Ya Gotta See the Best SNL Obama Skit Ever!

This brief news clip would be a hilarious parody if any Saturday Night Live, SNL stand-up comedian was doing it. Unfortunately, it is actually being pushed by the Obama White House press corps as an important Obama Presidential political initiative:
The USA's biggest national threat to our security is Global Warming!
*For those that understand "Poe's Law" - no further disclaimer is required.
*Poe's law: an internet adage which states that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, parodies of extremism are indistinguishable from sincere expressions of extremism. Poe's Law implies that parody will often be mistaken for sincere belief, and sincere beliefs for parody.
Time: 02:20
Listen and watch opinions by Egyptian news reporters on this Global Warming speech.
2016 Elections,
Benghazi Attack,
Climate Change Policy,
ISIS Muslim Terrorists,
Islamic Issues,
Liberal Media,
Middle East Politics,
News Bias,
Obama Scandals,
Presidential Politics,
Progressive Programs,
Radical Islamic Culture,
Syrian War,
Terrorist War,
U.S. Constitution,
U.S. Foreign Policy,
U.S. Patriotism,
U.S. Terrorism,
U.S. Terrorist Policies,
Washington DC Politics

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