: The statements that "Senior Lecturers are....regarded as professors" and that "Senior Lecturer is distinct from the title of Lecturer" together imply that Lecturers are not regarded as professors or as members of the Law School faculty. And yet the press release says that President Obama was a professor at the law school for both his four years as a Lecturer and his eight subsequent years as a Senior Lecturer. The meaning of the terms "regarded as" and "considered to be" are not explained. 

During his college years as a community, socialist organizer Obama had been taking a national training course on the left-wing, radical anarchist Saul Alinsky's methods of organizing groups too. This picture above was represented in publications as Barack 'teaching' Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago University Law school. Obama is actually writing down and diagramming the principles from Saul Alinsky's book, 'Rules for Radicals'. That is hardly 'Constitutional Law' since it espouses to breed anarchy against capitalism by undermining our democratic principles under U.S. laws.

  • Obama has claimed he taught law at the University of Chicago which has also been debunked by his own handlers as a case of braggadocio, but everyone honestly knows it's really more like a plain lie.
  • In the University of Chicago as well as academia, 'professor' is the highest academic rank, normally awarded only to tenured teachers after many years of experience and many successful publications. Mr. Obama had none of these qualifications, and never went through the necessary process of being awarded professor rank, so was deemed a 'guest lecturer" and the class he taught the most times was called "Current Issues in Racism and the Law." This is more like doing nothing to get a 2009 Nobel Peace Prize like a toy surprise in a box of Cracker Jack.

    In 1985, Obama worked for Business Int'l. Corp., BIC, as a backroom researcher writing reference reports about Financing Foreign Operations about outsourcing jobs overseas." "BIC was a “sweatshop,” as one colleague recalls, where as office drones they banged away on WANG computers and smoked cigarettes. Obama didn’t like the job. He told his mother that it was “working for the enemy” and wrote that his brief foray into business was like a “spy” “working behind enemy lines.” Obama echoed the view of Marxist “dependency theory,” an economic illiteracy which holds that Third World countries are impoverished by Western imperialists who steal their wealth."

    "Obama argued in 2008 that his role, not as a chain-smoking typing pool drone, but as a “financial analyst” for a year in 1985 made him able to deal with the economic downturn plaguing the nation. He was no financial genius, but he marketed himself as one anyway."--just more braggadocio.

    He eventually earned a Law Degree in 1991 but never actively practiced in a courtroom arguing any case as a lawyer either; instead after graduating from Harvard he was hired by Miner, Barnhill, & Galland, a small politically-connected law firm that specialized in government housing projects. That is a polite way of saying "slum housing" which by the way was run by a wealthy black Chicago elite, the Valerie Jerrett family. Valerie became his handler and later his White House Chief of Staff that advised him on all of his decisions. So under similar questionable contract deals was where Obama would meet influential real estate developers like, later convicted felon, Tony Rezko.

    Tony Rezco & Obama at a fundraiser.Tony Rezko later helped Barack to bolster his personal loan package documents to buy up in qualifying for a more expensive house through two highly questionable real estate deals to pay down the price. Both actions would be clear violations of Senate ethics rules baring the granting or asking of favors. After that real estate debacle hit the papers, Obama later was called out for his illegal house financing deal with Rezko and Obama offered a mea culpa by admitting it was "a bone-headed decision" in order to politically clear the way for his 2007 White House Presidential Campaign bid for the 2009 run-up.

    So now, who is this guy who sealed all publicly available scholastic records, shuns familyObama & U.S. Constitution - We The People... relatives, doesn't recall childhood friends or middle school buddies or college chums? Is anyone close at all who knows this enigma of a mystery man before he came on the national scene from nowhere and why he was financed by Washington backroom power brokers for nearly one Billion dollars to run for President? Now it's 2015, and this guy is dictating how 230 Million Americans live and pay taxes?--And voters, not a one, is even just scratching their heads a little over this yet or will ever ask any questions? ...How absolutely bizarre!


    A Real New Years Promise - A Longer Life Span

    A very significant fact was released in December, 2014 by the highly regarded nonprofit Society of Actuaries on the new mortality estimates. It is showing the average 65-year-old U.S. woman is expected to live to 88.8 years, up from 86.4 in 2000. A 65-year-old U.S. Man is expected to live 86.6 years, up from 84.6 in 2000.

