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Obamacare - Trouble in River City!

Trouble, oh we got Trouble,
Right here in River City!
With a capital "T"
That rhymes with "V"
And that stands for VAT,
That stands for Value Added Tax.
We've surely got trouble!
Right here in River City,
Right here!
Gotta figger out a way
To keep the young ones from paying more taxes after school! Trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble...

New U.S. National Healthcare Value Added Tax - VAT

Time: 04:59 

You ain't seen nothing yet ...The Obama Bait and Switch!

With the passage of Obamacare, creating a vastly unfunded new middle-class entitlement, a national sales tax of the kind near-universal in Europe is inevitable. All of the European Union have funded benefits programs with huge VAT: Germany: 19 percent. France and Italy: 20 percent. Scandinavia: 25 percent. As the ultimate cash cow, Obamacare will need a VAT tax too.

Know how VAT works? - "Value-Added Tax"?

It's easy to understand.  Do you buy eggs?  The farmer buys hens + VAT, grain feed + VAT, drinking water + VAT, egg cartons + VAT, transport to market + VAT, wholesale mark-up price + VAT and grocer selling price + VAT.  Every time an item is added, it is "value-added" and a VAT is accessed. 

In this egg example, seven VATs were added to the average cost of a carton of eggs @$1.69/doz. could add upwards to 25% combined VAT to $2.10/doz.  

 Your VAT Sales tax is plus local and state sales tax you pay too!


Obama Drama hysteria grows as Obamacare implodes with taxes!


Arab Spring Break - A New Semester Starts

Ahmed Feteha is the business editor of Ahram Online, Egypt's largest English language news website. His 9/11/01 recollection below was not about the tragic New York Twin Towers' atrocities, but what was in the hearts of many Egyptians in the aftermath.

"I remember when the 9/11 attacks happened, the teachers at my Cairo middle school celebrated the event. It was God's revenge, they told us. Americans are finally paying the price for their enmity to Islam, they said. It's no wonder that in a country where teachers felt free to cheer terrorism, voters would later put the Muslim Brotherhood in power."

That admission clearly exposes the crux of the American dilemma: How do we look into terrorists' hearts, real soulful inspections, when deciding what changed in order for it to be deemed an end to the war with terrorists?  The WW1, WW2, Korean and Vietnam Wars were agreed upon surrenders or truces between nations. This war, after all, is not fought between any particular countries, governments, militaries or people; instead it is fought as a jihad, a Holy war of religious zealots' conversions of infidels to Islam down to the bitter end. So, it is about intangible Islamic religious beliefs forced upon everyone in the world - either you are Islamist or not. 

Madrassa school in PakistanIt's obvious that one major problem of these countries is due to poor public education for the masses. One in every four Egyptians is illiterate.

Despite the free education and long-running literacy programs, the number of illiterates has changed little in over two decades. Nearly 17 million adult Egyptians can neither read nor write, according to recent government data and their meager curriculum subsists solely of religious studies of Islam beliefs and little else taught in Madrassas, Muslim schools which are often just a part of a mosque. They are typically heavily indoctrinated with anti-infidel hatred targeting Christians, Jews and other non-Islamic believers. Public media broadcasts in television and radio are radically aired bias with a prejudiced slant too.

So with this constant reindoctrination of the population, especially the children, youths and young adults, hateful religious rhetoric lives on forever. Is this war on their hearts and minds ever to be won?  How and when do any of these backward countries develop literacy programs leading to higher levels in education, training and skills to compete regionally and globally if they are ever to achieve a higher standard of living? Or, is there some surreptitiously mandated plan for these masses to remain uneducated forever in order to control them to maintain for the common good of a ruling theocratic hierarchy? It certainly seems so, doesn't it?

The Muslim Brotherhood movement after over seventy years in promoting Islamic ideals as a dominant lifestyle has not achieved it in Egypt. Again in less than two years, the Egyptian people have rejected their government.  They could not tolerate an Islamic theocracy with draconian, religious Sharia law dictates that did nothing to change quality of life. The people decided in favor of a more modern, secular style democracy that embraced governance over daily living with basics such as rules under Egyptian Civil laws, more jobs, adequate housing, stocked grocery stores, ample gasoline and fewer power blackouts.  Ironically, the people had felt a need to change and oust the Muslim Brotherhood but still have absolutely no clue on what to do now afterwards. It's like a dog running around in circles chasing its tail and once it catches it, what does it do with it?

