A Triple Amputee's Fights Back

Senior Airman Brian Kolfage
"Government is not the solution to our problem, it is the problem." - Ronald Reagan
Senior Airman, Brian Kolfage Jr., the most severely wounded Airman in US history---a triple amputee---was informed recently by the Veterans Administration Debt Management Center that he would be back charged $4825.00. According to the VA, they had been overpaying Airman Kolfage for several years and they want their money back.
Brian provided the necessary legal documentation to the VA and was told that an error had been made and the problem would be cleared up and no indebtedness existed. Moreover, the Veterans Administration said there would be no back charge against his benefits. The VA started to back charge anyway. Kolfage is not as angry as he is frustrated. His first concerns are for his fellow veterans struggling with an unproductive Veterans Administration, VA backlogs and a system that adds unnecessary stress to the lives of men. They should not have to fight their government for the help they need and are owed.
Brian Kolfage's video expresses his way of asking fellow Americans to look at what is happening around themselves, looking into how everyone can change our bureaucratic and overbearing government overreaches into our lives to improve on how we live--with a conservative's approach.
Time: 07:38
Conservatism Is Calling: Share this with everyone you know, Obama is exposed on every lie, with facts and comparisons. Show the world what his liberal voter base is doing to America. If there's one video you share in your life, make it this one. HELP expose their lies so voters can vote responsibly in the 2014 and 2016 elections.