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Mitt Romney Pie a la Mormon

Getting to Know Mitt Romney The Candidate Better

Trying to figure out in an election year what a candidate truly believes in is quite difficult while they are running for office.  Most politicians will then proclaim the values and beliefs their constituents want to hear and so the electorate actually cheats itself out of an honest debate since they are the voters too, the ones listening who can make or break a victory run for office.

So then, what can be examined?  The quick answers are their past performance in office, their voting record on  different issues.  But what if it's about a brand new candidate entering into politics or one that American as a piece of Mom's Apple Pie a la Mode is further vetted? That answer is not impossible, but is more difficult because public record must be supplanted by personal virtues and values that can be translated into political currency. To avoid ill-feelings, insulting remarks and uncomfortable situations, the age old socially correct axiom is no one discusses race, religion or politics. 

Whoa! Race, religion and politics? That is exactly what campaign fodder or meadow muffins are made of in order to sling it during a heated race!  So, with that thought in mind, I wish to offer a peek into a brief animated overview of a certainly secretive organization that will undoubtedly be brought up during this election season.

You can make up your own minds is a slice of American Pie a la Mormon!


   ~  REMEMBER... 

VOTE 2012!  ~


Tebow: “Shut The Fu*k Up” about Jesus!

On his radio talk show on December 15, 2011, Liberal radio pundit Bill Press, formerly with CNN. has a message for Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow: “S-T-F-U” about Jesus!

 Bill Press Liberal Talk Radio PunditPress also said, "Now, if you're one of the silly millions who still see nothing wrong with Tebow's in-your-face brand of religion, consider this: What if Tim Tebow were a devout Muslim who bowed to Mecca after every touchdown while shouting: "Allahu Akbar!" Somehow, I don't think we'd be celebrating him as a national hero." 

I think rather than addressing the point of Bill PMuslims bowing down on Prayer rugsress about whether Americans would be celebrating if Tebow was a devout Muslim, I think Bill Press should remember what had happened in the Netherlands about newspapermen like him who were defaming the Muslim religion. I am very sure “Shut The Fu*k Up” about Allah! as an editorial commentary expletive that Bill Press used would not have been taken very lightly by any devout Muslims kneeling on their prayer rugs. Bill  Press would be a dead man walking right now, read further on that point...

In fact, today In the Netherlands, where filmmaker Theo van Gogh was killed by a fundamentalist for his criticism of Islam, cartoonist Kurt Westergaard is the Danish artist who created the controversial cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad wearing a bomb in his turban: he uses a pseudonym to protect his own identity. It's over five years after the publication of the cartoons, Westergaard still needs the same level of security as the Danish prime minister.

Bill Press is very fortunate he lives under the American Flag with our guaranteed religious freedoms; and with that, mutual respect goes out for ALL religions.  Perhaps, it's time that he reads his own Bible:

Psalm 19:14: Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.”


Bill Press should definitely have his mouth washed out with a huge bar of Lava Laundry Soap!

 Bill Press hosts the syndicated "Bill Press Show" on radio.

 ~  REMEMBER... 

VOTE 2012!  ~


ObamaCare - Rainy Days Fund Being Hit Up

ObamaCare’s $1 trillion health care law has tapped into the social security “lock box”. This money has been used as a "rainy day fund" by legislators for years in Washington DC, notably used by Clinton to balance the federal budget at the end of his administration. Liberals always boast how Clinton "balanced the budget", they just don't mention how he shifted the social security assets over to swag the budget figures and not reducing the debt. As it accumulated in value, it has been tempting to use it in spite of pending future social security obligations looming within the immediate future. The Washington insider joke is that ObamaCare was already underfunded, requiring 10 years of taxes to pay for 6 years of benefits. At this rate, it may be broke after 6 months - Not to worry, $500 Billion Social Security Funds to the Rescue!

A History Lesson about Social Security Borrowing: The Social Security surpluses of the last decades were siphoned off to the Treasury Department and spent like a "rainy day savings" from a "personal piggy bank". The Treasury then deposits corresponding IOUs — called “special issue” bonds or "intragovernmental bonds" — into the Social Security trust fund. These supposedly have "real value" since these bogus Treasury bonds are "backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government" in the same way that all other U.S. Treasury bonds are regarded. Oh, Really?

If these trust fund bonds represent anything real, why is it that in "calculating national indebtedness" they are not even included?  The debt/GDP ratio counts only publicly held debt. This means bonds held by China, Saudi Arabia, you and me. The debt ratio completely ignores the kind of "intragovernmental bonds" that are the equivalent of publicly held bonds.  Hmmn...?  And so, that's how Clinton balanced his books!


Run Time: 0:34

'ObamaCare Ends Medicare As We Know It'


These unedited comments are from the Utube Page blog below this video.  These will give you a taste of what the Obama critics are spewing out on the Internet.  This is just the start for this election cycle.  It's going to get real nasty.  What do you think about these intelligent remarks?

1.  "Ryan mentioned about $500 billion will be taken away from medicare to fund the obamacare and Dems call foul balls, but it's game, set, match!medicare under Democrat plan will be rationed. Is that true? 

No. What Ryan doesn't say is that although Medicare funding will be reduced, the benefits won't be. The bill includes provisions to reduce fraud and waste which is rampant in the system, and the savings there will more than offset the reduction in funding. The "rationing" is a flat-out lie. And, no I'm not a senior."  My comment: Reducing "fraud and waste" is not going to happen EVER!

