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When Islamic War is Not Terror - Really?

The War of Islamists as declared in a 1991 Muslim Brotherhood internal document, "It is a grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands … so that … God’s religion [Islam] is made victorious over all other religions.”

We are all familiar with Aesop's Fable of "The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" where a wolf covers itself with a sheep skin and is able to infiltrate a herd of sheep to catch unawares and devour one of the sheep. And maybe you remember the moral of the fable: "appearances can be deceptive." Real life enactments of this classic fable have occurred often in the Islamic Terrorist attacks in the United States and around the world.

Islamic Terrorists have turned political cross-dressing into an art form; first, fundamentally their single goal is to destroy America and turn it into a Muslim nation by the practice of da’wa — proselytization which consists of “inviting” non-Muslims, or “infidels,” to join the Islamic faith; second, strategically they have laid claim to a moderate Muslim religious tolerance which includes interfaith activism that should now be a cause, “a norm”, as are the environmental or women’s rights movements.  

So, the Islamic terrorist wolves have slipped under their cloaks of lambs wool - pulled the wool over the eyes of the "infidels" - and are leading the lambs to slaughter! ...or so it seems by all the politically-correct, PC officials defending these violent attacks as non-terrorist which should not be considered as any different than day-to-day criminality. They are all missing the point what the Islamic Movement is about…. The end goal of everything I was talking about is the establishment of, the reestablishment of, Islamic form of government without regard to any of the United States Constitutional Laws, only Muslim Sharia Law.

Below is another news pundit, from London, who still does not report the truth fully as hisSoldier beheaded - body in street & head on sidewalk country is going down while it loses its sovereignty and identity to Islam domination - Cheerio & Toodles, as they say in jolly ole England!

The idiotic editorial below appeared the next day in ITV News. It is about the young British serviceman who was literally beheaded in the London streets by an Islamic Terrorist who attended daily a radical Islamic Mosque in London. He got "group indoctrination" and "group training" and then went out as a "lone terrorist". How does anyone assume "he acted alone" because "he did it alone"?  Why won't anyone call this "lone act as an act of terrorism" too?

Should lone attacks be considered as terrorism?

by - Political Editor, ITV News - London, England

Whilst the Government is not ruling out the possibility that the Woolwich attacks were part of a wider conspiracy, as far as they see it tonight there is no sign that that is the case.

Politically there may end up being broader questions about this - even to the extent of whether it should be classed as a terrorist attack at all.

People will be asking whether people acting on their own, mouthing an incoherent political philosophy, should be considered as any different to day-to-day criminality that we see in the courts on a regular basis.


NLRB Scandal - A Devil Wind Whirling!

Obama's constant, unyielding, oppressive rule over everyone's lives andIn one word, unpredictable. livelihood promises no abatement or end to its severity. He is like a maddening dust devil wind, a whirling dervish with frenzied energy as it twirls out of control in any random direction across the hot, dry desert sands.

Adding to more scandals, one that has been on the back burner is coming fast to return into national attention. Although seemingly a partisan issue in South Carolina during the Presidential elections, the National Labor Relations Board, NLRB, had stepped in to regulate the Boeing Aircraft Company as it built a new factory outside of Washington State. 

The background chaos was that Obama secretly made a political appointment during a senate recess to the NLRB which avoided a hostile senate confirmation hearing. Obama filled the seat which then created a quorum and left-leaning majority to rule and pass its own decisions. Obama wanted a Democrat party, Union made Presidential win in South Carolina. The NLRB went after Boeing to force unionization.

So Carolina Boeing PlantThe NLRB contended that Boeing was Union busting because it moved a plant to a "Right  to Work" state that allowed workers to work without being forced to join a Union and pay dues. Fortunately, Governor Nikki Haley stood firm against this government-dictated economic larceny and the Federal courts ruled in South Carolina's favor. The Boeing Aircraft Company's second line of 787 Dreamliners is being produced in North Charleston. It was a win for people and businesses and a loss for the labor unions, which rely on coercion, bullying and undue political influence to survive.

