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Biography: He currently hosts The Adam Carolla Show, a talk show distributed as a podcast on the ACE Broadcasting Network. The Adam Carolla Show recently claimed the title of the Guinness Book of World Records "Most Downloaded Podcast".

I would have never thought that Adam Carolla, of all Hollywood people, would be the one to deliver such a lambasting on the ‘Occupy’ movement?  This is about the "Millennials", the current generation of kids coming into their own realization of their future and what they have personally accomplished.

As Adam Carolla says, "It's fine that if you have grown up in this little snow globe of a life where everyone gets a "participation trophy" in life and there are no losers and everything is awesome."  But, he on rants in epic proportions on OccupyWall Street and the millennial kids of today as a generation spoiled with self-entitlements. This is what's on everyone's mind when it comes to the greedy slugs occupying the streets in city after city as they trashed each of them to the tune of millions of taxpayer dollars to clean up after these "protests".
Warning for graphic language (the edited version of this video is at the bottom of this post)
There's a lot of swearing in it, so put on the headphones if you want privacy. There is a CENSORED version - 80% bleeped -- it's well worth the time.


The video below is the sanitized version, which may suit some people's taste better.  But, to take in the full appreciation of the attitude and demeanor of the subject matter, uncut it lets one feel the intensity of what the majority of voters feel and express as they are fed up of being manipulated and used by politicians and their organizations.



VOTE 2012!  ~


Really Milking A Situation with A Lot of Jazz

I have to at least show what one guy does at milking time and what some really creative people do on their own is real music to your ears!



Seals tell of killing ‘Bert’ Laden - A Spell-Binder

 See The New Feature Movie:


~ "Obambo - Kill Mission" ~

  Voted "Best Swan Song" of 2012 Election Season!

                                                    Thrilling Action Scenes WA, DC Situation Room Personnel - OBL Kill Raid

Official Obama Storyteller

Director Kathryn Bigelow and screenwriter Mark Boal, who made 2008's Iraq war drama "The Hurt Locker", a very liberal biased film, are behind the planned picture of the risky May raid. The movie is scheduled for release on Oct. 12, 2012, less than a month before the general Presidential election - an October Surprise!

This Obama Film should be up for the "Best Picture in Fictional Film Documentaries" - No Doubt the First-Place Winner of the 2012 Year!



Published: 6 November 2011

Christina Lamb  - The Sunday Times, London

"Christina Lamb is not only a talented journalist but a writer capable of getting inside the soul of her subjects. ... Currently roving Foreign Affairs Correspondent for the Sunday Times, London she intimately knows Afghanistan having well over a decade in the region."  - Bio. Intro.

Upset by the official account, US Navy Seals commandos reveal the truth of a raid that killed Osama Bin Laden, nicknames & all.

Osama Bin Laden was killed within 90 seconds of the US Navy Seals landing in his compound and not after a protracted gun battle, according to the first account by the men who carried out the raid. The operation was so clinical that only 12 bullets were fired.

The Seals have spoken out because they were angered at the version given by politicians, which they see as portraying them as cold-blooded murderers on a “kill mission”. They were also shocked that President Barack Obama announced Bin Laden’s death on television the same evening, rendering useless much of the intelligence they had seized.

Chuck Pfarrer, a former commander of Seal Team 6, which conducted the operation, has interviewed many of those who took part for a book, Seal Target Geronimo, to be published in the US this week.

The Seals’ own accounts differ from the White House version, which gave the impression that Bin Laden was killed at the end of the operation rather than in its opening seconds. Pfarrer insists Bin Laden would have been captured had he surrendered.

“There isn’t a politician in the world who could resist trying to take credit for getting Bin Laden but it devalued the ‘intel’ and gave time for every other Al-Qaeda leader to scurry to another bolthole,” said Pfarrer. “The men who did this and their valorous act deserve better. It’s a pretty shabby way to treat these guys.”

The first hint of the mission came in January last year when the team’s commanding officer was called to a meeting at the headquarters of joint special operations command. The meeting was held in a soundproof bunker three storeys below ground with his boss, Admiral William McRaven, and a CIA officer.

They told him a walled compound in Pakistan had been under surveillance for a couple of weeks. They were certain a high-value individual was inside and needed a plan to present to the president.

It had to be someone important. “So is this Bert or Ernie?” he asked. The Seals’ nicknames for Bin Laden and his deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri are a reference to two Muppets in Sesame Street, one tall and thin and the other short and fat. “We have a voice print,” said the CIA officer, “and we’re 60% or 70% certain it’s our guy.” McRaven added that a reconnaissance satellite had measured the target’s shadow. “Over 6ft tall.”

When McRaven added they would use Ghost Hawk helicopters, the team leader had no doubt. “These are the most classified, sophisticated stealth helicopters ever developed,” said Pfarrer. “They are kept in locked hangars and fly so quiet we call it ‘whisper mode’.”

