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How Lucky do you feel? - Can you Wait?

Call 911 or Pull a Smith & Wesson?

Whatever works for you, but as for me support my right to bear arms. This should convince anyone that the right to bear arms is a necessity with no end to drug use in sight.

How do you talk sense to a Meth high, crazed, out-of-his-head lunatic to stop breaking into your house to steal money to deal drugs at any cost, including killing you in the process? Can you wait 30 mins for police?

 This is the other side of the story that Obama never discusses with his Gun Control Laws!

Comparative Mug Shots - 7 Years Apart



By Lisa Ling - PBS Reporter & Journalist

(A well-known liberal Obama supporter)

Meth really is the mother of all drugs. It's the cheapest, dirtiest and most powerful drug in existence today. It's also the fastest spreading. Meth doesn't kill its addicts immediately. The process is slow, during which it takes an extreme physical and psychological toll.

Meth literally rots people's bodies—teeth, face and insides. Frankly, I was appalled by how ugly it made frequent users. I explored the impact meth is having on societies in Portland, Omaha and Bangkok. The reasons people start using the drug differ from city to city.

In Portland, I was shocked to learn that 80 percent of that city's prisons hold people on meth-related charges. Whether the charges are for drug dealing, identity theft or armed robbery, somehow they are connected to meth. Portland's hospitals are overwhelmed by patients admitted for meth abuse. I've always considered Portland to be one of the most beautiful cities in the U.S., but meth's impact on it has been tremendously ugly. But there is hope. Addicts can recover. 

I had the privilege of meeting a man in Portland who is six months into recovery. His name is Kobe. Kobe was very good looking, smart and athletic when he got addicted. But meth nearly destroyed his life. I was amazed after I heard his story that he was even alive. The most poignant part of his story was that his parents, who are loving and middle class, told me what a relief it was to learn that he had been arrested and jailed … because that meant they knew where he was and that he was alive.


Do you really think gun registration laws and weapons bans will make you any safer because these drugged out addicts will obey these Gun Laws?  

Say Barack - How's Chicago working out for you so far?

Examining murders in the 2012 U.S. per capita (100K): Chicago 19.4, Los Angeles 7.5 and New York 6.0 proved that the strictest gun laws restricting ownership, even with no gun stores allowed in the Chicago area, did not stop gun violence or the residents from violating gun ownership laws.

You are invited to take a look at this PBS video,  METH: THE WORLDS MOST DANGEROUS DRUG, and make your own mind up about Meth addiction and how it affects us all. 

Time: 51:18


What's a Terrorist - A Duck?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a charismatic speech to AIPAC in Washington DC on March 5th, 2012. Netanyahu strongly defended Israel's right to defend itself and swore he would never allow Israel to be threatened by a nuclear Iran. He criticised Iran for pretending to develop nuclear technology for medical research, saying it wasn't logical for Iran to go to such extremes for medical science. The Israeli PM made his statement very clear, "Ladies and Gentlemen, if it looks like a duck, if it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, then what is it? What is it? That's right, It's a duck. But this duck is a nuclear duck. And it's time the world started calling a duck a duck."

Biography: Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu is an Israeli politician and the current Prime Minister of Israel. He serves also as a member of the Knesset, the Chairman of the Likud party, Foreign Affairs Minister and Minister of Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs.

What's the President - a Duck?

In my case for Obama as a "Lame Duck" President:

 If he looks like a duck, if he walks like a duck, if he quacks like a duck, then what is Obama? What is he? That's right, Obama is a duck. But this duck is a Lame Duck. And it's time the world started calling this Lame Duck a Lame Leader with feckless red-line rants with empty threats and punishing innuendos if any terrorists or ruthless regimes cross his so-called absolute boundaries, his permanent lines in the sand. 

Obama's reports of the al Qaeda terrorist group's defeat are greatly exaggerated. Al Queda meanwhile mocks predictions of it's imminent defeat. Their tactics have changed due to drones and special forces teams driving the old core leadership underground. The newer terrorist affiliates on the Arabian peninsula like Somalia's al Shabaab or Islamic Maghreb are burgeoning threats such as the 2009 Christmas "underwear bomber", for instance. 

The current resurgence has been sparked by the "Arab Spring" too.  Don't forget, under Muslim Brotherhood LogoObama's ignorant foreign diplomacy program he dumped Egypt's Pro-American, President Mubarak for the Muslim Brotherhood Islamic terrorists and then rewarded them with new jet fighters and sophisticated weapons and bombs to attack others opposing the Islamic regime.

To further understand the institution of the Muslim Caliphate and how to maintain it would go a long way for the American people to learn why our democratic values will never be accepted. By those practicing Islamic tenets the extremism comes when the people substitute a political institution for themselves as the highest instrument and agent of God in the world relegating religion to the periphery of public life or excluding it and with it morality altogether. They call for the return of the Caliphate in its imperial form embodied with the Ottoman Empire disallowing sovereignty to any human institution in the place of the divine. 

