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Obama Thumbs Nose 

NSA has 5 Zettabytes Storage = 100 Yrs Worldwide Storage

Within the many agencies operating under the Obama administration, the lack of trust generated in its totality demonstrates how people have reacted to Obama's high-handed tactics that trample on Constitutional rights. (It would make anarchist, liberal Sol Alinsky proud of Obama, his student.)

NSA Thumb DriveThumbs down for the largest "thumb-drive" in the world from the National Security Agency, NSA, that can plug in, store and track every American citizen's personal electronic data with little regard to any constitutional rights and civil laws.

Obama accused George W Bush of making a “false choice” between liberty and security. He has now found himself caught carrying on a “fourth Bush Presidential term” after being caught red-handed spying on private citizens too. Obama insists that his NSA spying was authorized by Congress and kept under strict oversight by the special FISA courts. Both, however, are misleading weak claims due to sparse oversight notifications to Congressional members where some were not aware of the broader covert intelligence scope.

Obama has defended his FISA court search warrants and the record-breaking numbers issued growing underObama & Holder his watch while he claims them valid based on the fact they surprisingly had a small number of judicial rejections. Public records showed this trend forward through the end of 2004, 18,761 warrants were granted, while just five were rejected and this pattern was continued on into his present administration. It is also rare for FISA warrant requests to be turned down by the court. Another reason, however, may be much more plausible too since it's apparent that routine "rubber stamped" FISA court approved warrants could effortlessly circumnavigate meaningful judicial reviews of the Justice Department requests.

Creating a "privacy vs. security" balanced system must be brought out to the light of day in order to discuss implementation without the "Big Brother" elements. It would help to understand the behemoth size of the National Security Agency and its general capabilities, but not the top-secret capacities that would compromise our security. We have to remember that the U.S. Constitution is our ruling document and not a treaty between nations; therefore, to say it is constitutionally bad and abusive to spy of others living outside the United States is ludicrous. Since time memorial, historically sovereign countries have spied on each other and will continue.  The radical Muslim terrorists operating without borders or countries will also persist in spying to wage their holy war, Jihad, around the world too. So why is Obama crowing loudly that the war on terror is won, who gave up and when?

The NSA Utah Data Center is a data farm that will begin harvesting all emails, phone records, text messages and other electronic data in September 2013. The estimated power of those computing resources in Utah is so massive it requires use of a little-known unit of storage space: the "Zettabyte". as the amount of data that would fill 250 billion DVDs.

The NSA's Utah Data Center will be able to handle and process five zettabytes of data, NSA Utah Data Centeraccording to William Binney, a former NSA technical director ."They would have plenty of space with five zettabytes to store at least something on the order of 100 years worth of the worldwide communications, phones and emails and stuff like that," Binney asserts, "and then have plenty of space left over to do any kind of parallel processing to try to break codes."

Despite its capacity, the Utah center does not satisfy NSA's data demands. Last month, the agency broke ground on its next data farm at its headquarters at Ft. Meade, Md.   But, that facility will be only two-thirds the size of the mega-complex in Utah.


The NSA Needs Balance

The other shoe is about to drop as Obamacare picks up steam and is at full throttle in 2014. People will finally feel their privacy is thrown out the window as the IRS checks out their income tax returns prove their mandatory healthcare insurance premiums are paid or annual fines levied if not. The NSA privacy intrusion further tramples on our constitutional rights, so read on about Dick Morris' blueprint that on balance makes sense. Please read below: 

This three point program offered by Dick Morris on June 12, 2013 is an excellent blueprint for the NSA debacle:

We all know that we need the best possible protection against terrorism and that increasing amounts of data must be collected by the government to make that happen. But we need only look at the Internal Revenue Service and the Justice Department to realize how extensive is the potential for abuse of this data, especially in an administration as corrupted, self-involved, self-righteous and partisan as this one.

So where’s the balance?

I propose a three-part plan to solve the problem:

1. Create an Internal Affairs Unit in the National Security Agency to investigate, pursue and prosecute misuse of data on Americans.

2. Strengthen penal code provisions relating to the misuse of these data.

3. Make Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) judges independent of the executive branch so they may provide true “check and balance” over the intelligence community.

These measures would restore confidence in the independence and integrity of NSA data gathering so the agency could continue and offer its protections against terrorism. We need the NSA to continue to be open for business, but we need to be sure none of the political abuses that have characterized this administration can creep into the effort.

So let’s take the proposals one by one:

1. An Internal Affairs Unit would essentially be a cross between an inspector general and a special prosecutor. Like the inspector general, the unit would be permanent and focused on one agency and master its detailed workings. But like a special prosecutor, the unit would have the power to subpoena and prosecute wrongdoing. Members of the unit might be appointed by the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for D.C. just as the special prosecutors were in the past, or by the chairmen and ranking members of the House and Senate Intelligence committees — but not by the president or any other executive branch official. It must have a huge staff; subpoena power; the ability to initiate investigations, impanel grand juries and bring criminal prosecutions. The office would operate like the internal affairs units of most major urban police departments, keeping the cops honest and pouncing when they screw up.