AFL-CIO President TrumpkaThis scandal now grows even bigger because not one, not two, but three Obama recess appointees were invalidated because Senate was in session, not in recess as Obama asserted which violated Constitutional Law.  The U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals further ruled that the NLRB appointees jeopardized all their rulings since they technically were never a legal quorum, with over 1,200 decisions to be deemed invalid dating back years. 

Yet, the Illegal Obama NLRB keeps issuing rulings as if it operates in its own legal universe  ...and any thinking voters don't get it by now?


Obama's Answers from Sgt. Schultz?

Obama certainly sounds like Sgt. Schultz, Hogan's Heros Nazi prison camp guard, who only has three set replies for any questions with his stock answers. The President has now distilled them all down to his own single sentence reply.

"I just heard about it in the press."

Obama has been using it a lot lately while under fire for a trifecta of White House scandals:

  • The release of internal Benghazi attack e-mails showed that his senior White House aides and State Department officials edited out references to terrorism in early "talking points" and also his stand-down orders for any military retaliatory actions.
  • The IRS controversy about registration delays and certification of conservative 501C4 groups.
  • The fallout of the revelation that the Justice Department secretly subpoenaed phone records of Associated Press journalists as part a probe into classified information leaks.

These scandals amount to direct attacks on the American people by the Obama administration.  Our Constitutional First Amendment Rights have been trounced on by these illegal actions:

  • Attorney General's Office: The Freedom of the Press to report information freely without intimidation by judicial oversight and news censorship of the Associated Press.
  • Internal Revenue Service: The Freedom of Speech and Assembly as a group such as 501Cs without censorship or intimidation.

The Questions of the Day:

  1. Just WHO is in Charge?
  2. Just WHO gives the Orders?
  3. Just WHO assumes all Responsibilties?

The Answer: (Choose One Only)       

President Barak Hussein Obama


Obama's College Education Plan - MSA

Eboo Patel & ObamaWhy would a White House Obama appointee suggest that the Muslim Student Association, MSA, is a moderate Muslim student organization who believe in religious tolerance, when an overwhelming amount of evidence proves otherwise? - Read on...

The creation of MSA was for the purpose of spreading Wahhabist Islam ideology across the globe that resulted from Saudi-backed efforts to establish Islamic organizations internationally in the 1960s,…these are the same Islamic extremists who went on to plan the 9/11 attack on the New York World Trade Center.

The Siege of Mecca: The Forgotten Uprising in Islam's Holiest Shrine and the Birth of al-Qaeda - this book tells about the dangerous Wahhabi Islamists. On November 20, 1979, worldwide attention was focused on Tehran, where the Iranian U.S. hostage crisis was entering its third week. Fifty-two Americans were held hostage for 444 days (November 4, 1979 to January 20, 1981) The same morning—the first of a new Muslim century—hundreds of gunmen stunned the world by seizing Islam’s holiest shrine, the Grand Mosque in Mecca, launching the first operation of global jihad in modern times.

The Saudi royal family forsaw further chaos with their own regime overtaken. So, they responded to this unprecedented challenge by capitulating to the rebels and their supporters among the kingdom’s most senior clerics. The Saudi royal family solution was to reduce the Wahhabi population with immigration or deportation, which helped to further nurture and export the most violent brand of Islam around the world - Wahhabi Islam.

Since its founding, MSA has grown into the most influential Islamic student organization in North America. It currently has chapters on nearly 600 college campuses; just over 150 of these chapters are affiliated with the national organization, while the remainder are independent entities whose policies and views may differ from those of MSA National.

