I purposely reworded this Video by-line title to get your attention. It should shake up any Americans to read that so many young people are willing to give up and leave their family, friends and homeland to seek their fortunes elsewhere. Presently the full headline is actually a warning about France and its new upcoming generation of citizens who want to be free of the French welfare state. Their national welfare system of high and higher taxes with a loathing of the wealthy and those aspiring to accumulate wealth is driving productivity down while increasing more public dependence on government programs.
France's day of reckoning has arrived: Its wealthy, best and brightest are saying goodbye to a nation they believe doesn't want them to succeed or become affluent. Watch this video.
Time: 04:44
Barack Hussein Obama is a statist socialist. In political science, statism (French: étatisme) is the belief that the state should control either economic or social policy, or both. Obama vowed in 2008 that he, ..."would fundamentally change the country." Socialist Liberal Democrats and Progressives cheered the move as a major step forward to a more generous nation-state. To date, with Obamacare and his Presidential executive orders to regulate rather than legislate, Obama is plodding along as he is succeeding in his diabolical policies.
Meanwhile, our Congress is at a stalemate due to the Obama Executive branch's plans to disembowel our legislative processes and Constitutional laws. Our Senate is held captive by a Democrat majority. The Republican majority House has passed legislation, but cannot introduce or have any of their bills acted upon on the Senate floor due to Majority leader Harry Reid blocking them. This stratagem is the 'ideal storm', a scheme that Obama created for him to issue his 'Presidential executive orders' because this roadblock prevents the government from passing its bills. It instead allows for Obama to bypass Congress with his own Presidential proclamations as he signs an executive order to regulate coal usage through emissions standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency with zero input of any of the affected states' representatives or voters.
If this situation wasn't so serious it would be quite laughable that a light-weight like
Obama could pull this off at all. However, Obama is complicit within the tight circle of Washington beltway power brokers who are pulling his strings as he dances on the world stage to their music. ..."I knew a man Bojangles and he'd dance for you. In worn out shoes!" - with apologies to even compare Barack Obama's political sidesteps to the talented dancesteps of the legendary Bill "Bojangles" Robinson (1878-1949), a great dancer and entertainer; and also no relation to the first lady Michelle Obama, nee Robinson, either.