Over the next couple of months a plan was hatched. A mock-up of the compound was built at Tall Pines, an army facility in a national forest somewhere in the eastern US.

Four reconnaissance satellites were placed in orbit over the compound, sending back video and communications intercepts. A tall figure seen walking up and down was named “the Pacer”.

Obama gave the go-ahead and Seal Team 6, known as the Jedi, was deployed to Afghanistan. The White House cancelled plans to provide air cover using jet fighters, fearing this might endanger relations with Pakistan.

Sending in the Ghost Hawks without air cover was considered too risky so the Seals had to use older Stealth Hawks. A Prowler electronic warfare aircraft from the carrier USS Carl Vinson was used to jam Pakistan’s radar and create decoy targets.

Operation Neptune’s Spear was initially planned for April 30 but bad weather delayed it until May 1, a moonless night. The commandos flew on two Stealth Hawks, code named Razor 1 and 2, followed by two Chinooks five minutes behind, known as “Command Bird” and the “gun platform”. On board, each Seal was clad in body armour and night vision goggles and equipped with laser targets, radios and sawn-off M4 rifles. They were expecting up to 30 people in the main house, including Bin Laden and three of his wives, two sons, Khalid and Hamza, his courier, Abu Ahmed al- Kuwaiti, four bodyguards and a number of children. At 56 minutes past midnight the compound came into sight and the code “Palm Beach” signalled three minutes to landing.

Razor 1 hovered above the main house, a three-storey building where Bin Laden lived on the top floor. Twelve Seals abseiled the 5ft-6ft down onto the roof and then jumped to a third-floor patio, where they kicked in the windows and entered.

The first person the Seals encountered was a terrified woman, Bin Laden’s third wife, Khaira, who ran into the hall. Blinded by a searing white strobe light they shone at her, she stumbled back. A Seal grabbed her by the arm and threw her to the floor.

Bin Laden’s bedroom was along a short hall. The door opened; he popped out and then slammed the door shut. “Geronimo, Geronimo, Geronimo,” radioed one Seal, meaning “eyes on target”.

At the same time lights came on from the floor below and Bin Laden’s son Khalid came running up the stairs towards the Seals. He was shot dead.

Two Seals kicked in Bin Laden’s door. The room, they later recalled, “smelt like old clothing, like a guest bedroom in a grandmother’s house”. Inside was the Al-Qaeda leader and his youngest wife, Amal, who was screaming as he pushed her in front of him.

“No, no, don’t do this!” she shouted as her husband reached across the king-size bed for his AK-47 assault rifle. The Seals reacted instantly, firing in the same second. One round thudded into the mattress. The other, aimed at Bin Laden’s head, grazed Amal in the calf. As his hand reached for the gun, they each fired again: one shot hit his breastbone, the other his skull, killing him instantly and blowing out the back of his head.

Meanwhile Razor 2 was heading for the guesthouse, a low, shoebox-like building, where Bin Laden’s courier, Kuwaiti, and his brother lived.

As the helicopter neared, a door opened and two figures appeared, one waving an AK-47. This was Kuwaiti. In the moonless night he could see nothing and lifted his rifle, spraying bullets wildly.

He did not see the Stealth Hawk. On board someone shouted, “Bust him!”, and a sniper fired two shots. Kuwaiti was killed, as was the person behind him, who turned out to be his wife. Also on board were a CIA agent, a Pakistani- American who would act as interpreter, and a sniffer dog called Karo, wearing dog body armour and goggles.

Within two minutes the Seals from Razor 2 had cleared the guesthouse and removed the women and children.

They then ran to the main house and entered from the ground floor, checking the rooms. One of Bin Laden’s bodyguards was waiting with his AK-47. The Seals shot him twice and he toppled over.

Five minutes into the operation the command Chinook landed outside the compound, disgorging the commanding officer and more men. They blasted through the compound wall and rushed in.

The commander made his way to the third floor, where Bin Laden’s body lay on the floor face up. Photographs were taken, and the commander called on his satellite phone to headquarters with the words: “Geronimo Echo KIA” — Bin Laden enemy killed in action.

“This was the first time the White House knew he was dead and it was probably 20 minutes into the raid,” said Pfarrer.

A sample of Bin Laden’s DNA was taken and the body was bagged. They kept his rifle. It is now mounted on the wall of their team room at their headquarters in Virginia Beach, Virginia, alongside photographs of a dozen colleagues killed in action in the past 20 years.

At this point things started to go wrong. Razor 1 took off but the top secret “green unit” that controls the electronics failed. The aircraft went into a spin and crashed tail-first into the compound.

The Seals were alarmed, thinking it had been shot down, and several rushed to the wreckage. The crew climbed out, shaken but unharmed.