In the 19th century, Edmund Burke, the philosophical founder of modern conservatism, wrote that liberty without wisdom and virtue "is the greatest of all possible evils."  Ahmed Feteha further added, "Millions of my countrymen exercised liberty this week. Only serious introspection about the events of the past two years will lead to wisdom."

All these well said platitudes ring true and sound profound. The only problem is they will fail on the Egyptian people to see and hear them because they're unable to read or listen due to illiteracy or indocrination, certainly not better education. The teeming masses in Cairo's Tahir Square who demonstrated for liberty are without any wisdom as Ahmed Feteha described. What about his countrymen conducting serious introspection on the past events of two years under the Muslim Brotherhood to gain understanding?  Consequently this Egyptian mob mentality is stupid, too dumb to appreciate past mistakes and too slow to realize future liberties squandered. 

The real true tragedy here is that more Americans soldiers and civilians will be killed as these Islamists plod along in their Jihad to continue on in a war of terror dying endlessly, and for what end? - Please, are you reading this blog site Barack?

~ "Stupid is as Stupid does!" ~ 

Forest Gump


Supremes Sing Somewhere Over the Rainbow 

U.S. Rainbow Court RulingsWe have arrived at an incredible moment with the Supreme Court deciding against the DOMA, Defense of Marriage Act, and instead for marriage equality in California only by a ruling which allows an earlier District Court decision to overturn law to stand, which banned gay and lesbian marriage by law in a state-wide ballot election majority vote, and to grant full marriage rights for gay and lesbian couples for legal status with all the attendant rights. It also remains as a state by state Constitutional challenge for passage throughout the country.


The states Constitutional rights remain intact to decide whether gay marriages can be legally conducted within their borders. Thirty-six U.S. states that have banned same-sex marriage, either through legislation or constitutional provisions. Twelve states allow same-sex marriage and four states that allow civil unions between same-sex couples, but not marriage.  It is by no means over and defines the challenge ahead to sway an entire country's sentiments to support such a devisive movement.


There are fourteen countries worldwide where same-sex marriage is legal in the entire country. They are: Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, and Uruguay.  Even with legal rights in many countries, what about the undercurrent of disgust that continues from other parts of the world?


We don't hear any ranting, raging, raving and railing about gay rights atrocities in countries like Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Burma, Bolivia, Uganda and Zimbabwe.  Why?  It's when you live in countries where the government has complete control over every aspect of your life you have no power to change it, that is a totalitarian government. It can be run by a dictator, an emperor, a king, or President. To be totalitarian, a country does not need their leader be charismatic or the government be willingly accepted by its citizens. Individual rights are recognized as non-existent, gay rights are not even considered existent, especially under Islamic Sharia Law.

Globally, homosexuality is widely shunned and banned as a scourge that corrupts people with deviate abnormal behavior that also leads to the dreaded sexually transmitted AIDS virus and hepatitis C diseases. It is not considered an alternative lifestyle, accepted sex category or even a human rights issue.

Traditional American Values Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, growing faster than the world population. One out of every four humans, Muslims have increased by over 235 percent in the last fifty years up to nearly 1.6 billion people as of 2010 Islam does not negotiate or change its scripture and essential religious mores. The Islamic Sharia Law is Allah’s Devine word, not to be challenged by Muslims or infidels, non-believers. This Islamic doomsday scenario destines the Gay Rights movement to total annihilation by stoning to death.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed into law a measure that stigmatizes gay people and bans giving children any information about homosexuality. The lower house of Russia's parliament unanimously passed the Kremlin-backed bill on June 11, 2013 and the upper house approved it last week. The Kremlin announced Sunday that Putin had signed the legislation into law.

Just who is Putin winking at?The ban on "propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations" is part of an effort to promote traditional Russian values over Western liberalism, which the Kremlin and the Russian Orthodox Church see as corrupting Russian youth and contributing to the protests against Putin's rule.  Hefty fines can now be imposed on those who provide information about the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community to minors or hold gay pride rallies.  