2. The penal laws must be revised to create specific crimes related to the misuse of NSA data. I have no problem with the agency collecting information with a broad brush. My problem is if they misuse it. We need to be able to send those who would do so to jail even without the cooperation, and over the opposition of, the president and NSA leadership.

3. Moreover, we need the FISA court to be a genuinely independent judicial oversight body. Its judges should be appointed by the D.C. Circuit or the Intelligence committees, not by the executive branch. The judges should rotate and none should serve longer than six years to prevent him becoming a captive of the bureaucracy. Prosecutions by the Internal Affairs Bureau would be brought before the FISA court, although criminal convictions must never be kept secret in our society.

It is a false choice to ask if we trust our government — particularly this administration — with this kind of power or if we want to denude ourselves of this tool in fighting and preventing terrorism. We need to limit the potential for abuse at the same time that we collect the information.

We must also beware of repeating the disastrous investigations of the 1970s run by Idaho Sen. Frank Church (D), which exposed the activities of the CIA.

So shocking were the results that the agency was disempowered, crippled. The result was 9/11.

We must not expose ourselves either: 1. to terrorism or 2. to the ravages of an out-of-control, all-powerful government.


Senators Frank Church (D-ID) & John Tower (R-TX)


Reference: Church Committee Background 

35 years ago, Senator Frank Church, a leading liberal Senator, issued a grave warning about allowing the NSA to spy domestically. 

“Th[e National Security Agency's] capability at any time could be turned around on the American people, and no American would have any privacy left, such is the capability to monitor everything: telephone conversations, telegrams, it doesn’t matter. There would be no place to hide. [If a dictator ever took over, the N.S.A.] could enable it to impose total tyranny, and there would be no way to fight back.


That dramatic warning comes not from an individual who is typically held up as a symbol of anti-government paranoia. Rather, it was issued by one of the most recognized and influential politicians among American liberals in the last several decades: Frank Church of Idaho, a 4-term U.S. Senator who served from 1957 to 1981. He was, among other things, one of the Senate’s earliest opponents of the Vietnam War, a former Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and the Chairman of the Committee (bearing his name) that in the mid-1970s investigated the widespread surveillance abuses committed under every President since FDR. That was the investigation that led to the enactment of FISA, the criminal law prohibiting the Executive Branch from intercepting the communications of American citizens without first obtaining a warrant from a court: the law which the Bush administration got caught violating and which, in response, was gutted by the Democratic-led Congress in 2008, with the support of then-Senator Obama; the abuses uncovered by the Church Committee also led to the enactment of further criminal prohibitions on the cooperation by America’s telecoms in any such illegal government spying, prohibitions that were waived away when the same 2008 Congress retroactively immunized America’s telecom giants from having done so.


Obama Rubber Stamp - UN Abassador Samantha Power

After Obama's first term in office and now elected for a second term, many Americans blindly refuse to believe Obama is extreme. They still have a hard time understanding this because they believe in Obamacare which is his signature program, and so closely identified with his presidency. However, it is now becoming more and more unpopular as it nears implementation.  As insurance premiums increase, the new health taxes and non-compliance fines to be levied on unexpecting young people, and the rationing of health care services to the everyone including the elderly will become ever more apparent - Maybe citizens should look beyond programs and look at who is filling the posts as Obama appointees.

Obama, Rice and Power returning from Rose Garden announcement of her new post.Obama's efforts lately to shore up Obamacare's approval ratings are only likely to identify him more with its failings and others programs he has undertaken. Obama now is panicky as he seeks more people to help in his causes. The American people need to pause and realize that Team Obama is simply nominating and rewarding those who share their goal of radically changing America, not to help it.

Now, such a nominee has been chosen, her name is Samantha Power and she is not a new kid on the block either: January 2009 to March 2013 held positions including special assistant to the president, senior director for multilateral affairs and human rights on the National Security Council, and member of the Atrocities Prevention Board.  Power was also one of the main architects of the Obama administration’s policies in Libya - Did it include any prepared statements for Susan Rice? ...hmmn.

She replaces former UN Ambassador Susan Rice who famously stated that the Benghazi attacks were instigated by a youTube video, not a planned terrorist attack, which contradicted Obama who said that, "OBL is dead and al Queda is on the run" in order to shield a major security breech due to a terrorist attack to protect from and avoid a scandal in Obama's re-election bid. Interesting that Rice, an Obama cabinet member, is subject to executive privilege to privacy, and now cannot be forced to testify in the Benghanzi debacle.  Hmmn...