2.  "Another Lying Pig Bastard from the GOP, These Fucks would not know the truth if Jesus Christ was face to face with them,these filthy Lying Rat Bastards, Paul Ryan you ain't shit PUNK!!!!"

3.  "Making people feel guilty about collecting benefits from a program they've paid into for years is not a smart strategy for winning elections, Ryan. Even Fox News viewers must be starting to get the picture as to how this will affect them."

4.  "The Republican plan ends the "Middle Class" as we know it. It will descend and merge with the "Lower Class"."

5.  "I Smoke a ton of crack and what Ryan says is true!"

6.  "Wow. They can’t even lie well anymore.  Sort of like how Republicans can’t even pretend to care about the middle-class in this country anymore.   VOTE DEMOCRAT 2012"



VOTE 2012!  ~


Obama's Laughter Curve vs. Reagan's Laffer Curve

In economics, the Laughter Curve and demand-side economics inspired ObamanomObama Funny Laughter Curveics. The Laughter Curve (really a joke) is Keynesian in theory, (not from Kenya) which believes that getting an economy out of a rut requires stimulating demand by more government spending or consumer spending by cutting middleclass taxes and raising it on the job creators who are risk takers. So, it's easy to be a demand sider which is a very populist or middleclass position.

Fisker Karma - MSP $96,895.00 The central government program picks and chooses winners and losers which makes it impossible to tell where politics end and where policy starts. Obama has made “green jobs” a showcase of his recovery plan, vowing to foster new jobs, new technologies and more competitive American industries, ie. "Green Jobs" like $535 Million Loan - Solyndra Energy solar panels went bankrupt and  $529 Million Loan -  Fiskar Automotive Karma luxury electric cars are too pricy at $96,895 each.  These so called "Green Jobs" lack the green profit (money) to be worth it. It's hilarious that the Obama administration assumed a 5-10 percent failure rate, multiply the low end by ten and that may be your failure rate within the next two years. The truth is that the market for petroleum based products still beats solar and wind sales even after "Green incentives". The Laughter Curve joke is on the American people and its NOT funny!

In economics, Art Laffer's Curve and supply-side economics inspired Reaganomics. The Laffer Curve is a theoretical representation of the relationship between government revenue raised by taxation and all possible rates of taxation. It is used to illustrate the concept that taxable income will change in response to changes in the rate of taxation.  A high tax rate will generate less revenue because at such a rate there is no longer any incentive for a rational taxpayer to earn any income and therefore tax revenues decrease. 

Reaganomics History

The 1984 election pitted two visions of America against each other. One vision, the Ronald Reagan and Jefferson vision, was that government is the best that governs least while the Walter Mondale and Democrat vision was that government is the best that governs the best, i.e. more and better government. The American people rejected the Mondale vision en mass. It was rejected by conservatives, no matter their political affiliation. It was the so called working class voting for a better America without government intrusion. We now had a defined ideology in America — conservatism vs. progressive liberalism. Conservatives believe that the individual is better qualified to make decisions regarding his life and government’s role is to insure his rights and provide for national security. The progressive liberals believe it is government’s role to act in the public good and provide for those who have not, through their choices, been able to advance themselves and achieve the blessings offered under the Constitution and Bill of Rights.



VOTE 2012!  ~


Obama & Corzine - How Gay is That?

A hilarious 1997 movie, In and Out, stars Kevin Klein as a gay teacher who is to be wed and backs out of it. The comedienne Joan Cusack plays the jilted bride who goes to a local bar to drown her sorrows and meets Tom Sellick, her former fiancés' closet gay lover. Unaware of Tom Sellick's sexual preference, Joan makes a pass at Tom and he says that he is gay. Joan then jumps up from the bar stool and runs out of the bar screaming! Now, you are probably asking, "What does this have to do with anything? Well, everyone in the movie knows what the issue is and only Joan screams it out loud and clear  ...It is about the OBVIOUS!


So, everyone is reporting on this horrible $1.2 Billion "lost investor funds" fraud debacle about Jon Corzine and NO ONE is screaming out about what is so OBVIOUS!  Is this another big Obama "Chicago Politics" and Corzine "Jersey Shores" style deal or what? NOTICE the "calendar order of events and market timing" ...Now read on.

Jon Corzine is former Democrat New Jersey Governor, Obama Presidential Campaign $500 Thousand donation moMF Global Holdings, Ltd.ney bundler and CEO of MF Global Holdings, Ltd. Under his direction before Summer, 2011 MF Global Holdings, Ltd. accumulated $6.3 Billion of short-term debt issued by European nations, mostly from Italy.  In the days leading up to MF Global's collapse and subsequent bankruptcy filing on October 31, $1.5 Billion of this European debt was sold with $4.8 Billion remaining.

Earlier in this year George Soros moved a chunk of Soros Fund Management holdings into safe, liquid investments.  Ironically, Soros, because of his move, later had the ability then to write a $2 Billion President Obama & Jon Corzinecheck for below the market price on MF Global Bonds at the time involving J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. Since then, Timothy Geithner and Barack Obama have been diligently working hard to bolster up the European nations with the IMF Fund and other taxpayer funding options that has greatly improved the holdings and into the near future.

Could Soros Fund Management possibly take any "unexpected capture" of profits in the not so distant future? Well, "people close to the matter" said the $26 Billion Soros Fund Management  "may have profited" during the subsequent five weeks since the financial market has improved for the Italians and other European nations. 

Will Soros Fund Management sell off these MF Global bonds before another, but much deeper fall and long lasting European market collapse happens? Do you think there is any questionable insider trading ahead?  Hmmn...  It is so OBVIOUS!



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