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Entries by D.K. Dickey (74)


Every Nov 6th Election - Republican Always Won

Republicans Have Won Every November 6th Election Since 1860

Lincoln-Obama Voter Morph Failure to Launch ElectionHere's one more historical curiosity to observe this election cycle. Since election day was standardized in 1845 there have been 6 presidential elections held on November 6th and Republicans have won all six. That means next Tuesday, the 7th Presidential election held on this date, will either break or uphold a streak that began in 1860 with the election of Abraham Lincoln.

Starting in 1792, states had a range of dates on which to conduct presidential elections, but in 1845 Congress standardized the date soPresident-Elect Romney it would always be the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Since then presidential elections have been held on dates ranging from November 2nd to November 8th with each date coming up about six times in a fairly regular pattern. The date November 6th has always been a good one for Republicans:

  • 1860 - Abraham Lincoln over Stephen Douglas
  • 1888 - Benjamin Harrison over incumbent Grover Cleveland
  • 1900 - William McKinley over William Jennings Bryan
  • 1928 - Herbert Hoover over Al Smith
  • 1956 - Dwight Eisenhower over Adlai Stevenson
  • 1984 - Ronald Reagan over Walter Mondale

Which brings us to November 6th, 2012 where it's Mitt Romney in a tight race with the incumbent Barack Obama. Will the Republicans' lucky streak hold or will Obama make history as the first Democrat to win on that date? We'll know in a week (or so).

In case you're wondering, the 2016 election will be held on November 8th. It will be the 7th presidential election on this date since 1845. The prior six were evenly split with three going to Democrats (Cleveland, FDR, Kennedy) and the other three to Republicans (Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, G.H.W. Bush)


Obama's Trick & Treat

 Happy Obama Halloween 2012

Benjamin Franklin


American-born Franklin was a statesman, scientist, and writer who frequently corresponded with the prominent international figures of his time. In 1789, at the age of 83, Franklin was still corresponding with Jean Baptiste Leroy, a French physicist and writer. Many of Franklin's personal letters contained simple maxims-the kind found in his Poor Richard's Almanack-and they prove that his wit and wisdom were not impaired by age. One of these comments was: "Our Constitution is in actual operation. Everything appears to promise that it will last; but in this world nothing is certain but death and taxes."

Obama Death Tax Resurrection Obsession


Obama is so obsessed with redistributing income that he thinks it is unfair to leave behind a family business for the kids. What is truly unfair is when a family-owned enterprise has to be sold at auction to pay the death tax to the IRS.

Thanks to the Bush-era tax cuts, this much-loathed levy fell to zero in 2010, but President Obama insisted on bringing it back and Republicans compromised with him after the 2010 election on a 35% rate and a $5 million exemption for 2011 and 2012.

In 2013 the Death Tax Rate is scheduled to rise all the way back to 55% with a meager $1 million exemption—where it was in 2001 before the President George W. Bush tax cut.

Americans who have worked a lifetime to accumulate $1 million of savings or other assets will be surprised to learn that Washington thinks they are plutocrats.

A Forrest Gump Fact


Forrest Gump quotes are uncomplicated, basic and true. They are almost Zen-line in their simplicity. One of the best Forrest Gump quotes is "stupid is as stupid does" which may not be poetry or very deep, but it ends up being true and a more workable metaphor for life than the movie's tag line "life is a box of chocolates". It may be even more apropos here to say, "Life is not a bowl of cherries" with this "Night of the Living Death" 55% death tax rate

President Obama's 2010 budget called for the largest increase in the death tax in U.S. history. The announcement of this tax increase was buried in footnote 1 on page 127 of the President's 2010 budget. By raising the estate tax in the name of fairness, Obama won't merely bring back from the dead one of the most despised of all federal taxes, it will literally splinter many family-owned enterprises. He will also forfeit half the jobs he hopes to gain from the Obama $787 billion stimulus bill. Maybe that's why the news of this unwise tax increase was hidden in a footnote.

A 55% Death Tax is "candy corn" nobody likes to eat!


Russia is Not Our Future - But It's In It 

 Vladamir Putin, President of Russia


Whether you want to learn about it or not, Russia is here to affect your lives over the next decade.  Study their past to understand what they want to do to us in the future.

KGB Lt. Col. President PutinVladamir Putin, Lt. Colonel sixteen years in KGB, (Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti or Committee for State Security or Secret Police), has imprisoned, tortured and honed the art of water-boarding to the highest level while others were executed under his orders. He has since maintained power for a dozen years thanks to shrewd, ruthless political maneuvering and years of economic growth fueled by his Politburo, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, confiscating the Russian private oil and gas production. Putin, 60, has led the former Communist state as Prime Minister twice and is currently serving his third term as President. By law, he could stand for a fourth term in 2018, though he says he has not decided whether or not he wants to while many Russians are alarmed by the prospect of a possible 12 more years with him at the helm.