Our American self-governance is founded on truth and justice derived from a higher source than human dictate and political justice. George Washington understood the difference between "a democracy, the rule by the people", and "a republic, the rule by a document, the Constitution".  Washington warned that he was bequeathing to future generations not a "democracy" but "a republic if you can keep it."  Our society has worked pretty well considering the political pressures to change the written ruling Constitutional Laws that govern our country.  Mob rule or prevailing majority pressures will always threaten these ruling principles too, so the acknowledgement of these onerous vulnerabilities should always bring about our awareness and vigilance to protect our freedom and rights - the Supreme Court does not rewrite Constitutional Laws!

Ironically, our American Constitution that we honor and obey is being counter-attacked by Islamists on the same arguments we uphold.  We base our "republic" on our written Constitutional laws just as the Islamic global guidance, "khilafa", recognizes the fundamental rights of the nation above the state, "shura", and should be the primary determinants of a nation's governing values and therefore its unwritten consensus, "ijma". The Muslims want to replace our Constitutional laws with their Islamic Sharia laws as the rules of our societies. "Therein lies the rub" - We can have no other laws except the Laws of Islam in the Quran.

"Therein lies the rub
For in that sleep of death we know not what dreams may come...."


Boston Marathon - Leaving it All up to You

Shepard Smith, a news anchor on Fox News, was interviewing Senator Saxby Chambliss, R - Georgia, discussing how the public should react to these horrible Boston Marathon Bombings.  After nibbling all around the edges of the obvious, Shepard Smith finally took the big bite of the apple and concluded, "Well, I think today we simply can't expect total terrorist protection from our police force or security officers and must accept individual risks in order to lead our own lives normally." (Paraphrased quote)  Well said loud and clear!

Former congressman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) went on MSNBC to react to the bombing at the Boston Marathon. In a shameless moment of advocacy, Frank used the tragedy to make a political statement about revenue and the size of government agencies we need to protect and run our lives.

During the MSNBC interview anchor Thomas Roberts actually called Frank out for his despicable attempt to politicize this tragedy:

FRANK: I hope then that we will be able to find some revenue, I hope from the federal government so that Boston doesn't have to pay for this absolutely necessary expenditure by cutting back on other important services down the line.

ROBERTS: Sir, you keep talking about revenue and infrastructure and the fact that we have the capabilities necessary to respond to something as atrocious as this. Do you feel like you're capitalizing and making political hay of this event that happened?

FRANK: Do I feel what? That I'm capitalizing?

ROBERTS: Well, that you're making a political argument about revenue right now.

FRANK: Yes, exactly. I'm talking common sense. I'm saying that if the sequester had gone through, and we had not had enough money, we couldn't be able to do this.[sic] I think this is an important teaching moment about what we need if we're going to live the way we want to live.


This act of terrorism should not be taken as a "teaching moment" as former congressman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) said for another call to arms to increase Federal programs or Homeland Security forces. Instead, it is a call to all American citizens to guard their own 2nd Amendment rights to bear arms to protect themselves and neighbors. Even when those terrorists planted their IEDs, Improvised Explosive Devices, and ran away, all of the armed police and security officers present who took precautions could not stop the Boston Marathon tragedies.

Here are two other incidents of being armed and ready to defend citizens from terrorism before and after the act.  Many people credit these two arrests to real chance, but luckily both officers noticed their suspicious behavior. They illustrate the fact: We can't ever expect total terrorist protection from our police force or security officers, it's always all up to us for our own protection.

  • 1999 - Al-Qaeda operative Ahmed Ressam was arrested by an armed border patrol officer in Port Angeles, Washington while seen as nervous and overly sweating when attempting to enter the US with components of explosive devices to blow up Los Angeles International Airport. One hundred and thirty pounds of bomb-making chemicals and detonator components are found inside his rental car.
  • 1995 - a 5,000-pound bomb, hidden inside a Ryder truck, was exploded just outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. A few hours later on a routine traffic stop for no license tag, an Oklahoma state trooper chanced to observe a handgun stuck in Timothy McVeigh's waistband under his coat and then held his own weapon to Terrorist Timothy McVeigh's head as he then confiscated the 9-mm Glock that McVeigh was packing, as well as an ammo clip and a knife.

Gun Controls - "Round Up the Usual Suspects"

What happens when you give up 640,000 firearms to Federal authorities who promise safety for a gun ban?

The Loss of Gun Rights vs. The Loss of Lives

A half-a-billion dollar gun buy-back program, about 20% of the firearms, in Australia that forced law-abiding citizens to surrender conventional firearms in a nationwide roundup and meltdown to confiscate and destroy all semi-automatic firearms, pump action rifles and shotguns has ended in a disaster. Look at the statistics:

                                                      Armed Robberies   +69%

                                              Assaults w/ Guns   +28%

                                              Gun Murders          +19%

                                              Home Invasions      +21%

The lawful citizens are unprotected, unarmed and unable under unreasonable gun ban laws to defend themselves. The ban excludes scofflaws like the idiots, thugs and morons that ignore firearms laws to act out in violence against property and life.