    Looking ahead as a country, we viewed that our healthcare system has served us well up to 2015. The impressive proof of longer lifetimes are the good news, especially since most people are healthy in the bargain. However, it may be for some a Faustian bargain, a deal with the devil, if one's life is long yet ill-health plagues them until their dying day.

    As it has been reported, ten thousand people a day are turning sixty-five years old and retiring under Medicare coverage. It is, however, the perfect storm as the impending danger of Medicare's financial collapse is due to the Obamacare Program debacle draining Medicare's operating funds transferred over to support it but also is driving up costs for Medicare patients seeking healthcare services. The Obama Presidential legacy is littered with all the trappings of failed big governmental meddling in the very fibers of our dynamic democracy. As his last term finally winds down, Obama still continues feverishly to further his progressive, socialist ruination of the nation. 

    Obama is a statist who believes the state is greater than the sum of its parts and that individuals have a moral obligation to serve the state. His collectivist values are the embodiment of Barack Obama's core plan to destroy free markets and control free speech. It means the Federal government of the state controls, owns and distributes as it sees fit all of our private properties, personal civil rights as it dictates how and where we live too. The United States Constitution is not upheld or even followed closely as it is written either. [Go to our site "Search Box" at top right & Input "UN Agenda 21" or click on link here: UN Agenda 21 to see more about Obama's plans he has for us.]

    There are more highly organized left-wing, socialist activists working out in the streets too. No doubt you2015 NYC New Year celebration revelers with protesters.'ve heard about and seen the New York City protests that were conducted during the 2015 New Years eve celebration.

    A very revealing photo surfaced and was freely distributed around news outlets. In it, there were some protesters marching against the Grand Jury findings in the Ferguson, MO police officer involved shooting. It pictured a specific social profiling of participants as the majority of the protesters were all of the correct ethnicity, mostly Blacks, along with a few Whites to hold up the signs, all professionally printed letter-perfect too; and also they shouted out rhythmically their scripted programmed chants. Another interesting demographic was there weren't any older people in the picture and they all looked to be in their late teens into their twenties which are much more amenable age to agitate radicalization. So, it had all the outward signs of a very well organized, orchestrated, professionally run protest rally by agents of manufactured unrest. Can I back up my claims?--Read the next paragraph and you decide.

    One last thing to mention is at the bottom of all of the signs was a dot com organization's name, REVCON.US, which seemed innocent enough until I clicked on it--and then when you do that, you will know the rest of the story too!

    We have a new year ahead of us filled with 365 opportunities to defend our country's Constitutional liberties as well as others around the world. There are 190 countries in the world, so we cannot be the global police force due to our available resources, both human and financial assets. However, we must build an unwavering resolve to build our backbone of defense back up along with our strong voice for the defense of global democracy too. Our President's word must be the gold standard for truth and the guarantee of swift action when tendered. 

    So the promise of your longer life need not be a deal with the devil, but it will be a devil of a problem as Barack Obama's many programs deliberately get into full swing like Obamacare after he leaves office. Remember that Obama today is vastly different than what he promised during his first presidential primary run as he was not going to nationalize everything but only “the commanding heights of the economy.” Everyone seemed blissfully unaware of the Marxian roots of that expression and that tactic. Apparently, it is getting harder to distinguish between classic Marxism and liberal thought.

    So, Obama is in an ongoing process, like an administrative amoeba, constantly changing, growing, transforming himself--and us. We no longer have laws, we have mandates as all of the branches of the government have been collapsed into one, the all-powerful Presidential branch. Are we all doomed to this Faustian deal?--Only our next presidential elections will tell.

    "Maybe I did well and maybe I led the battle but nobody ever said we were going to win this thing at any point in time. Eternal vigilance is required and there have to be people who step up to the plate, who believe in liberty, and who are willing to fight for it." -- Milton Friedman, PhD Economist, Nobel Laurette (1912-2006)



    See the Hottest New Invention Out: Wrist Computer

    No doubt you have seen the new wrist watches that have computers in them.Dick Tracy got his 2-Way radio watch in Jan, 1946. After I personally wore one brand, the Motorola watch, Moto 360, with blue tooth communication at a Best Buy store recently, the glamour and thrill immediately dropped away. They were too big and bulky to wear on my wrist and I am a man, so a woman will find it even more cumbersome to wear it herself in spite of their glitzy ads showing sexy women wearing these bulky wrist manacles on slender arms as fashion statements.