MSA’s activities are guided at all times by a set of Islamist agendas that emphasize the importance of gaining power in the U.S., one campus at a time. Toward that end, the organization has published an MSA Starter’s Guide: A Guide on How to Run a Successful MSA, which states:

“It should be the long-term goal of every MSA to Islamicize the politics of their respective university … the politicization of the MSA means to make the MSA more of a force on internal campus politics. The MSA needs to be a more ‘In-your-face’ association … For example, the student body must be convinced that there is such a thing as a Muslim-bloc.” The Guide further advises: “Aim to rise within the ranks of the Union [student government] and to get on selected executive committees … I cannot stress this enough, the Union has vast powers that Muslims need to control.”

In its quest for increased influence, MSA devotes many of its efforts and resources to the practice of da’wa — i.e., proselytization which consists of “inviting” non-Muslims, or “infidels,” to join the Islamic faith. Nyack College theologian Larry A. Poston characterizes MSA as “undoubtedly the most activist of the da’wa organizations in America.In January 2005, former MSA UCLA member Ahmed Shama said:

“The only justification -… that Muslims have to live in this country is da’wa…. [I]f we are not doing something to invite people to Islam, Muslims and non-Muslims, then we are missing the point what Islamic Movement is about…. The end goal of everything I was talking about is the establishment of, the reestablishment of, Islamic form of government.”
This is precisely the strategy which was outlined in a 1991 Muslim Brotherhood internal document — titled ²An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America” — which named MSA as one of the Brotherhood’s 29 likeminded “organizations of our friends” that shared the common goal of destroying America and turning it into a Muslim nation. These “friends” were identified by the Brotherhood as groups that could help teach Muslims “that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands … so that … God’s religion [Islam] is made victorious over all other religions.”

This video from the MSA West conference at UCLA, Feb 2011, shows Amir Abdel Malik leading attendees in the MSA's pledge of allegiance. The pledge mirror's the credo of the Muslim Brotherhood. Malik himself has been cited in the past for his hate speech:

Time: 01:19

Then Just Who is Eboo Patel?

CHICAGO — For a guy who is only 35 and lives in a walk-up apartment, Eboo Patel has already racked up some impressive accomplishments.

A Rhodes scholar with a doctorate in the sociology of religion from Oxford University, he has four honorary degrees. His autobiography is required freshman reading on 11 college campuses. He runs a nonprofit organization — the Interfaith Youth Core — with 31 employees and a budget of $4 million. And he was tapped by the White House as a key architect of an initiative announced in April by President Obama.

Mr. Patel got there by identifying a sticky problem in American civic life and proposing a concrete solution. The problem? Increased religious diversity is causing increasing religious conflict. And too often, religious extremists are driving events.

He figured that if Muslim radicals and extremists of other religions were recruiting young people, then those who believe in religious tolerance should also enlist the youth.

Interfaith activism could be a cause on college campuses, he argued, as much “a norm” as the environmental or women’s rights movements, as ambitious as Teach for America. The crucial ingredient was to gather students of different religions together not just to talk, he said, but to work together to feed the hungry, tutor children or build housing.

There are many interfaith groups, but none like Mr. Patel’s, where youthful idealism and spiritual searching have been channeled by pro bono consultants from McKinsey & Company into strategic plans, templates and spreadsheets. The offices take up a whole floor in a handsomely renovated industrial building. On one end is a small prayer room. On the other is a bulletin board where the manager of foundation development tracks grant applications worth millions of dollars.

Just Who IS McKinsey & Company - A Consulting Firm?

Rajat Gupta was more than a mere board member of Goldman Sachs, Procter & Gamble, and others. He ran McKinsey & Co. from 1994 to 2003, and was a senior McKinsey partner until 2007.

When the Securities and Exchange Commission brought insider trading charges against Gupta, it did more than merely accuse him of being a crook. It shined a long overdue light on McKinsey & Company that has successfully dodged responsibility for some of the worst financial ideas in history.

On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being standard, 10 being elephantiasis, how big do you think the balls are on Rajat Gupta?  This is the guy who calls up a hedge fund manager 23 seconds after his meeting with fellow Goldman Sachs board members, concludes to leak insider information about that company and then, after being convicted of securities fraud and conspiracy, tells the Goldman Sachs, which paid his legal fees, he doesn’t owe them a dime? Gupta paid a $6.2 million fine and is now serving time, two years, in a Federal penitentiary.

