Obummer! - The Donna Song

Here is a song that was released on October 25, 2010 and has made the rounds, 1,689,474 hits so far to date on the Internet. It is definitely a toe-tapping melody that really hits a home run with memorable lyrics ...it's always a timely tune.
Unfortunately for the American electorate, Obama has struck out in every turn at bat as President on both domestic leadership as well as foreign relations. He has earned the 'MVP', "Mostly Very Poor" Award with his loser record of no runs, no hits and many errors.
Time: 03:03
Song available at iTunes: http://tinyurl.com/d8juegt
MP3 available at Amazon: http://amzn.com/B004332A3A
Music parody Obummer! to the tune of Donna by Richie Valens. Christina Houston vocalist. Backup vocals Susanne Houston. Instrumentation Gregory Houston.

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