The large reserve funds that Putin built up during the boom years by plundering private soviet companies and individuals, manipulating international and domestic bond markets, gouging the European Union with exorbitant gas and heating fuel pipeline rates helped tide Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton the government over during the financial crisis of 2008. At the Asia Pacific Economic Conference Leaders' Conference in Vladivostok, Russia on September, 2012 Putin also expressed his plans to shift the country's attention away from Europe to build stronger economic ties with China and Asia a move that could change global economic landscape.

Putin faces dual challenges at home and abroad before the next presidential election, expected in 2018. Russia's dependence on oil and its ailing infrastructure also remain potential critical weaknesses of the economy.

Putin wants the Russian economy to rid itself of its “dependence on oil”, but economics trumps ideology since the Russian economy is backward because oil plays a major role even though it's not the only root cause. How about the Communist Doctrine for starters? The Russian condition lies in its inherent physical production hierarchy such as the industries, plants and their location, work forces, equipment, products, and the production chains in which they participate. Sadly, it's largely the same as it was in the Soviet era, precisely the oil wealth or the so-called oil rent that was used to support and perpetuate their inefficiencies due to the Politburo Central Planning Committee decisions.

In Russia, Putin must answer complaints from the growing middle class that he runs anPrivate Hospital BedsEmergency Ambulance autocratic regime, aka Communist Regime, that fails to provide adequate healthcare for its people. What's wrong with their long running socialized medicine programs that's like Obamacare here? 

To top off all of their woe, studies now predict Russia's economic collapse by 2050. It will not be able to support their own gross national product. Their population is declining due to a multitude of problems according to a UN study in 2005.

The abusive birth control by repetitive abortions have damaged reproductive organs laying fallow many young women from eighteen to twenty-four years old and reducing birthrates below 1.14 or just barely breaking even to maintain their present population with no more future growth. Alcoholism and drug abuse is a major blight on the entire population which has devastated families, communities and social mores. Heart disease is exceptionally high due to stress and lifestyles choices like a diet of eating kazy, a fatty horse meat sausage or maybe buttered raw pig fat, doing heavy cigarette smoking or drinking vodka. 96% of Russians start consuming alcohol at the age of 15, about 1/3 at the age of 10. One percent of Russian teenagers are alcoholics.

The social fabric attributed to inner values established by religion and acceptable moral guidelines have been deprecated to the society's detriment.  Russia will be one of the first major power nations from the twentieth century that will not be able to generate a sustaining economy. 

So take heart, the great country of China is right behind Russia, it is not without these same exact problems, just bigger and even more complex.  So, we may not have to fire a single shot to settle any conflicts, our adversaries will just die young or be too sickly to fight.


The 2013 Obama Economy - Get Ready!

Neal Ross is a well prepared, informed, elloquent writer, in my opinion, that wrote the most easy to understand explanation of a complicated subject that not many voters, or many politicians, even know started in 1913 and can be reversed in 2013, 100 years later...this subject is about the Holy Grail!

Hold onto your eyelids, try not to doze off, or let your eyes become glazed and your brain freeze over. I have extracted an excerpt from a blog by Neal Ross that offers the whats and whys from U.S. historical facts to explain our current economic mess in less than a ten minute read. I would enjoy reading comments from my readers about this blog.

Albert Einstein once said, “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” Even if Einstein had never discovered the Theory of Relativity, that statement alone shows that he was wise beyond his years.

Putting aside those who were born with learning disorders, I see a lot of stupid people running around in this country. I am sure that statement is not going to make me many friends, but after I am finished, I hope you will at least understand why I said it.

The reason I say I see a lot of stupid people can be best explained by a quote I read in Wikipedia, “Stupidity is distinct from irrationality because stupidity denotes an incapability or [an] unwillingness to properly consider the relevant information.” In other words, stupidity can be defined as willful ignorance.

However bad willful ignorance may be, there is something that I despise even more, that being apathy. I can understand how people might be unwilling to consider relevant information which contradicts their personal beliefs. But to be apathetic, to not care at all is the trait which I find the most despicable, and I see just as many apathetic people as I do those who refuse to listen to a differing viewpoint. Helen Keller once said, “Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all — the apathy of human beings.”

The 99% voters?... HmnnIf people were merely ignorant, [uninformed], it would be a simple matter to provide them with information to educate them. However, when people don’t care to learn, or refuse to accept the facts, then we end up with a society filled with people who are easily manipulated, and controlled, by their government.