Rainbow Diversity: Gay - Lesbian - Transgender

It's a Rainbow Sky with

Storm Clouds & Lightning


Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high

Birds fly over the rainbow

Why then, oh why can't I?


  ~ Maybe it's because you can't fly!





Reference: Official Washington, DC Site:


Updated June 26, 2013

U.S. Supreme Court Declines Jurisdiction on Appeal of California Law Prohibiting Same-Sex Marriage

Ruling Allows Earlier District Court Decision to Overturn Law to Stand

In its decision in Perry v. Hollingsworth, the U.S. Supreme Court declined jurisdiction on the appeal to the court decision that overturned California’s Proposition 8, which limited marriages to relationships between a man and a woman and prohibited same-sex marriages. It did so on narrow legal grounds. This reasoning applies only to California so it leaves in place the existing pattern of laws in the other 49 states and D.C. 

  • Thirty-five states prohibit same-sex marriage in their constitutions and/or state laws. 
  • Thirteen states (including California) and D.C. now allow same-sex marriages.  (Recently passed laws in Delaware, Minnesota and Rhode Island take effect this summer.) 
  • Four states allow same-sex couples to enter civil unions (including three states that prohibit same-sex marriage).


Inflation - "It's deja vu all over again!"

A Short History Lesson by FDR

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt - (1933-45), pushed his major legislation package and issued a proliferation of executive orders that instituted the New Deal with a variety of programs designed to produce relief (government jobs for the unemployed), spur recovery (economic growth), and reform (through regulation of Wall Street, the banks and transportation). Unemployment fell dramatically in his first term, from 25% when he took office to 14.3% in 1937 and then it increased to 19.0% in 1938. So why did the economy improve so rapidly from 1933 to 1937, but then relapse into a deep recession?

A Shorter History Lesson by Obama

Hate to say it, but if you don't look into the past, history has a strange way of repeating itself! Or as the NY Yankee's catcher, Yogi Berra, said, "It's deja vu all over again!" ...Hello Obama, why aren't you looking back?  These lessons learned are useful and in the case of this President of the United States, the people will suffer. The sad truth is that it's because of Obama's history lesson lapses. 

 "Running by the Seat of your Pants" by FDR

These actual events and facts drawn from "Lords of Finance" (see our Rovalocity web site library) on pages 471-475 show a lesson learned, but not remembered or revisited today by the current Obama administration. This monetary manipulation is going on today BIG TIME as you read this history lesson.

"By October 1933, though the dollar had fallen by more than 30 percent, commodity prices began to sink again and the economy started to stall once more.  Roosevelt decided that it was time for a new initiative. Roosevelt's former Harvard professor, George Warren, recommended that the government give the dollar another nudge downward by itself buying gold in the open market."

First FDR Fireside Chat - March 23, 1933. "On October 22, in a Fireside Chat, FDR expressed that the U.S. dollar was too greatly influenced by internal policies of other nations and by political disturbances. Therefore, the U.S. must take control in its own hands the gold value of the dollar. This was a masterpiece of obfuscation." FDR was disingenuously blaming foreign governments and the current world-wide political unrest for the poor performance of the  American economy to mask the real problems due to FDR Administration monetary policy failures.

"So, the following day the U.S. began to buy gold."  It was a massive manipulation of the world gold prices in order to stimulate the U.S. economy with cheaper goods to sell to the world markets. Instead, it produced even further erosion of public confidence in the global financial markets.  It was a formula made for disaster! 

Today, it's even easier to devalue U.S. dollars by simply running more ink on paper through printing presses without any gold treasury deposits and instead only "backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government". 

Obama dumping excess US currency inflates the world currency markets causing a global-wide recession too.

Keynesian Economics

"Maynard Keynes was among few economists to applaud Roosevelt's decision to devalue the dollar.  In an article in the Daily Mail headlined "President Roosevelt is Magnificently Right," he hailed the message as an invitation to "explore new paths" and "to achieve something better than the miserable confusion and unutterable waste of opportunity in which an obstinate adherence to ancient rules of thumb has engulfed us." This was saying to throw the gold market prices to the wind to create arbitrarily set price. John Maynard Keyes - 62 (1883-1946) He and Obama would've no doubt liked each others standards for the Federal Government which benefited more spending programs.