    There were others there that looked like those slim techno sports wristbands that read heart, caloric burn rates, etc. They had small digital displays, but all appeared to be "first to the marketplace" products but whether they are the be-all end-all yet for this new computer form will be hard to say at this moment.

    With the Cicret Bracelet, you can make your skin your new touch screen. Read your mails, play your favorite games, answer your calls, check the weather, find your way…Do whatever you want on your arm. 


    Please view this video and see an amazing new device, the Cicret bracelet. 

    Time: 02:44



    Here's the background story: 

    With the twenty-first century now leaping forward so quickly, the world isThe "Real Deal" medicine sold to cure all what ails you. hurtling into the information age with the help of computer aided devices; we as a population are caught up in this whirlwind of new discoveries. Our world of imagination seems limitless as new discoveries and technological developments keep magically appearing daily. When will it stop? Hopefully never because that's what excites people to give them a reason to live. With that ominous promise comes responsibility, not so much to finding new discoveries but as it should also be a promise to each other to be vigilant too. With all of these ideas come the quacks, hucksters, charlatans and purveyors of absolute flim-flam and false claims--buyers beware in these times of new discoveries, someone is out there to just plain screw you.

    This is probably by far one of the greatest scams of all time, even beating out ridiculous ones from Liberia. Those ones are real classics, but on an obvious real big doofus scale of over the top dumb people's bait and switch swindles. The sophistication of this scam is right near to the top of a "Bernie Madoff" mega-scale of lying and deceit mixed up with a lot of scientific mumble jumbo that sounds so convincing too.

    Go to see more info at At their official site you notice in the header box several areas to click on to select. If you click on the "Donate" link button this message will appear: 

    Help us to release the Cicret App and the Cicret Bracelet!

    • We need €300,000 euros ($246,000) to develop the CICRET APP on all the platforms.
    • We need €700,000 euros ($574,000) to finish the first prototype of the CICRET BRACELET.

    So feel free to donate an amount of your choice. If everyone gives us 1 euro, we will make it ($820,000) and release our products!

    (€1 euro = $.82 as of 01/01/2015)

    For a donation, fill in the form below.

    Do NOT support this with any donations.

    1. This is not a concept video, it's everything made in CGI, Computer Generated Imagery, and other special effects graphics programs to appear as a real viable working product to unknowing people about this newest revolutionary technologic idea.

    2. It is impossible to show a light image on skin outside in the sunlight, for this to become possible, the "bracelet projector bulb" would have to be brighter and stronger than the actual sun itself, which could possibly vaporize your eyes and skin, cause skin cancer and burn your arm--think of all of the computer projectors that have difficulty being seen with their powerful lights in bright rooms too.

    3. Any white color or similar light colors, would show as invisible on your skin, in this video they showed white background when surfing on the internet etc. which is completely incorrect. I saw only light skin Cicret users; so how about if you have black or dark skin, doesn't that figure into this imagining technology too?

    4. This entire so called "project" is a quick scam to milk money out of the ignorant people. So, the best thing you could do is report this to PayPal and inform them about how this fraud going on in hopes of people being warned or possibly getting their money refunded back. 

    5. Microtechnology is not advanced yet that anyone could fit their specifications into a tiny bracelet, such as GPU, CPU, RAM, Memory etc.

    6. You may have failed to notice that when you would place your finger in front of the bracelet's projector window, it should be overlapped with a shadow on the image screen, just like when you're walking in front of a projector or a cinema screen. Projecting an image from such a low angle would be massively difficult at best if not outright impossible. The slightest bump in the skin would grossly distort or even block the image and don't forget to exfoliate your hair too.

    7. Even if this was real and they had the technology to do it, but required money to do so, Google, Samsung, Apple etc. would pay huge amount of money to own/collaborate with this "company" called Cicret. Even other investors like Amazon and Facebook would be falling over each other to invest money into this idea since it has never been done before. Do you people see any of this happening in the news? No, because it's fake and a scam.

    Credit: Various other blog site commenters with many insightful shared ideas.

    If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is just that--Not true!


    What do G.I. Joe, Santa's Elf & Terrorists share?

    I was sent a holiday seasons picture depicting a GI Joe action figure at a kitchen sink faucet waterboarding an Elf with a face cloth to find out what presents Santa was bringing. A very clever come-back by a liberal reader that saw it was, "Remove the aerator and give Mr. Terrorist Brownie a good ol’ dose of American justice!" That was meant to be a funny line in itself, but it became biting political commentary when he added a picture of Vice President Dick Cheney beside it. 