Thomas Jefferson once said, “The tax which will be paid for the purpose of education is not more than the thousandth part of what will be paid to kings, priests and nobles who will rise up among us if we leave the people in ignorance.”

Not enough people in this country understand the Occupy Wall St. Posterconcept of a limited government and individual liberty. To them the idea that government does not exist to solve all the nations problems is completely foreign to them. The same goes for the idea that under our system of government, people were to be free to do as they please, as long as their actions did not deny others the ability to do the same.

There is a flip side to having that amount of freedom. Along with it comes the responsibility of accepting the consequences of your actions. So, if you decide to drink yourself into a stupor every night, that is perfectly fine. But when your drinking causes you to lose your job, or your liver fails and you end up in the hospital, you have no right to blame society, or expect them to accept the responsibility for your poor choices.

That is why, as George Bernard Shaw once said, “Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.”

“The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one’s time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all.” H. L. Mencken.

Our nation was to be a nation based on law. There was to be a certain hierarchy among these laws; with local laws being at the bottom, which was to be superseded by state law, followed by federal law, all of which could only be enacted according to what was contained within the Constitution.

It is important to remember that the very purpose of government was not to give, but to protect our God-given rights. That is the purpose for the Bill of Rights, certain rights our founders believed were of such great importance that they be protected by Constitutional Amendments.

As former Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson once said, “The very purpose of a Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities and officials and to establish them as legal principles to be applied by the courts. One’s right to life, liberty, and property, to free speech, a free press, freedom of worship and assembly, and other fundamental rights may not be submitted to vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections.”

It is because of the ignorance, and the apathy, of so many Americans that our system of government has gone from being one of limited powers with respect for individual rights, to one of overreaching powers and continued infringements upon our rights.

Okay, lets take a moment to look at one instance of governmental abuse of powers.

Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution outlines the specific powers granted to Congress. One of these powers is, “To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures.”

In 1792 the Congress passed an act establishing a mint, and regulating the Coins of the United States, known as the Coinage Act of 1792. This act established a U.S. Mint and the corresponding values of coins to be used as currency in the United States.

In 1873 Congress passed the fourth Coinage Act, which de-monetized silver, placing us upon the gold standard. For those of you unfamiliar with the term, the gold standard was a monetary standard under which the basic unit of currency is defined by a stated quantity of gold.

Paper money was introduced to be used as an alternative to heavy bulky coins. However, they were always redeemable in the corresponding amount of gold or silver.

If you look, for example, at a 1928 $100 bill you will see that it states, “Redeemable in gold on demand at the United States Treasury or in gold or lawful money at any Federal Reserve Bank.”

In 1913 Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act, which gave its power to coin our nations money to a group of bankers. Although the President nominates the Chairman of the FED, the banks themselves are not beholden to Congress, they have never been audited, and they, of their own admission, were responsible for the crash of 1929 which led to the Great Depression.

One of the heads of these banking dynasties which control the Federal Reserve Bank was Mayer Amschel Rothschild (23 February 1744 – 19 September 1812) who was a German banker. He was the founder of the Rothschild family international banking dynasty that became the most successful business family in history and is ranked number seven in the world. Rothschild once said, “Give me control of a nations money supply, and I care not who makes it’s laws.”

These bankers knew that if they controlled a nations money supply, they controlled the nation. H. L. Birum Sr. once said, “The Federal Reserve Bank is nothing but a banking fraud and an unlawful crime against civilization. Why? Because they “create” the money made out of nothing, and our Uncle Sap Government issues their “Federal Reserve Notes” and stamps our Government approval with NO obligation whatever from these Federal Reserve Banks, Individual Banks or National Banks, etc.”

However, as long as our nations currency was tied to gold, the FED could only print as much money as we had in gold to back it up. If you look over the course of our nation’s history, there were few periods of sustained inflation. These usually followed periods of war, but our country returned to normal after a short time afterwards.

However, when FDR took us off the gold standard that gave the FED the green light to print as much money as they wish. It also gave Congress the ability to ask for unlimited amounts of money to fund projects, as they could borrow now, pay later with no regards as to how much gold there was to back up their spending.

Since then inflation has been on the rise, the price of gold has quadrupled, and the buying power of the dollar has steadily diminished.

Even Alan Greenspan had this to say about the gold standard, “In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation." … This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists’ tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists’ antagonism toward the gold standard.”

Fed Chairman Ben BernankeOur government spends, and spends, and spends, all of which is spent by borrowed money, created out of thin air, by the banks. All this debt is passed on to us, the people by way of our taxes, which do not even begin to pay the interest upon our national debt.

The banks want us in debt, they want our country in debt. That is how they earn money, from the interest they make off of loans. Allow me to prove my point.