Cass Sunstein is an Occultist and high-level Illuminist of the "New World Order", all people under one world government. Obama's appointed Director of Information. Cass is married to Samantha Power.  Whoa...oh, really?  Cass is currently behind the scenes in the White House attempting to pull down the censorship screen of totalitarian rule by implementing the “Fairness Doctrine,” authored by Samantha Power, which was a wrongly-named concept which allows the government to regulate the airwaves and block freedom of our speech on the Internet and to ban Conservative talk radio and TV and not any liberal media.

Samantha Power, currently an official staff Obama advisor,  is one of the main architects of the Obama administration’s policies in Libya, an uber-liberal journalist and public-policy professor.  She wrote in 2003 in the New Republic, a liberal American magazine of commentary on politics and the arts published continuously since 1914, that "Much anti-Americanism derives from the role U.S. political, economic, and military power has played in denying such freedoms to others." Powers suggested that, "We need a historical reckoning with the crimes committed, sponsored, or permitted by the United States."  The United Nations has another bleeding heart liberal ally to vote punitive sanctions and monetary damage assessments against the U.S. people and the United States. 

Powers won a 2003 Pulitzer Prize for "A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide", her book about America's response to genocide. The book by Samantha Power is highly critical of Israel and supports the "suppressed" Palestinians to increase their defense against Israel with a "massive army" in the thousands.  The question begs where are all  of those people?  They are in the standing armies already in place  waiting in Egypt, Libya and other Arab countries that have recently toppled. Samantha Power is, like Obama, hostile towards Israel and her choice confirms the White House position.  Is Israel is being set up as the next fall guy in the current middle Eastern political meltdown?

This nominee is to be Obama's selection for U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. appointee. Many feel that Samantha Power is likely to have profound influence on U.S. foreign policy in the decades to come. Her book caught the fancy of Barrack Obama and Peter Soros, a One World Order supporter, funneled financial support from Soro's "Open Society" organization and, in turn, Soros was instrumental in introducing it to the United Nations which then adopted as it was funded and helped along by the Tides Foundation, another Soros' front organization.

Why approve another "Obama Rubber Stamp" who feels the U.S. is no longer "the indispensable nation" as Bill Clinton's last Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright once said? And, Jennifer Power is protecting our United States sovereignty against International Laws and Treaties with her liberal agenda? ...Not really!

U.S. Parks Service proves EPA Law Fears 

Many Americans look at Yosemite with its timeless, great primeval forests with redwood trees having been around for hundreds of thousand years.  Actually, humans were there many thousands of years before the redwoods ever appeared.  Actually, a mere twenty thousand years ago the Ice Age receded in California, gouging out the Yosemite Valley, leaving a damp plain with no vegetation and with many lakes which in turn were fed by melting glaciers. After a few thousand years had past, the area further developed arctic tundra with tall grasses supporting small animals. Human beings migrated into the fertile mountains settling around the Yosemite Valley. The Indians started creating their own "carbon footprint" as they changed the environment to suit their own purposes while nurturing the natural phases of forest evolution forward contrary to popular urban land-use mythology of man interfering with nature leads to catastrophic global climatic pollution.  

The Indians hunted the wooly mammoth and smaller game for food. While setting fires for cooking, they also cultivated forest fires to cull out the dense forest growths to develop meadows for growing crops and open areas for grazing game. Indians discovered the forest fires burned down the tall redwood trees which cracked open the trunks to bare seeds that spilt out into the soil to propagate more trees to rejuvenate the forests.  The North American continent meanwhile started to warm up further over the next few thousand years as trees species started to develop as the Douglas fir, hemlock and cedar moved in and redwoods took over creating great closed-canopy forests.

The Redwood forests have continuously changed their composition as each thousand year period passed. These forests have flourished without any U.S. Park Service, but after this Federal Government agency has managed it for just 100 years, it is failing - too many wrong-headed ideas and contrary regulations.

Playing God in Yellowstone - The U.S. Park Service

The National Park Service Act of 1916 made it a duty "to preserve the scenery, the natural and historic objects and the wildlife therein, and provide for enjoyment of the same in such a manner and such a means as will leave unimpaired for future generations." 

Everyone assumes we know how to manage national wilderness areas and so, in turn, able to manage world-wide global environmental issues with aplomb. I whole-hardily disagree and urge everyone needs to read this book about the sobering history of the century of mismanagement by the U.S. Park Service of the Yellowstone National Park.

Under President Ulysses S. Grant, an act of Congress on March 1, 1872 created Yellowstone National Park to preserve the park in its original condition. Yellowstone instead is being destroyed by the very people assigned to protect it: the U.S. National Park Service.