Keynes is the economist that Liberals love and Conservatives hate. Keynes best known for his proposal that when national economies suffer a downturn, governments should borrow and spend money to boost economic activity. Part of the proceeds of the resulting economic growth should then be used to repay the debt. Obama loves "Keynesian Monetary Policies" as it demands more "Stimulus Spending" to expand by printing more money leading to theoretically paying for more government goods and services.  Just one problem, "Inflation", too much money supply around, devalues buying power and the ability to pay back debt and creates even more "National Debt" on the books ...Big Oops!

"The Gold fix is in" - "The Yolks on the Folks!"

In the following weeks, "every morning at nine o'clock, Henry Morgenthau, Secretary of Treasury, Jesse Jones, head of the Reconstruction Finance Corp, and George Warren, a Cornell economic advisor, would meet witGold Barsh FDR over his breakfast of soft-boiled eggs to determine the price of gold for that day.  They originally began at $31.65 an ounce.  The next morning this increased to $31.71, then $31.76 and $31.82."

"No one had a clue how they went about setting the price, although everyone presumed that some subtle analysis of the world bullion and foreign exchange markets went into their calculations.  In fact, the choice of price was completely random.  All they were trying to do was push the price a  little higher than the day before.  The exercise brought out the juvenile in Roosevelt.  One day he picked an increase of 21 cents, and when asked why, replied that it was a lucky number, three times seven." And, this is who Obama says he wants to emulate? - I can definitely see why!

Ten More Years to Get Ahead - 1935 to 1945

"Again, many of Roosevelt's measures to boost prices or wages by government fiat raised the cost of hiring workers and hampered recovery.  Because the contraction had gone so deep, it still took ten years for the economy to regain its old trend."  It appears that it finally took a WW2 economy, not FDR's policies, to kick-start jobs and the manufacturing sector creating economic growth.  FDR, very sickly, died finally in 1945. FDR was three terms too long.  Obama is already one term too long, so thank God for term limits as he finishes his final term in office.

"While the rebound was powered by an abundance of money at low interest rates, the Fed found itself ejected from the driver's seat.  Having made such a mess during the collapse, it had lost whatever prestige it once possessed." That sure sounds like what has happened today ...It's deja vu all over again!

Are we doomed to repeat this sad History all over again under Obama?

 ~ VOTE Change in 2016! ~


IRS Voter Registration Fraud & Ballots 

Washington vs. Immigration Issues

All politicians in Washington, DC under the Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations have continuously been working on solving citizenship issues about, take your pick, "illegal aliens" or "undocumented immigrants". Simultaneously, an ongoing collusion of the Federal government with the Internal Revenue Service to undermine the entire immigration program has flown under the public's radar screen. Washington has been aware of this IRS problem for the better part of a decade and a half and done nada! (sp.-nothing) - we offer bi-lingual copy.

According to a "2011" TIGTA treasury report, by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA), "the IRS since 1996 has been issuing what it calls Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs) to both non-resident aliens who have tax liability in the U.S. and illegal aliens living in the U.S. but who are “not authorized to work in the country.”

“The IRS has long known it was giving these numbers to illegal aliens, and thus facilitating their ability to work illegally in the United States. For example, the Treasury Inspector General’s Semiannual Report to Congress published on Oct. 29, 1999—nearly fourteen years ago—specifically drew attention to this problem,” explains.

Another IRS Scandal?

Horrors! (mock sarcasm) According to a "2012" TIGTA treasury report, the IRS has sent more than $46 million in tax refunds to 23,994 “unauthorized” alien workers who all listed the same address in Atlanta, Ga. In fact, it wasn’t even the only address in Atlanta that was claiming such a situation. There were a total of 154 addresses across the U.S. that appeared on 1,000 or more ITIN applications submitted to the IRS.

Read what a "1999" TIGTA treasury report warned then: “The IRS issues Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs) to undocumented aliens to improve nonresident alien compliance with tax laws. This IRS practice seems counter-productive to the Immigration and Naturalization Service’s (INS) mission to identify undocumented aliens and prevent unlawful alien entry.”

