Hear A Black's "Uncle Tom" Rant!

Black Man Issues EPIC Rant to 'My Black People'
I appreciate this guy's honesty and totally agree with him. Unfortunately a really smart person like this who actually does care will get labeled as an "Uncle Tom" for speaking out his mind. This is black man who stands out as a role model for other blacks to follow.
Time: 5:22
"Stop Blaming Racism, Take Responsibility"
This video was recorded back in August, 2014 which was certainly way before the current rioting seen around the recent police actions. However that being said, he still resonates as a timely analysis validating how the black community sees itself--hopefully the liberal politicians will realize how much damage due to their harmful, expensive social engineering programs ruined generations of black people far into the future.
In May 2015, Michelle Obama gave an inspirational commencement speech at Tuskegee University graduation ceremony speaking as the first African American First Lady. Michelle's speech, however, shifts from a forward moving gratitude of attaining a higher education for individual betterment and turns it into a self-serving promotion of eternal resentful race-baiting victimhood--SAD!
Time: 02:08
In talking about her racist encounters as first lady, Michelle Obama complains, "[That about her] many Whites say you're too loud and too angry and you ARE emasculating!!" I add that you are also deeply and profoundly ungrateful for the opportunities this country has afforded you and your husband. Michelle Obama wasted a God given opportunity there to lead the graduating class at an ALL black college--really, is there Constitutionally under U.S. Federal laws ANY all-white colleges legally allowed?!
This graduation commencement disproves Michelle's bigotted claims; a black first lady at a ceremony for all-black graduates at an all-black college—it says our country has come a long way in offering the opportunity for anyone to succeed in life; not in a way of life in jobless welfare—it’s time for personal responsibility, not more ongoing empty excuses.

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