Prior to 1871, when the Shoshone, Bannock, Blackfoot and Crow tribes owned it and before White men could violate it, Yellowstone was an unspoiled wildlife sanctuary. able to well care for itself naturally without any outside intervention for thousands of years, even before the indigenous natives arrived. 

Named as one of “ten books that mattered” in the 1980s by Outside magazine and a book of continuing crucial relevance now as environmentalists are pushing their latest agenda, Global Climate Change and legislative initiatives to control the World environment through governmental agencies and laws - and the U.S. Agencies can't even maintain the Yellowstone National Park to be self-sustainable while the park service boastfully brags "Yellowstone is the flagship of our fleet."

The Yellowstone Park reputation as "a great game sanctuary" is perhaps the best-sustained myth in American Conservation history and the story of its decline is the U.S. government's best-kept secret.


A Scandal is Not a Scandal

While watching the May 26, 2013 Fox News Sunday show, Christy Setzer commented on the Obama Scandal Trifecta festering in the headlines this week. Looking directly into the camera, her take without any hesitation, a blink of an eye or even a sideways glance said, "The republicans are focused as closely on these scandals as on the Monica Lewensky scandal." The understood conclusion was that these scandals carried no real political weight or more importance than a sexual tryst that Clinton allegedly did years ago.

Actually, the conclusion is wrong and it brought to one's mind the famous Clintonian answer under oath, "It depends on what "it" is!" and that reveals a lot.  The striking similarity is Obama's parsing answers about his own picadillos. Who or what is Christy Setzer that so skillfully brought out her rhetorical scalpel in an attempt to castrate these scandals before everyone's eyes rendering them neutered?

Bill Clinton did not get out unscathed from his Monica mess. His actions to avoid further legal problems included penalties and fines. He still carries his own personal embarrassment and moral controversies too. 

  • On April 12, 1999,  Clinton found in contempt of court for “intentionally false” testimony in Jones v. Clinton, fined him $90,000, and referred the case to the Arkansas Supreme Court’s Committee on Professional Conduct, as Clinton still possessed a law license in Arkansas.
  • The Arkansas Supreme Court suspended Clinton’s Arkansas law license in April 2000.
  •  On January 19, 2001, Clinton agreed to a five-year suspension and a $25,000 fine in order to avoid disbarment and to end the investigation of Independent Counsel Robert Ray (Starr’s successor).
  • On October 1, 2001, Clinton’s U.S. Supreme Court law license was suspended, with 40 days to contest his disbarment.
  • On November 9, 2001, the last day for Clinton to contest the disbarment, he opted to resign from the Supreme Court Bar, surrendering his license, rather than facing penalties related to disbarment.

Some interesting corollaries: Understanding life that is not a court of law, but is a court of public opinion, it appears that public opinion still matters a lot. By surrendering his law license, Bill Clinton could resign his Supreme Court license in order to avoid disbarment. He was suspended in Arkansas, but not disbarred.

With respect to the Obamas’ licenses to practice law: (1) Michelle Obama went inactive in 1994, despite a Harvard Law School degree, which is very strange, unless she was doing so to avoid a hearing on something; (2) Barack Obama “retired” in January 2008. About that time, Barack was starting to run for the Senate and beyond. If anyone recalls then, Barack'sTony Rezco & Obama shady Tony Rezco Chicago home real estate deal, Michelle's lavish credit card over-the-top spending and Barack's questionable Chicago Federal Housing Urban Renewal Project awards with Valerie Jarrett were flying around at the time with the corrupt Illinois Combine political party machine connections. Barack even admitted his Rescko home real estate deal was "bone-headed" which rang true as just a corrupt kickback pay-off scheme.

No one is saying that the Obamas were ever formally charged with misconduct, but some argue that the most plausible reason for their having abandoned their licenses was to avoid disciplinary action and the threat of public disbarment. That was what both Nixon and Clinton fully understood and the Obamas as well. It was still peculiar for two people walking away from the lifetime income and prestige to be gained by certification by Harvard Law School. It is all informal. You are allowed to depart gracefully. No hard feelings. Michelle Obama was 29 when she quit (went inactive). The Bar granted her this request when she turned 30. Afterwards, they both instead ran for the highest office in the land. I'll bet their handlers and backers said to get rid of the law licences pronto to avoid any stains of questionable, dirty Chicago-style corruption.

Background Check: Christy Setzer, is President of her own firm, New Heights Communications deals with public relations in liberal-left wing political, advocacy and corporate arenas.  She is a former spokesperson at the liberal-left, SEIU, Service Employees International Union and girlfriend of Rodell Mollineau, staff director for Democrat, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

Earlier I brought up the question about who or what is Christy Setzer and I believe her resume speaks for itself. LOL!  Christy is a very uber-liberal spokeswoman who launched into well planned and effectively executed public relations messages for the Democrat Party.