What does the IRS Say?

The "2012" TIGTA treasury report (Reference Number: 2012-42-081) by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) reveals the truth here.

We initiated this audit based on information forwarded to us by a U.S. Representative and a U.S. Senator. The information forwarded were complaints by two Internal Revenue Service (IRS) employees alleging that IRS management was requiring employees to assign Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN) even when the applications were fraudulent. Synopses of the employees’ allegations include the following:

The Allegations:

  • IRS management is not concerned with addressing fraudulent applications in the ITIN Operations Department because of the job security that the large inventory of applications to process provides. Management is interested only in the volume of applications that can be processed, regardless of whether they are fraudulent.
  • IRS management has indicated that no function of the IRS, including Criminal Investigation and the Accounts Management Taxpayer Assurance Program, is interested in dealing with ITIN application fraud. In the meantime, there is a potential that erroneous tax refunds are going to non-qualifying individuals, allowing them to defraud the Federal Government of billions of dollars.

The Findings: (From TIGTA Report results)

Management Has Created an Environment Which Discourages Employees From Detecting Fraudulent Applications

"The environment created by management discourages tax examiners from identifying questionable ITIN applications. Although the IRS states that the mission of the ITIN Program is to ensure ITINs are issued timely to qualifying individuals , IRS management’s primary focus is on quickly processing the applications rather than on ensuring ITINs are issued only to qualifying individuals. The lack of emphasis on identifying questionable applications is demonstrated by the processing time periods set for tax examiner review of the applications, the lack of extensive training on identifying questionable applications, and the criteria tax examiners are required to follow when identifying an application as questionable. It should be noted that even if the training was adequate, it is unrealistic to expect tax examiners to be proficient in identifying questionable applications when the IRS accepts copies of supporting documentation rather than requiring original documents or copies certified by the issuing governmental agency." (Pg.7)

"Based on our review of the mass grievance, it does not specifically address the issue of the time needed to analyze ITIN applications, but addresses the general issue of how employees’ work is measured and evaluated." (Pg.8)

  • "The main purpose of the Quality Review Program is to ensure that the information input from the ITIN application is entered correctly into the ITIN Real-Time System."(Pg.10)
  • "The process does not evaluate whether a tax examiner correctly determined whether the ITIN application was fraudulent." (Pg.10)

So, the IRS report's solo emphasis is on the employee performance evaluation processes, not the employee proficiency in work performance accuracy  critical to the job's end goal of "processing unfraudulent legal applications".

Does this affect national Presidential election outcomes?


Looking at the polls on what the public wants, by a huge margin they support more transparency, not just passing more legislation and laws to increase the size and scope of big government - Size does matter!

  • The most serious matter at hand is voter fraud, which is the keystone support giving power to the U.S. citizens. Illegal Individual Tax ID Numbers displace the legal work force and inflate the welfare rolls as jobs are filled and more work harder to find. The illegals vote for more government welfare while earning minimum wages and not adding any significant amounts into the tax rolls. Without honesty at the ballot box, voter fraud prevails, the rightful majority loses their choices and then corrupt politicians and dishonest legislation win the elections.

  • The "Driver's License" Voter Registration laws leads to more voter fraud. Anyone can establish their name and a residence address by showing up with a water or gas bill, applying for a driver's license and taking a driving test to obtain a valid driver's license. A simple "voter" check box at the bottom of the driver's license form effortlessly registers them to add their name to the voter rolls and voilà, another illegal voter stuffing the ballot boxes!
  • Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs) leads to more voter fraud. (both non-resident aliens and resident aliens) According to the TIGTA treasury report," it is unrealistic to expect tax examiners to be proficient in identifying questionable applications (IRS can't find the Fraud) when the IRS accepts copies of supporting documentation like birth certificates (IRS takes any xeroxes) rather than requiring original documents or copies certified by the issuing governmental agency."
  • Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs) and Driver Licenses are now fraudulently issued on such a massive scale that it will corrupt American balloting results forever.

Watch the 2016 Presidential Election!

~ See Voter Fraud run Rampant ~