The commanding officer ordered them to destroy Razor 2, to remove the green unit, and to smash the avionics. They then laid explosive charges.

They loaded Bin Laden’s body onto the Chinook along with the cache of intelligence in plastic bin bags and headed toward the USS Carl Vinson. As they flew off they blew up Razor 2. The whole operation had taken 38 minutes.

The following morning White House officials announced that the helicopter had crashed as it arrived, forcing the Seals to abandon plans to enter from the roof. A photograph of the situation room showed a shocked Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state, with her hand to her mouth.

Why did they get it so wrong? What they were watching was live video but it was shot from 20,000ft by a drone circling overhead and relayed in real time to the White House and Leon Panetta, the CIA director, in Langley. The Seals were not wearing helmet cameras, and those watching in Washington had no idea what was happening inside the buildings.

“They don’t understand our terminology, so when someone said the ‘insertion helicopter’ has crashed, they assumed it meant on entry,” said Pfarrer.

What infuriated the Seals, according to Pfarrer, was the description of the raid as a "kill mission". “I’ve been a Seal for 30 years and I never heard the words ‘kill mission’,” he said. “It’s a Beltway [Washington insider’s] fantasy word. If it was a kill mission you don’t need Seal Team 6; you need a box of hand grenades.”


Obama Class War Backfired - "Occupy Wall Street" Protests

Meet Hippies, Potheads & Communists who want to “bring Capitalism down” at the "Occupy Wall Street" Protest

If nothing else, watch this video....        Run Time: 4:53

1960s Protesters Pins
So this must be what the 1960′s looked like. These hippies, potheads and Communists with their “Occupy Wall Street” protest thing are obviously the offspring of those same drugged out hippies from the 1960s ...NOT EVEN CLOSE!

Abbie Hoffman - Protester
I was a teenager and college student in Los Angeles, CA. during the 1960s while Mario Savio, a socialist activist, up at Sproul Hall in San Francisco at UC Berkley with Bettina Aptheker, a self-avowed Communist, were in the Student Free Speech Demonstrations which looked just like the #OCCUPYWALLSTREET protests. I remember seeing the war pacifist, Jane Fonda, at the College Campus demonstrations; drunken frat parties; Los Angeles Race RiotsPeace Symbol - June 1965; and assassinations of JFK - Nov 1963, MLK - April 1968 and RFK - June 1968. I went to Haight-Ashbury Street in San Francisco and the Hollywood Strip with their head shops, pot, LSD and sub-culture.  I had friends who went to the wild drugfest, love-in orgy at the 1969 Woodstock Festival starring Joan Baez, Richie Havens, Joe Cocker, Jimi Hendrix and many others. 

I also remember so many 1960s protesters who had causes and knew why they were protesting; i.e., Vietnam war, Civil rights, Women's rights, Ecology, etc.  But sadly, it is not evident today ...the "so-called protesters" are Clueless Dupes!

SEIU Trumpka
These protesters are backed by the
Teamsters (UBT) Hoffa
Service Employees International Union (SEIU), International Brotherhood of Teamsters Union (IBT) and Communist Party of America (CP/USA) who endorsed Obama for President and various left-wing groups with agendas, scripts,   and organizations. The young and impressionable, the ignorant and those naive about the world can join in, all you others go away! ...They are the pawns in Obama's "Class Warfare" claim that the masses are disgruntled and want his Progressive Liberal programs!  After all, he is running for an election ...again!

Here are just a couple of groups funding these protesters:
    AdBusters Event Poster
  • AdBusters -  A Canadian left-wing, anti-capitalistic Internet hacking group. AdBusters released a video communique that  endorsed #OCCUPYWALLSTREET. Using language from their first "Tactical Briefing", the video calls on protesters to adopt the nonviolent "Tahrir-acampadas" model, a plan to use the revolutionary Arab Spring-Spain tactic of mass occupation to restore democracy in America. On the 17th of September, it says, "flood into lower Manhattan, set up tents, kitchens, peaceful barricades and occupy Wall Street for a few months … Once there, we shall incessantly repeat one simple demand in a plurality of voices."
  • "Meanwhile S17 (Sept 17, 2011) is surging ahead internationally. Simultaneous occupations of financial districts are now being planned in New York City, Madrid, Milan, London, Paris and San Francisco. With a bit of luck, this list of participating cities will expand," more Twitter messages to follow. 
  • S17 support shows how to organize an open public camp and people's assembly so that people participate in different open groups (like the Group of facilitators and secretaries of the Assembly, Technical Support Group, Art Group, Internet Group e.t.c.) speaking about practical ways and methods offering ideas, sharing experiences, problematics and dangers to avoid for organizing Direct Democracy Public Camps and Assemblies all around the world - are these protests like the 1960s or professionally organized?