I moved into my home in 1992, prior to the housing bubble. I took out a 6.5% loan upon $87,500. Now, if you add six and a half percent to the initial balance of $87,500, you come up with $93.,187.

My loan was a 30 year loan, and my payment was roughly $800 a month. Now, let’s do some math. Eight hundred times twelve equals $9,600 per year. Now multiply that by the period of the loan and you get, $288,000.

Now subtract the money I borrowed, and you end up with $200,500 in interest payments. I understand why they put up such a fight when I wanted to pay off my home after only 5 years of interest payments. That is a lot of cash for them to lose out on.

Well, that is the scheme employed by the people who print, regulate, and control our nations currency. Now we are expecting these same people to solve our nation’s monetary problems when they are the ones who created them in the first place?

Like I said in the beginning, there are a lot of stupid people running around in this country. It may sound trite, and old fashioned, but there are three things that I owe my allegiance to. First of all I owe my allegiance to my God, secondly, to my country, and lastly to my family. Everything else is trivial, including what others think of me.

So, if you choose to remain uneducated as to what is going on in this country, if you choose to disregard the facts because they contradict what you believe in, fine, so be it. My priorities have already been explained. I still give a shit, just not about you. But as Anton La Vey once said, “It‘s too bad that stupidity isn‘t painful.”

Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders and says “OH SHIT!!…. HE’S AWAKE!!”

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?

~ The Author ~
ross_authrNeal Ross can be reached for comments at Visit Neal’s Blog at


Obama's History Lesson

My previous blog in our History Matters section referred to a 1943 Anti-Hitler Disney Cartoon film.  It is a fine example of Walt Disney's genius at work supporting our American ideals which shows the political climate then that existed under the Nazi threat towards the United States during WWII.

It is not any different today as the threat of Islamic Extremist Terrorism is a constant reminder to remain vigilant too. So, is it instructive to learn from past aggressions to defend ourselves? Ironically, the Nazis never dealt a devastating blow physically to the United States on American soil like the Islamic 9/11 terrorist attacks. 

                Time: 7:56

Now after two successful 9/11 terrorist attacks, most American students still will not learn their historical facts because of our inferior public schools at all levels have dropped the ball scholastically or deliberately omitted it due to liberal ideology on civics, history, political science and social studies. 

Pitifully the prevalent politically correct, anti-American diatribe and counter-capitalism demagoguery of American business in school curriculums has taught dangerous historical facts to students that endanger our country. Witness the wrong conclusions due to their ignorance:

Actual unedited emails below from You Tube Video Comments - names changed.

  • don't think Disney was really going for realism here. And since the Soviets were allies of America at the time, it wouldn't make sense for the propoganda to be against them.

  • True, but I think the point of the cartoon was to more or less exaggerate the way of life in Germany at the time in order to make people support the Allies. The idea of working "like slaves" might've come from the fact that Hitler put a lot of Germans to work, but that was actually a good thing for the German people and the economy, since before the Nazis there was rampant inflation and unemployment. (Of course, the regime was horrid, but not necessarily in the ways the cartoon says it was.)

If smith123 was in his history class, he would know that Russia and a murderer like Joe Stalin who purged millions during a purge of Russian people was no real friend of the United States, especially after he locked up most of the European countries behind "The Iron Curtain" while divvying up World War II spoils in the Potsdam agreement at the end of war. 

The second comment of smith123 glaringly shows he was not aware of the Weimar Republic which had German government printing presses going wild printing money.  Hitler did  put a lot of people to work in the military, some in armament factories and others in concentration camps. smith123 said that was good because they were working and he was not blaming the Nazis for the rampant inflation with subsequent unemployment as the German economy collapsed.

In the end, smith123 conceded "the Nazis regime was "horrid", but not necessarily in the ways the cartoon says it was."  Oh really? ...Gasing and killing Jewish prisoners and others while trampling on through countries as they spread out their pernicious tentacles throughout Europe and the world.

Our future is set up by our past, so the lack of learning about past history dooms us to another Islamic terrorist attack.  But it may not possibly happen again, so who can tell what year?  Yeah, but how about learning from the past about a date in a month like 9/11? Could that be a significant date? 

Apparently Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton knew nothing or just forgot about the historical significance. They both can unequivocally say here, "Blame it on Bush!". So true, so true, since 9/11/01 there was no further terrorist attacks under Bush's Homeland Security programs continuing on under the Obama watch in his first term.  However, Obama became cocky, complacent, dismissive of the terrorist threat since Osama Bin Laden is dead and let down his guard and U.S. defenses.

National security is not one drone strike away, it is an ongoing war... Look at History!