    "Remove the aerator!"--It resonates like, "Hands Up, Do Not Shoot!" as phrases that further blur to distort solid reasons surrounding actions and diminish protections too. Both headlines had tabloid blow-back about the defense of U.S. residents that protected them from domestic and foreign bad guys. Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO out on bail awaiting a September 2014 trial for a November 2013 armed burglary, was again wanted in August, 2014 as a strong-arm robbery suspect and was shot and killed as he first attacked an officer in his car and then came back on him like a running freight train.

    Terrorist Khalid Sheikh MohammedTerrorists Abu Zubaydah, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri were subjected to "water conditioning procedures" to extract terrorist attack plans. James Mitchell, a former U.S. Air Force psychologist, confirmed that the waterboarding of Mohammed, which the Senate report erroneously said occurred 183 times, was actually "83 pours (of water) that lasted between one to 10 seconds” each. This is hardly anything like any ISIS brutal beatings, severed body parts, decapitated heads that they have as preferred torture methods.

    Obviously, the magnitude of these two situations are different, but both as news items are measured by the perception of crisis levels on how public opinion reacts. They were both considered by the mainstream press as national concerns, affecting everyone equally in their daily lives. There were 130 out of nearly 14 Million Blacks that were killed by police in 2013 according to FBI statistics, the numbers that Eric Holder himself reports, I accept them as fact. I think the Centers for Diseases Control, CDC, in Atlanta have really more alarming statistics as they reported: 

    Statistics: Blacks were 55% of shooting homicide victims in 2010, but 13% of the population. ...May 21, 2013 ... from firearm injuries, mainly through suicide (19,392) and homicide (11,078), according to CDC compilation of data from death certificates.  Whoa! ...Suicides? ...Homicides, mostly Black on Black? So just who does the Justice Department really worry about gun controls for as Blacks kill themselves?
    ​CDC: Black suicide/homicide gun.

    By contrast, whites are underrepresented; whites were 25% of the victims of gun homicide in 2010, but 65% of the population. For Hispanics, the 17% share of gun homicide victims was about equal to their 16% proportion of the total population.

    Factoid: A high-performance faucet aerator can reduce faucet water use by 77%. It only permits a flow of 0.5 gallons of water per minute when most houses do not have pressure regulators which can affect water flow capacity too. Otherwise, unrestricted flows can Assume Average Pressure. (20-100PSI) about 12f/s flow velocity equals 14 gallons of water per minute. [Of course, this is useless trivia since terrorist interrogators just use a bucket of water.]

    If we are waterboarding any individuals, they are humanely conducting this "water-conditioning procedure" with maximum discomfort while affording those individuals "time-out moments" to rethink over sharing their ideas or having conversations.

    How many of these tortured individuals ended up dead after such methods were used? Can anyone count how many of our dead citizens due to terrorists were in the 2000 USS Cole soldiers attacked in Yemen, 9/11/01 U.S. plane crashes, U.S. soldiers in 1983 Beirut barracks bombing, U.S. soldiers fighting since 2001 in Afghanistan or 2003 in Iraq or American reporters and foreign aide workers? 


    Ready to Give Up To Obama Your Internet Freedom?

    The Obama administration has announced September 2015 as the end to U.S. stewardship of the open Internet; Russia and China will really take advantage of that American ICANN surrender too. Authoritarian regimes want to grab control recognizing the "different modes and methods in Internet management"--code for a major subversion of the Internet and restriction to freedom of speech. 

    Meanwhile, even though it is solely under the control of the U.S. Congress who voted down in both houses to give up ICANN controls, Obama is stealthily trying to pass his 'Executive Order' on the down-low and bypass congressional oversight once again; it will be far from the 'modest change in policy' that Obama claimed in March, 2014--another lie!  

    Is Obama really aware of the major damages? Of course not, he is again clueless!--But how many more times must the public take that silly "clueless excuse?" It's time that everyone must finally just admit he really does know what he is doing! - Obama is a hardcore Socialist always ready to lie to promote his one-world government progressive ideals for wealth redistribution.      