McKinsey, the global consulting firm, has created dubious strategies for all manners of companies ranging from Enron to General Electric.Indeed, where ever there has been a financial disaster in the world, if you look around, somewhere in the background, McKinsey & Co. is nearby.

That’s a pretty significant accusation. But it is bore out by the track record of the firm. Some of the more questionable strategies of McKinsey:

• Advocating side pockets and off balance sheet accounting to Enron, it became known as “the firm that built Enron” (Guardian, BusinessWeek)

• Argued that NY was losing Derivative business to London, and should more aggressively pursue derivative underwriting  (Investment Dealers’ Digest)

General Electric lost over $1 billion after following McKinsey’s advice in 2007 — just before the financial crisis hit. (The Ledger)

• Advising AT&T (Bell Labs invented cellphones) that there wasn’t much future to mobile phones (WaPo)

Allstate reduced legitimate Auto claims payouts in a McK&Co stratagem (Bloomberg, CNN NLB)

Swissair went into bankruptcy after implementing a McKinsey strategy (BusinessWeek)

British railway company Railtrack was advised to “reduce spending on infrastructure” — leading to a number of fatal accidents, and a subsequent collapse of Railtrack. (Property Week, the Independent)

No consulting firm that has been around as long as McKinsey has a blemish free record. But the total number of clusterfucks and McKinsey foibles they are associated with goes on and on.

During MSNBC's Potomac Primary coverage March, 2008 Chris Matthews announced, "I have to tell you, you know, it's part of reporting this case, this election, the feeling most people get when they hear Barack Obama's speech. My, I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often." 

So, does all of this information give you thrills up your leg about Eboo Patel, Obama's Muslim Brotherhood, Wahhabi Islamist, indoctrinating our university students throughout the United States funded by Federal grant monies, the Muslim Brotherhood and various other Islamist radical groups?


Marco Rubio's Rising Star - Supernova or Black Hole?

I have seen and heard Senator Marco Rubio's new radio/television ads pushing the comprehensive continuous open borders Amnesty Bill forged by the "gang of eight". It appears that he has drunk the same Kool Aid that President Reagan drank as he signed his Amnesty Bill into law with great fanfare in 1986.  At the time I got a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach as the reality hit hard - it was just another "kick-the-can-down-the-road, do-nothing bill. Now, in 2013, over a quarter of a century later, twenty-seven years, I was proven right. I will make that same claim again, but next time it will be 2040.  I will be ninety-four or dead by then. Unfortunately, I will more than likely be the latter, no thanks to Obamacare either.

More voters notice lately how the political direction of Senator Marco Rubio is a growing disappointment. It appears his shining Presidential star is burning out as he enters onto the national  stage while another star appears as his true guiding light brightly coming out for everyone to see.

Is it a new star like a supernova or just another black hole, considered a dead star, like Bob Dole, George H. W. Bush, G. W. Bush, John McCain, George Romney, Jeb Bush, all RINOs, Republican-In-Name-Only.

A snappy picture on a National Review cover naming Senator Rubio a "Florida Conservative" doesn't start to cut it! 

Rubio must now claim his conservative values to play for the GOP future!

The RedState blog below is an excellent heads-up report on how Facebook founder, Ubber-leftist Mark Zuckerberg; Google Chairman, Eric Schmidt and Founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates funded propaganda groups FWD.US and Americans for a Conservative Direction to advance the cause of a large scale rewrite of U.S. immigration policy to mislead and direct the electorate to support the upcoming Amnesty Bill currently being debated in Congress. This bill was crafted behind closed doors with the help of special interests, including big business, big labor, and ethnic front groups, instead of by the relevant subcommittee. This is not just a bill that remakes our current economy; it remakes the orientation of our society.

