How Obama Makes a Monkey out of You

"What happens when you pay two monkeys unequally? Watch what happens"
Time: 02:43 FILMED NOV 2011 • POSTED APR 2012 • TEDxPeachtree
YouTube Review: Frans de Waal - Moral behavior in Animals - "Empathy, cooperation, fairness and reciprocity -- caring about the well-being of others seems like a very human trait. But Frans de Waal shares some surprising videos of behavioral tests, on primates and other mammals, that show how many of these moral traits all of us share."
NOTE: This 'video lesson' is from the site called TED, Technology, Entertainment and Design, which is a very liberal, left-leaning organization. TED is well-known for its annual, invitation-only conference devoted to “ideas worth spreading.” The goal is to 'foster the spread of great ideas' so it can dramatically alter the behavior of the mind's owners. Altruistically as it seems, I highly question the 'great' word description about their 'ideas' which is TED's self-serving slogan to garner undeniable acceptance.
Its participants include Democrat president Bill Clinton, U.K. Labour P.M. Gordon Brown - 3rd worst P.M. since WW2, molecular biologist and Darwinist James D. Watson, physicist and atheist Murray Gell-Mann, Democrat Vice President Al Gore, political scientist Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, liberal Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, Liberal Google co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page, and Green Peace Zoologist Jane Goodall. Many are like-minded "NWO", New World Order, leftist progressive visionaries that are actively working feverishly to change the whole world into a "Global Community" under a one-world government; i.e., like the United Nations.
Critique: Entertaining lecture! However, I did not share their "wall street" comparisonOccupy Wall Street - Poop on U.S. Flag regarding the unequal pay test even while interjecting it humorously. It is an ideologically skewed experiment. The "occupy" crowd does not perform commensurate work as the corporate crowd, therefore they do not deserve the same "fruits" of labor, no matter how much they may believe they are entitled to them. If one of the monkeys went to college, earned a degree in finance, and became a stock trader to earn his grapes; while the other monkey was given a cucumber by the government for smoking pot and sleeping in a tent in downtown NYC, then I would agree it is comparable pay. The audience seemed to readily react in laughter but without realizing the intellectual seduction. The audience projected human characteristics into the monkey who appeared to reject his reward because the other one got more for the same task. Actually it was not 'why' one got more, but actually 'what' gotten just plain tastes better with no thought to the other monkey's motives, which indicates simply base animal wants. Sadly, with the concepts corrupted, the audience processes these ideas as true tenants for their own values; TED has now altered their behaviors toward more liberal values - more lessons in Socialism for Homo sapien Monkeys!