    Secretly, behind closed doors, the nations of the world had been negotiating an International Internet Treaty — initiated by Russia and China — to regulate theHu Jintao & Vladmir Putin Internet through an United Nations agency, the ITU, International Telecommunications Union. It was a boring highly technical meeting largely ignored by the press corps. The only reason anyone knows about these talks in the first place is through a "WikiLeaks anonymous posting" by a participant in the talks. That and the fact that in the signing ceremony in Dubai in December 2012, it was conducted in which Secretary of State Clinton had attended.

    Thankfully the U.S. in this round of meetings did not sign any accords to give up any hard fought Internet sovereignty to thuggish authoritarian regimes like China and Russia. The internal political pressures on Washington have China & Russia agree on a U.N. International Telecommunication Union Agency to regulate the Internet.
    been great to keep the Internet ICANN organization under U.S. control and from Billionaire software moguls, "Big Bucks" Obama donors, like Larry Page of Google, Bill Gates of Microsoft, Mark Zuckerburg of Facebook and Larry Ellison of Oracle. However, that still does not guarantee the future under Barack Obama if he has anything to do with it if he so desperately grabs at any major legacy he can hang his hat on so late in a failed lame-duck administration--these are desperate times requiring even more desperate measures and consequences to Obama don't really matter much, except to our freedoms. 

    Everyone, worldwide too, will feel all the laws, restrictions & tax levies as the price they will pay when overseen by just another corrupt U.N. Regulatory Agency. It is nearly a guaranteed outcome when a stacked houseful of hungry, poorer members nations who greedily set up and collect their excessive access fees create a type of International third-world restricted Internet service program.

    Vladamir Putin & Hillary Clinton

    Has anyone asked Hillary about the details or her part in this little hidden disingenuous peccadillo of activities in her Secretary of State resume?

    Now let's go forward to December 12, 2014, after the Russian government has cracked down on Internet Freedom rights. Google, Inc. have closed their search engineering offices upon being concerned about the safety of its staff in Russia should Google run afoul of the new Russian laws. Google will still maintain sales, user support, business partnerships, marketing and training. But why did they close you ask?

    "Russia is one of the rare markets where Google doesn’t dominate the search sector. Yandex NV has long been number one, even though Google recently has been gaining ground. Yandex NV held 59.6% of the Russian search market in November, down from 61.9% a year earlier, according to Google, meanwhile, captured 31.7% in November, up from 26.4% a year earlier."

    In the overall Russian Internet search market shares, the 31.7% capture by Google increased by an impressive 5.30% in just over a year. It appears the government regulators did not want to risk further embarrassment for any more erosion of their market sector share of Yandex NV dissolving under their iron-fisted control of Internet activities.

    Another domestic issue was the civil unrest in Russia which is always a concern of a totalitarian government. Recently Russia had a rebellion that Putin and his cronies blamed was brought about and coordinated through the Internet social media. Putin further blamed the Western countries, specifically the U.S., for harboring and releasing these cyber-attacks inside the Russian borders too.

    The Kremlin signed into Russian law their oppressive Internet regulations governing data-handling practices by Internet companies:

    • All bloggers with 3,000 or more daily readers are required to register with the government and provide their home address. The ruling prevents these bloggers from using foul language and forbids them from spreading false information effective August 1, 2014. 
    • All companies are required to store the personal data of all Russian users on servers within Russia. The law set the deadline for compliance as Sept. 1, 2016. Russian lawmakers proposed moving the deadline to Jan. 1, 2015, but the proposal didn’t receive final approval after companies objected. Now lawmakers are proposing a compromise deadline of Sept. 1, 2015. 

    Now, government suppression of free speech created an actual exodus of Russian tech startup companies.  It is stark evidence that capitalism is alive and well since many have moved abroad to other countries in Eastern Europe such as the Baltics or to Asia. It has been reported that dozens of companies have closed their Moscow offices and gone to Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia or countries in Asia. These expatriates even admit that the majority of them are happy about moving out of Russia--not good news to Vladmir Putin's ears I'm sure. 

    Get Up & Email Your Representatives!

     ~ It is a Non-Partisan Issue ~

    ~ Americans Owe their Freedom to our Laws - So does the Internet ~

    To Email your U.S. Congressional Representatives. 

    Click on: Enter your home "Zip Code" and it will list by their Names and Internet sites. Click on to their individual "Official Website" and type into their email message box:"Do Not transfer ICANN to UN" and send--it's that easy and it will take a second to do it too! 

    You Are Crazy if You Don't Email Congress!

    Please Send this out to your Friends Now!