The majority of U.S. voters do not really pay attention to anything political, but they do watch a lot of reality TV shows and sensational exposé leaving very little time for news except for sound bites and news clips during a station break.  These news cycles, right or wrong, drive home political views, win over public opinion, change laws and overturn candidate elections.

Mark Levin, a Constitutional lawyer and talk show host, discusses how these liberal Silcon Valley moguls' agenda persuade public opinions. 

 Time 3:20


Egregious Ads and Polls from Mark Zuckerberg’s Front Group

Imagine the biggest conservative donors in America banding together to form a group, “Progressives for Retirement Security,” for the purpose of promoting private retirement accounts.  Imagine that group running ads starring Chuck Schumer promoting private Social Security accounts as examples of bold progressive reform.

Don’t worry, hell will freeze over from global warming before that happens.

If you’ve been watching Fox News or listening to talk radio this week, you’ve been subjected to the most nauseating duplicitous ads ever unleashed on conservatives.  Ubber-leftist Mark Zuckerberg’s Orwellian-front group, “Americans for a Conservative Direction,” which is run by Arlen Specter Republicans, is running ads calling the 867-page immigration deform bill “the toughest immigration enforcement measures in the history of the United States” and “conservative reform” designed to end “defacto amnesty.”  The ad shows Marco Rubio discussing all the triggers and qualifications for amnesty, even though he has now admitted that they need to be strengthened and that he’d like to work with conservatives to do so.

What’s next?  Ads from ‘Conservatives for Obamacare,’ funded by George Soros?

To buttress the lies expressed in the ad, Zuckerberg’s group put out a push-poll showing how 71% of voters, and 74% of conservative Republicans(!), support the Senate gang bill.  Take a look at the wording of the question:

As you may have heard, there is a proposal facing Congress to reform the nation’s immigration laws.  This proposal would establish a pathway to citizenship for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants presently in the country as long as they pass a criminal background check, pay a fine and back taxes, learn English, and wait at least 13 years.  The plan would also allow more high-skilled immigrants into the country in technology, science and engineering fields and create a guest worker program to address labor shortages in industries like agriculture and construction. Finally, the plan would require a series of increased border security measures before anyone here illegally can apply for citizenship – including greater enforcement, extended fencing along the border and a requirement that all employers verify the legal status of individuals before hiring them….Do you support or oppose this proposal?

Wow – sign me up…I’m surprised there are even 20% who would oppose such a plan when expressed that way.

Now take a look at real polling data that is as plain and innocuous as can be:

Fox News poll

Do you favor or oppose requiring completion of new border security measures first — before making other changes to immigration policies?

68 percent are in favor; 22% are opposed.  Even 66% of Democrats agree support enforcement first.

Rasmussen Poll

Should those who are now in this country illegally be granted legal status right away or should that come only after the border is secured?

Similar to the Fox News result, 66% favor security first.  Byron York has the crosstabs:

The majority in favor of security-first cut across all party and demographic lines.  Seventy-one percent of men support it; 60 percent of women; 59 percent of young people; 67 percent of middle-aged people; 75 percent of older Americans; 68 percent of whites; 62 percent of blacks; 56 percent of others; 82 percent of Republicans; 53 percent of Democrats; 65 percent of independents; 81 percent of conservatives; 59 percent of moderates; 51 percent of liberals; 77 percent of people who make under $30,000 a year; 66 percent of those who make between $30,000 and $50,000 a year; 66 percent of those who make between $50,000 and $100,000; 55 percent of those who make between $100,000 and $200,000; 51 percent of those who make more than $200,000; 75 percent of veterans; and 64 percent of non-veterans.

Then, when asked “how likely is it that the federal government would secure border and prevent illegal immigration,” just 30% answered in the affirmative while 57% said it was not very or not at all likely.

The reality is that no amount of left-wing money can ameliorate this pig.  The GOP base is not like the pool of low-information voters they are used to manipulating, and they will not be sucked into this sham.  That is…all of them except for the few Mark Zuckerberg conservatives in the country.