  • "If we can pull together just the right mix of nonviolence, tenacity and strategic smarts, S17 could be the beginning of the global revolution we've all been dreaming about for so long … wouldn't that be lovely?"
  •  The National Lawyer Guild - Dedicated to the need for basic change in the structure of our political and economic system, who seek to unite the lawyers, law students, legal workers and jailhouse lawyers of America, to function as an effective political and social force in the service of the people, to the end that human rights shall be regarded as more sacred than property interests. - An American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) sister Left-Wing organization?
George Soro
Guess who funded them? Why George Soros of course! ...What an amazing coincidence! 
What happened to all of those huge anti-war protests that went on in the Bush years after Obama got elected? - They disappeared!    Apparently two wars under Bush can really turn people out but six wars under Obama isn't worth getting off the couch? A lot of so called "progressive" and "activist left" organizations got pumped and dumped by the Obama politico apparatus after his 2008 Election. Again, they're just too psychologically invested, too blind to see the next Obama reincarnation of broken promises while he goads them into more debt. Obama's trendy word salad de jour now is "Class Warfare", which is exactly what I'm talking about, just another mask to hide Obama's assault on American values. 

Has any protester asked Obama about the influence of corporate money in the Obama Presidential Campaign war chest? ...Hmm  

Oh, Oh!'s time for more
Obama business bailouts!  
General Motors, Solyndra Solar Energy, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, all bloated and bankrupt Union Health & Pension funds for the United Auto Workers (UAW), Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Teachers, Firemen, Police and various Federal & State Union Government Workers.  
FYI: The Federal retirement programs now have a $5.7 trillion unfunded liability, compared with a $6.5 trillion shortfall for Social Security.
Source: "Federal Retirement Plans Almost as Costly as Social Security," USA Today, September 29, 2011.



VOTE 2012!  ~



Obama's Chicken Delight

There is a Difference in Chicken Dishes!

“I may not know much, but I know the difference between chicken shit and chicken salad.”

- President Lyndon B. Johnson

"Landslide" Lyndon Johnson - 1948

"Landslide Lyndon", as they called that ole Southern fried, bellicose, Texas Politician who brought more people back from the grave to cast their fraudulent ballots for him than were registered voters in 1948, his first Senatorial victory, and also during his long and storied career. Interestingly, as Johnson's own biographer, Robert Caro observed, "Johnson's ambition was uncommon—in the degree to which it was unencumbered by even the slightest excess weight of ideology, of philosophy, of principles, of beliefs."  Sound like anyone we know today??



Chicken Salad

President George W. Bush's speech after the capture of Saddam Hussein:


"The success of yesterday's mission is a tribute to our men and women now serving in Iraq . The operation was based on the superb work of intelligence analysts who found the dictator's footprints in a vast country. The operation was carried out with skill and precision by a brave fighting force. Our servicemen and women and our coalition allies have faced many dangers in the hunt for members of the fallen regime, and in their effort to bring hope and freedom to the Iraqi people. Their work continues, and so do the risks. Today, on behalf of the nation, I thank the members of our Armed Forces and I congratulate them!"

Chicken Shit 

President Obama's speech after the killing of Osama bin Laden:


"And so shortly after taking office, I directed Leon Panetta, the Director of the CIA, to make the killing or capture of bin Laden the top priority of our war against al Qaeda, even as we continued our broader efforts to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat his network. Then, last August, I was briefed on a possible lead to bin Laden. It was far from certain, and it took many months to run this thread to ground. I met repeatedly with my national security team as we developed more information about the possibility that we had located bin Laden hiding within a compound deep inside of Pakistan . And finally, last week, I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action, and I authorized an operation to get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice.Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad , Pakistan ."

Boy! ...Whew! For a few moments there I thought those pesky Navy Seal Team 6 guys would be mentioned along with all those other military dolts who support and take our Supreme Commander and Chief's masterful lead and experienced guidance in the aspects of all of their operations!!



  Action Figure Doll

A Connecticut company, Hero Builders, has released an Obama SEAL Team 6 “action” figure, “Rambama” — a grinning, muscular, custom Barack Obama figure dressed in camouflage fatigues and armed with an M1-A4. The doll closely resembles the real President Obama except that Obama is not muscular, not a military hero, not known for taking action, would most likely never be caught carrying a military weapon (or any weapon for that matter), and would assuredly never have successfully completed the rigorous Navy SEAL training. Other than that, it’s spot-on. The doll retails for $34.95.


Obama’s “heroics” surrounding the Osama bin Laden killing consisted of: cutting his golf game short on that Sunday to return to the White House to watch the true national heroes take down Osama bin Laden–only to have Obama’s White House concoct a whole cloth version of what happened that has changed numerous times. Obama’s heroics also consisted of taking hours to give the initial green light on the Navy SEAL mission–and only after sleeping on it. Yes, clearly, “action,” is Obama’s middle name.


VOTE 2012!  ~