Tim Fischer, former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia said, "The fact is you are 15 times more likely to be shot dead per capita in the U.S.A. than here in Australia." It is understandable considering 2012 World populations were 23 million (0.33%) Australians verses 330 million (4.30%) Americans, nearly 10.5 times more. Further, examining murders per capita (100K), Chicago 19.4, Los Angeles 7.5 and New York 6.0 proved that the strictest gun laws restricting ownership even with no gun stores allowed in the Chicago area did not stop gun violence or the residents from violating gun ownership laws.

The number-one factor in predicting crime is not guns -- or lack of guns. It is concentrated urban poverty because of Chicago’s history as a segregated city. Demographics, however, only prove physical adversity.  The underlying reason really is ongoing Federal Assistance Programs that kill desires for self-reliance and personal pride leaving only desensitized, numb individuals turning to street crime as their only resort to get ahead.

Obama, again, has not really been serious in investigating the root cause of the gun tragedies. Our mental health laws need further examination and that takes much time andCaptain Renault (Claude Rains, in black): “Round up the usual suspects.” effort. It is currently more politically expedient to just add more gun restrictions since he has other pressing programs he wants to pass as his administration's legacy. Instead, Obama simply repeats the words of Captain Louis Renault (Claude Rains), in the film Casablanca, "Round up the usual suspects." The usual suspects being gun-control laws that marginally address the continuing problem of mass killings. What about the mental health and the glorification of violence in the entertainment and video-game industries?    

Australian reforms introduced that people needed to demonstrate a justifiable need to have a weapon. The need, in Australia, means that you are a farmer who needs to use a rifle or a shotgun to control animal populations. Or you're a sport shooter. It's never been seen as a justifiable need to own a handgun to protect yourself from home invasion. The legal term, "Home Invasion", has not yet been legally defined by liberal Parliament legislators since it would defy their logic in the Australian gun laws to include the individual's right to bear arms.

The United States Constitution guarantees that all citizens have the right to bear arms, period.


Your Two Cents Worth In - Your Opinions Needed!

Republicans, Democrats, Independents:

By law, Federal agencies must consult the public in rulemaking...

Here is a website that can help everyone keep up on the latest regulations being submitted, considered and entered into federal laws. The amount of Federal legislation should impress anyone - and scare them too! This is what is being passed by our elected officials 24/7/365 - forever.


Participate Today! - is your Voice in Federal Decision Making.

Federal regulations have been available for public comment for many years, but people used to have to visit a government reading room to provide comments. Today, the public can share opinions from anywhere on removed the logistical barriers that made it difficult for a citizen to participate in the complex regulatory process, revolutionizing the way the public can participate in and impact Federal rules and regulations.

Submit your comments on proposed regulations and related documents published by the U.S. Federal government. You can also use this site to search and review original regulatory documents as well as comments submitted by others.

Help improve Federal regulations by submitting your comments.

Public Comments Make A Difference

Public participation matters.  Democratic, legal, and management principles justify why public comments make a difference in regulatory policy. Public participation is an essential function of good governance. Participation enhances the quality of law and its realization through regulations (e.g. rules).

Democratic Principles


Participation in rulemaking lends democratic legitimacy to regulatory decisions.


Government officials can respond to people’s needs, grievances, or preferences. Comments can also clarify the legislative intent of Congress.


Public comments assist the ability of agencies to determine the level of acceptance or resistance in affected communities to a rule under development.

Public Interest.

Public comments shape how the public interest will be served by the rule.

Legal Principles


By law, Federal agencies must consult the public in rulemaking. Based in section 553 of the Administrative Procedure Act, the law states “the agency shall give interested persons an opportunity to participate in the rule making through submission of written data, views, or arguments with or without opportunity for oral presentation. After consideration of the relevant matter presented, the agency shall incorporate in the rules.”

Reduce Conflict.

By having many different comments, rule writers can weigh competing interests carefully and craft consensus around acceptable alternatives.

Reduce Litigation.

Comments help agencies check the likelihood of a lawsuit that might challenge a rule before its completion.

Public Priorities.

Comments help agencies determine which public priorities can be implemented under the congressional or statutory authority of the rule.

Management Principles

Impacts Policy.

Agencies genuinely value public participation because it impacts the outcomes of regulatory policy. The Federal Register confirms that comments are carefully recorded and examined. Agencies respond to comments by categories in the preambles of final rules.

Distributed expertise.

No agency has perfect knowledge. Some of the information needed to conduct risk assessments for health and safety, for example, comes from those regulated. This information can alert agencies to unforeseen options or consequences of proposed rules. Also, the more comments the greater likelihood of collecting the most accurate, useful, and current information for the development of rules [regulations].


Agencies can better assess how much those regulated will need to learn and the level of training involved for government officials in charge of oversight.

Reduces cost.

Comments give rule writers a chance to actively listen to a wide range of concerns, values, and preferences. They strive to understand the data presented, why people raise specific questions, and how to logically support a decision with all the necessary and relevant evidence. To reduce costs associated with delays or litigation, agencies strive to carefully consider the merits of many comments in order to recommend reasonable action.

Respect and Reliance.

Agencies respect the views and questions of others without biased judgment or unfair criticism. Also, they rely on the public for much of the information they request to develop rules.