Republicans have Tattoos & Beards too!

It seems like it's okay to say mean things about someone just because they're Republican--That isn't right. Before you write another mean post about Republicans, remember Republicans are people, too.
Time: 01:36
It's time to define life and actions differently in political campaigns. As the millennial voters are coming up as a new generation open to recognition of constitutional rights and are less judgmental about individual diversity.
The liberal look is always what is negative or bad and what can be done to make that better with governmental intervention to correct those disparities. However, many millennials see existing social programs like Medicare and social security as overwhelming costs with no way out of debt. It is reminder to them of these government attempts turning into failures are taxing them going forward and with no payback to them.
So now what one stands for and believes does not have to be confused. With Republican or conservative ideas it's on how our country's leaders will now achieve U.S. greatness again. Optimistic hope for the future is rooted in everyone's shared beliefs of what we have achieved and what is open for the future to everyone.
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